GlobalCompliancePanel is a training source that delivers diverse, high quality regulatory & compliance trainings. These trainings are simple while being relevant and cost-effective while being convenient. GlobalCompliancePanel imparts knowledge of best practices across a broad range of user-friendly mediums such as webinars, seminars, conferences and tailored, individualized consulting. These help organizations and professionals implement compliance programs that meet regulatory demands and put business processes in place.
GlobalCompliancePanel is an online knowledge fulfillment community portal. We are providing compliance training in various industries by expert speakers
GlobalCompliancePanel is a training source that delivers diverse, high quality regulatory & compliance trainings. These trainings are simple while being relevant and cost-effective while being convenient. GlobalCompliancePanel imparts knowledge of best practices across a broad range of user-friendly mediums such as webinars, seminars, conferences and tailored, individualized consulting. These help organizations and professionals implement compliance programs that meet regulatory demands and put business processes in place.
We will be discussing some of the changes taking place in Washington with the Health and Human Services in regards to the enforcement of the HIPAA laws already on the books and also touching on some of the risks for business associates.
GlobalCompliancePanel is an online knowledge fulfillment community portal. We are providing compliance training in various industries by expert speakers.
The seminar will be presented in four main topics to review: managing the workplace, conducting food safety maintenance activities, compliance with regulations, and integrating food safety in the business strategy.
his seminar provides attendees with a broad and in-depth understanding of the workings and interactions of the operational components of the U.S. Air Traffic Control (ATC) system. Topics range from fundamental ATC procedures, principles, and constructs, to the unique operational objectives and situations facing air traffic controllers in Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCTs), Terminal Radar Approach Controls (TRACONs), Air Route Traffic Control Centers ARTCCs), and the national traffic flow management facility (ATCSCC).
This seminar is based on a comprehensive and thorough model providing the participants with a solid ERM knowledge base, the methodology and the tools required to understand, implement and maintain a complete ERM program.
Regulatory compliance professionals, stop worrying about the lack of relevance of your professional trainings in future. GlobalCompliancePanel, through its new feature, its on-site trainings, offers a perfect solution to those of you who feel that suitability of their professional trainings is a little off the mark. The hallmark of GlobalCompliancePanel’s on-site training is that it gives regulatory compliance professionals the freedom to choose courses that they think are best suited to augment their understanding of the precise area of their profession
Supplier selection and management is one of the critical issues for medical device manufacturers. Suppliers provide materials and services to the device manufacturer, which means that they can be critical to performance and delivery of your device.
The 2-day seminar begins with an examination of ISO and FDA regulations and guidelines regarding the use of statistics. Basic vocabulary and concepts are then reviewed and discussed. The flow of subsequent topics over the 2 days is as follows: How to calculate confidence intervals (for proportions and for measurements), including a discussion of how to choose sample size How to perform an interpret t-Tests, including consideration of "significance", "p-values", "power" and sample-size considerations
Prior to developing a process control plan as part of an overall risk management strategy, process development studies must be completed. The objective of these process development studies is to gain knowledge and understanding about how variation in process parameters explains variation in the product quality characteristics of the product.
GlobalCompliancePanel, the flagship brand of NetZealous LLC, a well-known provider of professional trainings in the regulatory compliance, human resources, healthcare and IT areas, offers on-site trainings on a number of areas relating to regulatory compliance.
QMS is the catch phrase for accreditation and is the backbone of ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005. The Quality System Manual (QSM) is the bible in a QMS environment because, much like its predecessor, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), it contains the policies that the laboratory is expected to follow to achieve quality results.
The changing game for drug and device marketing, however, is governed by antiquated and inadequate rules created for traditional print and broadcast advertising by the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"). How the FDA will deal with such advanced communication technology that can go "viral" and just as quickly disappear is the question that the industry is eager to have answered.
This seminar presents all the requirements to obtain FDA permission to market a Drug product in the USA. To find out the fastest and most cost-efficient way onto the USA marketplace this seminar is a must. This seminar introduces FDA and its laws, regulations, policies and guidelines.
GlobalCompliancePanel is an online knowledge fulfillment community portal. We are providing compliance training in various industries by expert speakers
This seminar presents all the requirements to obtain FDA permission to market a Drug product in the USA. To find out the fastest and most cost-efficient way onto the USA marketplace this seminar is a must.
Professional trainings come with their own set of distinct advantages. When they are offered in the form of in person, live conferences; they get the Expert to come down to a fixed venue and get to learn from the expert. However, this medium does not address all the problems that professionals usually have
GlobalCompliancePanel is a training source that delivers diverse, high quality regulatory & compliance trainings. These trainings are simple while being relevant and cost-effective while being convenient. GlobalCompliancePanel imparts knowledge of best practices across a broad range of user-friendly mediums such as webinars, seminars, conferences and tailored, individualized consulting. These help organizations and professionals implement compliance programs that meet regulatory demands and put business processes in place.
NetZealous LLC trademarks are registered under respective trademark protection agencies with the appropriate descriptions. NetZealous LLC is a trademark Registered under class 41.
Time was when, centuries ago, the idea of getting trained in a profession or trade was by going and staying with the guru for years in his or her abode. This was the forerunner to the concept of a residential school. The teacher used to be present right at the student’s access, and everything that needed to be taught was drilled down very stringently. Education was associated with complete dedication and discipline.
Regulatory compliance is a vital requirement in several industries. Its importance in the life sciences is all the more pronounced, given the importance of human lives, with which the life sciences deal. Regulatory compliance is the act of being in accordance with set standards and specifications of the products or services that come from an industry. Regulatory guidelines and requirements are set out by regulatory bodies in respective industries. These regulations are arrived at after painstaking research.
Computer Systems Validation (CSV) also known as Software Validation is all-pervasive in the Life Sciences Industry. It is a requirement of all the predicate rules, as well as 21 CFR 11 and Annex 11. However, unless one knows how to implement CSV, it is often very hard to detect the requirement for CSV, and very hard to determine what needs to be done, to meet domestic and / or international regulations or business continuity requirements. In addition, the FDA has stepped up 21 CFR 11 inspections that include CSV.
Onsite trainings are a very effective and useful method of imparting expert knowledge for organizations. Although other modes of trainings, such as webinars, in person, live seminars and in-house trainings are significant; onsite trainings offer a new perspective, since they bring many advantages.
NetZealous LLC is the proud owner of five illustrious brands that shape the destiny of professionals around the world with its highly valued professional trainings.
This is a highly commendable feature of onsite trainings and is available with no other mode of training. If the participant decides the curriculum, what could be more focused, relevant and effective?
In order to enroll for onsite trainings, originations need to take a few simple steps. The whole concept of onsite trainings is that they are designed to offer complete freedom and convenience to the participating organization in a number of ways.
Professional trainings are the lifeblood of those who want to progress in their careers. It is the surest and most important ladder to professional growth. North America, of which the US makes up a major part, is believed to be the world’s largest market for professional trainings. The North American market for professional trainings for 2015 was estimated at about $ 160 billion, which means it makes up close to half the world’s market, which is put at $ 355 billion. The global market for professional trainings grew by over ten percent over the previous year, the highest growth rate in five years.
In any organization, continuing professional education is a very high need. In any industry, the adage, “change is the only constant” rings true. Each and every line of business or human activity is prone to change, something no organization can stay exempt or isolated from. The more an organization is open to accepting change; the more it is likely to stay ahead of the race. The opposite is equally true. The more the competition, the greater should be the urge to accept change for the simple reason that if you don’t accept change, your competition will do so more quickly than you!
This is the wired world, the world in which information travels at the speed of light. Where we were in terms of communication speed about a quarter of a century ago? Can anyone in this generation imagine handwritten letters leaving a country in South Asia and reaching the US about a fortnight later? If this kind of speed at which communication was traveling in such recent times is laughable today, the credit for it should go to the advancement of information technology.