Inle Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Shan Hills in Myanmar (Burma). It is the second largest lake in Myanmar with an estimated surface area of 44.9 square miles (116 km2), and one of the highest at an altitude of 2,900 feet (880 m). During the dry season, the average water depth is 7 feet (2.1 m), with the deepest point being 12 feet (3.7 m), but during the rainy season this can increase by 5 feet (1.5 m).
Nga Hpe Kyaung (Jumping Cat Monastery) is a wooden monastery, which was built on stilts on Inle Lake, Myanmar just north of Ywama. The monastery was famous for its cats, which were trained by the monks to jump through small hoops. A rather impressive collection of Buddha statues, some very old indeed, and representing a wide variety of different styles. Most, but not all, are quite small statues albeit usually displayed on lovely carved wooden (mainly) pedestals. Just as impressive as the Buddhas themselves are the tall, highly ornate, wood-and-mosaic pedestals and cases built for the images. Such pedestals are the specialties of Shan and Northern Thai Buddhist art and those at the monastery are over 100 years old.
Shopping is an entirely different experience at Inle Lake and because it is a rural area, Inle Lake does not have malls, shopping centres or supermarkets. The Inthar people that live on the lake get what they need from floating markets present in every village. The sellers carry all their merchandise on boats and conduct sales from there. With so many people on boats hawking their wares, there are times when the canals of the lake experience heavy traffic. Shopping at Inle Lake is also dependent on the five-day rotating markets. For tourists, the experience can be tricky since the market does not have a specific schedule and venue. The market is open every five days, and its location constantly changes. For market days, the tribe people from the hills come down to sell their goods. For those looking for a particular product, the shopping can be done in the village in which the product is made.
Inle Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Shan Hills in Myanmar (Burma). It is the second largest lake in Myanmar with an estimated surface area of 44.9 square miles (116 km2), and one of the highest at an altitude of 2,900 feet (880 m). During the dry season, the average water depth is 7 feet (2.1 m), with the deepest point being 12 feet (3.7 m), but during the rainy season this can increase by 5 feet (1.5 m).
Hpaung Daw U Pagoda (also spelt Hpaung Daw Oo or Phaung Daw Oo) is a notable Buddhist site located on the Inle Lake in Shan State. The pagoda houses five small gilded images of Buddha, which have been covered in gold leaf to the point that their original forms cannot be seen.
The Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery, just outside Nyaung Shwe, is a fascinating wooden monastery built in the early 19th Century. It is a very interesting red painted teak wood building with oval windows. Inle Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Shan Hills in Myanmar (Burma). It is the second largest lake in Myanmar with an estimated surface area of 44.9 square miles (116 km2)
Inle Lake is found in the Shan State in a valley surrounded by lush green mountains. The lake is freshwater and is home to around 70,000 people who mostly survive through fishing and farming. The quaint village of Indein on the western side of the lake is accessed by a winding river that is too shallow to use late in the dry season. Nyaung Oak (Under the shade of Banyan trees) Monastery has a nice, old moldering complex of shrines and stupa at the bottom of the hill. At the top is Shwe Indein reached by a long stairway with over 400 wooden columns. From the hillside there are great views across the lake to the hill in the east.
Padaung (Yan Pa Doung) is a Shan term for the Kayan Lahwi (the group whose women wear the brass neck coils). The Kayan resident in Mae Hong Son Province in Northern Thailand refer to themselves as Kayan and object to being called Padaung. Inle Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Shan Hills in Myanmar (Burma). It is the second largest lake in Myanmar with an estimated surface area of 44.9 square miles (116 km2), and one of the highest at an altitude of 2,900 feet (880 m). During the dry season, the average water depth is 7 feet (2.1 m), with the deepest point being 12 feet (3.7 m), but during the rainy season this can increase by 5 feet (1.5 m).
In the early days, 'UNIX' and 'security' were a contradiction in terms ... sometimes necessary, but can create gaping security holes (remember, root can do ...
The Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery, just outside Nyaung Shwe, is a fascinating wooden monastery built in the early 19th Century. It is a very interesting red painted teak wood building with oval windows. Near Shwe Yan Pyay monastery is a white stupa with thousands of niches
In 1971, some hippies discovered the possibility of making free calls. A faction of the hippie movement, known as 'yippies' , started a magazine called ...
Boot your machine from the CD. Self-installs during the boot process ... Ethereal (wireshark) network sniffer. Nessus vulnerability scanner (and others ...
Read Web Design in a Nutshell. Chapter 15 (pp. 253-279), Forms & CGI ... Frames carve up the page horizontally, vertically, or both (can also be nested) ...
From applying a theme, to adding pictures with shadows, we used numerous ... Synopsis. We learned more about formatting text documents than ever imagined. ...
Use email signup for Inls102-1 list. Get SSH at ... Specific internal process widget on origin system. Specific internal service widget on destination system ...
No more projects (one more quiz) No presentation today. Any questions about material so ... Can change later, using Design View. 8. Using AutoForm. Choose a Table ...
'the totality of human behavior in relation to sources and channels of ... as in, for example, watching TV advertisements, without any intention to act on ...
Failed diffusion: Dvorak keyboard. INLS 180 Human Information Interactions ... Dvorak keyboard as an innovation. Characteristics and effect on diffusion? ...
INLS 180 Human Information Interactions. INLS 180 Human Information Interactions ... Online chat groups and message boards. Neighborhood 'block parties' ...
On Isis: /afs/isis/pkg/isis/bin/protect. Web editors (Spring '05 INLS 50) ... Worm gathers data from your computer like email addresses, account numbers, ...
It can be encountered when looking for other information or when monitoring your ... term is Erdelez' 'Information Encountering': memorable experiences of accidental ...
Store data in a permanent form. Source: ... An object is something (Web page) Objects perform methods (show an image) ... JavaScript Countdown ...
The swab was streaked onto a blood agar plate and onto Bordet-Gengou agar. ... at 37 C, very small smooth, moist colonies appeared on the Bordet-Gengou agar. ...
theory and fundamental philosophy behind human information interaction mediates ... 'Communication can take place only between people with a common aim, a common ...
Studies are constrained by a system definition of needs and assumptions about ... Can the new 'parallel paradigm' really coexist within traditional objective systems? ...
INLS 210-96. Electronic Business for Information Professionals ... C2C Services. PayPal. eMoneyMail. eCount. Pay2card. Billpoint. Western Union ...
INLS 210-96. Electronic Business for Information Professionals. Platforms ... CNET Authoring and Site Design. HTML Editors at CNET ...
Christopher Locke - The Cluetrain Manifesto 95 Theses and Chapter 1 ... David Wolfe - Make Love, Not War in the Marketplace. Marketing. What it is not. Selling ...
INLS 102 - Assignment 8 K. Denise Crowder. ER Diagram. My Softball Team. My Team. Players ... Participates in. Consists of. Positions. Play. Managed by. Coach ...
Personal characteristics of inquirer. Relationship of inquiry ... 'Allow the inquirer as much latitude as possible in describing his need' (Taylor, 287) ...
Psychology of Online Shopping. Provides people with an organized method of acquiring goods ... Extraverts are much less likely to shop online than introverts ...
... Yeh, A. Garnov, C. Musikas) BNL Chemistry Department. March 15, 2004. Low-Energy ... Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, SW7 2BW, UK ...
Virus protection. For example Norton Antivirus 9.0. Microsoft office tools ... Some software available in SILS labs (free): ...
INLS 40, Retrieving and Analyzing Information (prerequisite) ... Trisha Crutchfield. Harrison Hall. Stewart Williams. Questions? More information at: ...
Embark on a captivating journey through Myanmar with Asia Hotel Service's tailored tour. Explore the ancient wonders of Bagan, experience the tranquility of Inle Lake, and discover the cultural richness of Yangon. Our expertly curated itinerary ensures an immersive and authentic experience.
Title: The Classification Problem in the Olfactory System of Insects Author: INLS Last modified by: GNB Created Date: 4/4/2003 5:20:36 PM Document presentation format
RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Col iste R oga na M inle in irinn Cervical Radiculopathy a review of best evidence to guide Primary Care practice
El TajMahal, India. En las Monta as del Himalaya. SunsetRinjani en Indonesia. Italia. Kuang Si, en Laos. Luz de la ma ana en el lago Inle. SUIZA. Monte Fuji en Jap n.
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Col iste R oga na M inle in irinn Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS): a ...
Four electives in information science (approved by committee) ... INLS 523, Introduction to Database Concepts and Applications. One elective (approved by committee) ...
Electronic Filing System Evaluation: The Palm Pilot IIIc. INLS 150 Assignment 1 ... Analysis of the Palm IIIc in organizing and managing personal data. ...
Session 20: Scholarly Publication. INLS 180 Human Information Interactions. Cycle of Scholarly Publishing ... Bradford's law describes the core journals in a field ...
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Col iste R oga na M inle in irinn European 4th Joint Task Force on CVD Prevention in Clinical Practice in the context of ...
Så du har beslutat att köpa ditt eget hus i fastigheter; nästa sak du bör göra är att anställa en fastighetsmäklare för att hjälpa dig eftersom du kanske inte vet mycket om hemköpsprocessen. En bra agent kommer att representera dig och kommer alltid att prioritera dina bästa intressen i varje handling han / hon gör under transaktionen. Innan du anställer en agent är det klokt att diskutera med honom under den första intervjun om hur han kommer att kompenseras eftersom fastighetsmäklare kan betalas på olika sätt. Vissa av dem betalas av köparen för ett visst belopp de har kommit överens om; andra tjänar pengar genom provisioner baserade på fastighetens pris. Du bör utarbeta ett skriftligt avtal där villkoren anges och ha det undertecknat av er båda innan hemköpsprocessen inleds. Detta kontrakt måste omfatta agentens, såväl som ditt, ansvar under hela transaktionen. Magnus Erneving är en av Sveriges bästa fastighetsleverantörer.