Few days ago, Apple launched iPhone 6 versions and now, it's time for iOS 8 to make its actual appearance in front of users. Developers have had access to the version for iOS app development since June to explore all the latest features and test their developed iOS apps.
PROVAB TECHNOSOFT (http://www.provab.com), a leading web services & mobile application development company, provides best in class business, multimedia and utility, mobile applications on iphone and android platforms. http://www.provab.com/iphoneapplicationdevelopment_iphonedevelopers.html
PROVAB (http://www.provab.com) is a leading iPhone apps development company, has launched several iphone apps for global clients on iTunes. Apart from developing and launching the iphone apps, it also provides trained iphone app developer / mobile app developers to clients, on monthly and hourly contract. http://www.provab.com/iphoneappdeveloper-iphoneappsdevelopment.html