If you are considering tummy tuck surgery or have already booked your consultation, here are six questions that you must ask your doctor. Proper answers to these queries will help you make a safer, healthier and well informed decision. http://www.kimsplasticsurgery.com/
Are you worried that the skin around your eyes are getting saggy, baggy or wrinkled? An eyelid lift or brow lift is the possible fixes for the problem. But before you decide which surgery is best for you, it’s important to consider all the following facts: http://www.kimsplasticsurgery.com/specialities/blepharoplasty
Kims plastic & cosmetic surgery at kondapur provides the advanced and natural-looking plastic surgery. Combining the latest in precision technology with the highest standards of surgical craftsmanship
Abdominoplasty, or commonly known as a tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure to make the abdomen thinner and firmer by removing the excess fat and skin, and tighten the muscles of the abdomen wall. This procedure is taken up by people with sagging tissues or who are dealing with obesity. Nine times out of 10, loose skin on the stomach is the result of weight-loss or pregnancy, and the older you are when either of these events happens; the reason being albuminoidal and scleroprotein within the skin have knowledgeable some injury. Sun exposure may cause the standard of the skin to alter with time. Genetics are also partly answerable for skin-related changes yet. http://www.kimsplasticsurgery.com/specialities/abdominoplasty