Commercial Garage Doors La Habra, CA - 90631 We pride ourselves in offering high-quality products as well as service. We know garage doors, and we are ready to help you find the best door for your business. If you’re in the market for a commercial garage door, look no further than Affordable Quality Garage Doors Inc. Contact us today and be on your way to a brand new garage door.
When it comes to getting a return on your investment, garage doors are right up there among the top home improvement projects, and research has shown that a clean, modern and well-maintained garage door can add up to 4% onto the value of a home. So, knowing when you garage doors are in need of repair, and when they might need to be replaced, is important, especially if you might be selling your home soon.
Burglaries occur so often in the U.S. that keeping your home safe and secure, is probably a priority right now. However, many homeowners neglect the security of their garage, leaving their home vulnerable to intruders and burglars. This is especially worrisome if there is a connecting door from the garage into the home, or if expensive items are stored within the garage.
Garage door replacement is not something that your average homeowner will undertake lightly; it’s a big decision and of course, it doesn’t come for free. However, when you consider the importance of a garage door that functions correctly and helps to keep not only your garage, but your entire home safe, then having a new, modern one installed becomes a much simpler decision to make.
Garage doors are an integral part of any home and having them function correctly is vital if you’re to be able to access your garage as and when you need to. While you may simply press a button for your garage door to open and close effortlessly, there are in fact, many cogs and tension springs involved in the process, and if these malfunction or break, getting them fixed quickly can be a hassle. Getting your garage door serviced regularly is a great and more affordable way of preserving it and helping to ensure that it continues to function as it should.
Garage doors are often used on a regular basis, yet only when they go wrong or begin not to perform as well as they should, do we tend to take any notice of them. However, with regular maintenance (some of which you can do yourself, some of which will require help from a garage door technician), you could help your garage door live far longer and perform far better. In fact, with regular, professional maintenance, a garage door can last for as long as 20 years, if not longer depending on the frequency of use.
A garage door should never be an afterthought, and aside from complementing your home, it can add significant value to it. Choosing the right style and design of garage door is as important as choosing the right style and design of windows, doors and even the roof of your home, and below are some considerations to make when trying to match your garage door to your home:
For many American households, garages are an essential element of their home, and whether they’re used for storing vehicles in or as a workshop or even a gym, the garage door gets a lot of daily use. With this in mind, it’s important to regularly maintain it so that it continues to perform its function; after all, there’s nothing more irritating or inconvenient than a garage you can’t get into. Not only that, but garage doors are large and heavy, and if they malfunction due to a lack of regular servicing and maintenance, they can cause serious harm to you, anyone else using it, and even your pets.
All too often, garage doors are left without enough security measures, leaving them, and sometimes the home they’re attached to, poorly protected. A garage door that hasn’t been burglar-proofed could easily be taken advantage of by opportunistic thieves, or indeed a criminal who has been monitoring your home for that very reason. Fortunately, there are ways to make your garage door less vulnerable to thieves and intruders, and with the help of a licensed locksmith, you can make it secure and safe relatively easily:
If a garage door is not insulated properly it can cause huge lose of money.Make sure that garage door is insulated properly,as you know the importance of keeping the air.Learn the details about insulating garage door at
Winter and its’ long, cold months can take a toll on many areas of the average home, and garage doors are no different. To keep your garage door functioning well over the winter season, it’s recommended to have a garage door specialist or technician, carry out a service to check for any potential problems, prevent them from occurring, and fix any existing issues before the harsh weather sets in. However, there are a few tips you can also follow yourself to keep your garage door in tip top condition in time for winter:
Nowadays, homeowners are spoilt for choice when it comes to garage doors, and knowing what type of door would best suit your home, can feel a bit overwhelming. However, if you’re looking to replace your existing garage door, or have one added to your newly constructed home, the following guidance cold help you make an informed decision:
As a well known weak spot for many homes, garages can be exploited by criminals if they’re not secured well enough, but by following the advice and guidance below, you can make it tougher for criminals to infiltrate your garage, and help protect both it, and your home:
An essential part of many U.S. homes, the garage provides an extra layer of security, and can be used for storage, or as an additional room. While garage doors have become sturdier and more efficient over the years, they still require services every now and then, and repairs are not unusual, particularly if the door is opened and closed frequently.
Some garage doors get as much use as our main entranceways, especially if access to the home can be gained through them, or vehicles are coming in and out throughout the day, and as such, their condition should be regularly monitored to make sure they continue to perform as they should.
Having your garage door replaced is no small undertaking, and the decision to do so is one that most homeowners make only after a long period of consideration. During that period of consideration, a homeowner may think about several different factors, most of which are covered in the questions below, in our brief but comprehensive guide to choosing the right garage door replacement:
Nobody wants the expense and hassle of repairing their garage door if it isn’t necessary, but sometimes it’s not always easy to tell which problems should be repaired quickly, which ones are not serious, and which problems may require a full garage door replacement.
Many homes have been improved by the addition of glass patio doors, whether sliding or otherwise, thanks to the extra light they allow in, and the fact that they typically open out onto a deck or other such attractive outdoor space. That said, if they’re not secured properly, they can make your home vulnerable to thieves and intruders. Check out some of the following methods for securing your patio doors and keeping your home safe:
While some homeowners don’t consider their garage door to be a vital element of their home, the role that it plays is actually a significant one, and the condition and style of a door can have a huge impact on the overall look of a home.
While some homeowners don’t consider their garage door to be a vital element of their home, the role that it plays is actually a significant one, and the condition and style of a door can have a huge impact on the overall look of a home.
While you might think only of calling your local locksmith when you need your locks changed, or have misplaced your keys and need to get into your home, they can actually help with a variety of other security issues, from car key replacement to garage door repairs.
There can be no disputing the fact that garage doors have improved in leaps and bounds over the decades, and they are now more attractive, robust and secure than ever before. With a wide range of styles, colours and materials to choose from, selecting a new garage door that will compliment your home while keeping you safe, has never been more exciting, and many homeowners are opting to upgrade their garage doors.
Garages that are used frequently, or which are exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, may need to have their door locks replaced. The same applies if you’ve recently given garage access to someone whom you no longer want to be able to access it. If your garage door lock is damaged, faulty, rusted out, or you simply want to change the lock, you should have it replaced sooner, rather than later.
While problems with your garage door opener aren’t always complicated, they are always frustrating, and if you use your garage frequently, you’re going to want the problem fixed, pronto.
Even if your garage door appears to be performing as it should, it’s always sensible to have it serviced by a garage door specialist at least once a year to check for any issues that may be developing, or that you haven’t yet noticed. Doing so can help prolong the overall lifespan of your garage door, and minimize costly repairs.
Available in a wide variety of materials, the following 4 are the most popular garage door materials in use throughout the U.S. today: steel, wood, fiberglass and aluminum. While each one has a different appearance, they all have different properties, too, and to help you decide which type of material your new garage door should be made from, here is a quick guide:
It’s never a good idea to delay getting your garage door repaired, and even if you’re not sure what the problem is (or even if there is a problem), it pays to have it inspected by a professional to prevent the problem from worsening.
Isn’t technology an amazing thing? We can do so many more things today than we probably ever dreamed were possible several decades ago, and advances in technology are continually helping to make our lives simpler and more efficient.
If your garage door is of a good quality and was installed by a professional garage door technician, then it should last for at least 15 years, and could even continue to perform well for as long as 30 years. But that doesn’t mean that some repairs might not be needed during its lifespan – and before it’s ready to be replaced – such as to the springs on the door.
While having a modern and professionally installed garage door will go a long way towards helping increase the value of your home, there are some accessories that can do the same, too.
If your garage door is of a good quality and was installed by a professional garage door technician, then it should last for at least 15 years, and could even continue to perform well for as long as 30 years. But that doesn’t mean that some repairs might not be needed during its lifespan – and before it’s ready to be replaced – such as to the springs on the door.
Even if you have a home security system that monitors your garage, thieves and crooks, intent on gaining access to your garage and what lies inside it, will find ingenious ways to surpass it when your guard may be down. However, there are a few simple ways to help beef up your garage door security and keep undesirables away:
Sliding doors are a fantastic addition to any modern home, but they can make your home vulnerable to intruders. Here are some ways to ensure that your sliding doors are secure:
There are several things to take into account when shopping for a new residential garage door, and the following 4 features are perhaps the most essential of them all:
Getting your garage door repaired isn’t something to be taken lightly, and while you certainly shouldn’t attempt to fix any problems yourself, you should carefully consider who you hire to carry out the repairs. It may be that you choose the same company who installed your garage door, but whoever you choose, they must be capable of carrying out the repairs efficiently and professionally.
While a new garage door will add an updated, modern look to your home, it would be incomplete without the right garage door opener; an important element of any garage that shouldn’t be overlooked. If you’ve never had a garage door opener before, or would simply to understand a little more about them, the following guidance should give you everything you need:
Whether for aesthetic purposes, functionality, or both, your garage door is an important element of your home, and when it goes wrong, it can be a huge inconvenience, not to mention an expense that most homeowners could do without. Having your garage door regularly serviced by a professional can minimize the risk of having to pay out large amounts in repairs, or being forced to replace your door, but sometimes wear and tear is inevitable and cannot be prevented.
While making sure that your home is secure, don’t forget about your garage; whether you have items of value stored inside, or access to your home can be gained from inside it, burglars love garages and often target them when they’re prowling neighborhoods.
Spring is a wonderful time of the year in so many ways and for so many reasons, and is considered by many to be the ideal season for making home renovations, upgrades and repairs. Synonymous with cleaning and decluttering, spring inspires many of us to venture into areas of our homes that don’t get cleaned and tidied quite as often as perhaps they should; the garage being one such place.
While there may be many renovations, repairs and upgrades that could help you sell your home, choosing which one to spend your money on may rest upon which one is most likely to give you a higher return on your investment.
Garages can be so much more than just cold, dreary spaces for storing all that stuff you should have gotten rid of years ago, and if you want to turn your garage into a more livable space, it’s absolutely doable with these simple tips:
Regularly maintaining your new garage door will help you to prevent problems from occurring such as the rollers becoming worn, the springs being damaged or the hardware malfunctioning. Keep on top of these problems and your call outs to a professional garage repairman should be less frequent. Alternatively, you could monitor the health of your garage door to the best of your ability after it’s fitted, and then schedule regular, 6 monthly assessments from a professional.
While it’s true that garage door openers can last many years if treated properly, it’s important to replace them if they show any signs of breaking down, or if they are more than 10 years old. Here are 7 reasons why you should consider replacing your garage door opener:
A garage door can make a real statement about a home, and whether you’re intending to reside in your home for the foreseeable future, or are looking to sell it, it pays to keep your garage door in good condition. A garage door that looks tired and unkempt will not give a good impression of the rest of a home, and a broken garage door can be extremely hazardous.
Cognitive dissonance occurs ... Individual seeks to eliminate dissonance ... If individual chooses to live with cognitive dissonance and continue to learn ...
Amid all the excitement (and occasional chaos!) that typically occurs in the weeks and days leading up to a vacation, it can be easy to forget about what you’re leaving behind: your home and your treasured possessions. Burglaries and trespassing may be a long way from your thoughts, but in truth, your home is at its most vulnerable when it’s empty.
With so many more Americans working from home nowadays – whether through choice or due to circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic – keeping your workspace and your home safe from harm, has never been more important.
If you live in Florida, you may already be aware that as a state, it has a fluctuating crime rate, and as with many other states, whether you fall victim to a crime like burglary, can depend a lot on which area of the state you live in. Residents of Florida generally view the northeast part of the state to be the safest in terms of property crime, with the chance of being a victim of this type of crime as low as 1 in 102. In the north neighborhoods, however, those odds are raised to 1 in 23.
Securing your home, and everything and everyone in it, is of the utmost importance to most homeowners, and while there are many ways to do this, some methods are less effective than others.
Forget going on a diet, or starting a new fitness regime as we enter 2022, what should instead be at the forefront of your mind, is home security. What use are diets and a gym pass if you’ve been burgled and all your precious belongings have been stolen, along with that wad of cash you were going to use to pay for your gym membership!
Moving into a new home can be an exciting time, but it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement, and forget about keeping you, your family and your new home, safe.
Shockingly, a home burglary happens as often as every 26 seconds in the U.S. today, amounting to a jaw dropping 3,500 burglaries every single day! With this in mind, it’s important to make sure that your home doesn’t fall prey to burglars, by following the 5 steps below:
You should of course, feel safe in your own home, but there are many factors that can make you feel anything but safe, and while some of these may be out of your control (such as the neighborhood you live in, if you can’t afford to move elsewhere), there are others that, with a licensed locksmith’s help, you can do something about:
You should of course, feel safe in your own home, but there are many factors that can make you feel anything but safe, and while some of these may be out of your control (such as the neighborhood you live in, if you can’t afford to move elsewhere), there are others that, with a licensed locksmith’s help, you can do something about:
While older homes have an appealing charm about them, they often have a number of potential security issues that can be troublesome to homeowners. That said, there’s no reason why you can’t make an older home safe and secure, it just might take a little more effort, and seeking professional help from a licensed locksmith can be immensely helpful.
Garage doors might not be something that you purchase very often in your lifetime, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put a lot of thought and consideration into it when you do need to buy them. However, you may not be quite sure where to start when choosing new garage doors, so here is some advice and guidance to try and make the task a little simpler: