KALKHAM is an English fiction novel series written by Venkatesh. It is based on an ancient civilization submerged in the Indian Ocean. A human incarnate of Sun, Kalyan's journey unravels long lost hidden mysterious chapters of the Kumari Kandham and the origins of life. In his debut write-up, Venkatesh takes his readers through an eerie world of mermaids, siddhas, ancient technologies, knowledge, prophecies, curses and beyond. To know more click here.The author wants to convey a message, well encrypted in KALKHAM for the right minds to decrypt. Are you the ONE? If yes, are you READY View Video Trailer: https://youtu.be/BX-Fg6Jh7QI visit website: www.kalkham.com Buy the book here: http://bit.ly/1Fo5lJw Facebook page: www.facebook.com/kalkham
KALKHAM is an English fiction novel series written by Venkatesh. It is based on an ancient civilization submerged in the Indian Ocean. A human incarnate of Sun, Kalyan's journey unravels long lost hidden mysterious chapters of the Kumari Kandham and the origins of life. In his debut write-up, Venkatesh takes his readers through an eerie world of mermaids, siddhas, ancient technologies, knowledge, prophecies, curses and beyond. To know more click here.The author wants to convey a message, well encrypted in KALKHAM for the right minds to decrypt. Are you the ONE? If yes, are you READY View Video Trailer: https://youtu.be/BX-Fg6Jh7QI visit website: www.kalkham.com Buy the book here: http://bit.ly/1Fo5lJw Facebook page: www.facebook.com/kalkham