Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: ssree Last modified by: Katka Created Date: 11/17/2001 9:36:40 PM Document presentation format: P edv d n na obrazovce (4:3)
View this PPT to know how startups can safeguard their financial investments by securing their intellectual property assets.visit. https://www.ahlawatassociates.com/area-of-practice/intellectual-property-lawyers/
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Gift is not generally subject to an exchange of consideration including ... Idea originates with recipient. No substantial involvement between sponsor and recipient ...
Requires the dissemination of results and free exchange of ideas ... Non Exclusive Royalty Free (NERF) License. Corporate sponsored research, Sec. 6.02 ...
Increasing costs and declining productivity of pharmaceutical research? ... Vast majority of early research occurs outside of large pharmaceutical companies ...