Students seeking to overcome stress and improve their overall academic and personal well-being have an opportunity to learn about meditation, yoga and other contemplative methods during an on-campus talk by Western Buddhist meditation teacher and author Lama Surya Das scheduled on Jan. 29.
What we seek, we are. We are all Buddhas by nature, temporarily obscured by adventitious emotions and illusions. We only have to awaken to that fact. All that we seek is available within. And not just within ourselves but within each other, each relationship, and encounter, each moment. Let’s exploit our own innate natural resources for a change, and give our exterior resources a rest. This would truly be Mindful Environmentalism and planetary stewardship. This world is my body, all beings my heart-mind.
Lama Surya Das, the "Buddha from Brooklyn," is one of a handful of Westerners who have been teaching meditation for decades. And, yet, he says we're doing it wrong.