The use of efficient T&D technologies offers tremendous benefits for Consumers, Utilities, the States, and our Environment. Establishing T&D Efficiency Standards can help ensure that project approvals consider overall project benefits and help us reach our sustainability goals -
The ACCC® ULS Conductor offers greater strength, a lower coefficient of thermal expansion, and higher modulus of elasticity than the standard ACCC Conductor core. Learn how these factors can lead to improved grid performance -
CTC Global’s technical team continue to raise the performance bar to provide its customers with the most advanced and cost-effective overhead conductor solutions available. To learn more, please visit -
The added strength of ACCC® AZR Conductor offers nearly the same efficiency, but far greater overall strength which mitigates conductor sag under heavy wind or ice loads, or very long spans. To learn more -
ACCC® Conductor Update from CTC Global Corporation - November 2021. Have a look at how CTC Global is improving the Efficiency, Capacity, Reliability, and Resilience of the Electric Power Grid with ACCC® Conductor -
CTC Global has been improving the efficiency, capacity, reliability, and resilience of the world's electric power grid since 2005 with the introduction of ACCC® Conductor. Have a look at why ACCC® Conductor is used extensively in cold climates
ACCC® Conductor offers the ability to improve the efficiency, capacity, reliability, and resilience of the electric power grid, worldwide, while saving time, money, and the environment. To learn more, please visit -
When it comes to the transmission and distribution industry, why not look at the most advanced conductor on the market to power us into the future? Know how ACCC® Conductor is helping reduce line losses and for service details, visit
As the electric infrastructure becomes increasingly complex and our economic challenges progressively demanding, accurately assessing the benefits of transmission investment is becoming extremely important. Learn why and how
CTC Global’s ACCC conductor is cost-effectively helping improve grid efficiency and learn why it may be one of the least expensive means of reducing CO2 and other GHG emissions