(HST image of this Giant Elliptical Galaxy in the nearby Virgo Cluster. Nucleus of the galaxy ... 1) the M87 jet produces the most powerful radio waves in Virgo ...
Ultraluminous X-ray sources: highlights on NGC1313 X-2 and M82 X-1 ... NGC1313 is a nearby spiral galaxy hosting two ULXs, NGC1313 X-1 and X-2, and the ...
Expect a hard cut to be the best. Cuts a priori optimized using Crab data at. 40 ... Steepening of IC spectrum and a cut off at some energy due to cooling ...
Using radio telescopes one can observe synchrotron ... M82 VLA MERLIN VLBI. M82 optical. Epoch of reionization. Avery Meiksen. Imaging Normal Galaxies ...
I. INTRODUCTION. II. OUR RECENT RESEARCH. III. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION. 3 ... consistent with IMBH mass (iii) Abundance pattern ...consistent with M82 gas, ICM, IGM ...
present-day stars, it would be logical. to expect to detect a large ... 4 Populations: Spiral (M51), Starburst (M82), AGN1 (Elvis et al. 94) & AGN2 (Circinus) ...
Important for future telescopes such as LOFAR & SKA, ... SKA Meeting Dwingeloo June 2005 ... SKA Meeting Dwingeloo June 2005. Worse case: M81 & M82 - L ...
Dust vs non-dusty SEDs. Extinction Laws. PAHs in NGC7331. PAHs in Starburst M82. PAHs vs [O/H] ... One after that: Levenson et al. 2005, ApJ, 618, 167: ...
Distribution of ULXs in Galaxies ... in the halos of the galaxies. (Colbert & Ptak 2002) ... Detection of a strong narrow 54 mHz QPO in the starburst galaxy M82. ...
... URSA MINOR. Image from Starry Night Backyard. Click to start show. Major Stars & Galaxy's. Image from Starry Night Backyard. Alcor. Mizar. Xi UMA. Polaris ...
important in the formation of supermassive black holes. ... X-ray modulation at the orbital period are known from several black hole x-ray binaries. ...
Hunt for Molecules in Local Universe Galaxies Santiago GARCIA-BURILLO Observatorio Astron mico Nacional (OAN)-Spain Hunt for Molecules, November 19-20, 2005, Paris ...
M32: A Small Elliptical Galaxy. M87: A Giant Elliptical Galaxy. Core of M87 ... M104 Sombrero Galaxy. Sa. M81. Sb. M51 Whirlpool Galaxy. Sc. Barred Spiral Galaxies ...
Support for multiple versions of SSAP services better but still has problems. SSAP V1.0 services registered for FOS, GHRS, FUSE, IUE, WUPPE, HUT, TUES, & EUVE ...
... steady, point-like, emission above 200 MeV from two starburst galaxies ... New class of gamma-ray sources. Diffuse emission arising from cosmic-ray interactions ...
... (large lookback times) forming via mergers Sgr dwarf elliptical merging with Milky Way The Local Group -- Andromeda (M31) and Milky Way Artists concept ...
Found in nearby star-forming galaxies, starbursts, and AGNs. ... Structures of exotic star-formation in outer galaxies. ... star-forming galaxy, hosting a low ...
Star Formation and Dynamics in Galaxies. Santiago GARCIA-BURILLO ... and large CN/HCN ratios corroborate PDR chemistry scenario (Fuente et al 2004) ...
Star formation beyond z = 2 can be probed using radio continuum ... Signs are Seyfert-like emission-line ratios and (sometimes) excess radio emission ...
To keep up with next-generation optical/IR telescopes ... Perth. Canberra. Hobart. Adelaide. Melbourne. Sydney. Challenge: Radio frequency interference (RFI) ...
VLT+NACO monitoring of 14 ULIRGs out to D ~ 300 Mpc. Historical SN in NGC 7714 Found in archival UKIRT K image from Sep 1998. Optimal Image Subtraction Allard ...
Title: Pulsar Powerhouse: The Center of the Crab Nebula Author: M Bietenholz Last modified by: michael Created Date: 1/4/1980 12:41:10 AM Document presentation format
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Thus, to model wing thickness, we could use sources or doublets. ... Here, the zero subscript indicates the location of the source/doublet. 10/4/09 ...
IRAC-selected EROs (with DEEP2 z's) Gillian Wilson (Spitzer Science Center) ... at those with DEEP2 spectroscopy == ~ 89 EROs. Early-type? Dusty Star-forming? ...
... if we consider the tip of a flat plate wing, a 3-D disturbance exists which ... pressure difference becomes infinite just like a flat plate in subsonic flow: ...
How do we define E&B fields? The Maxwell Tensor in General ... Thus far we only looked at energy extraction resulting from Electromagnetic Poynting Flux. ...
Primarily astronomical (see King 2003) Difficulties in forming and feeding them ... mass-radius relation is R=M (solar units) and periods of 2-8 hours translates to ...
... including deep radio observations involving VLA, ATCA, MERLIN, EVN... MERLIN VLA: ... 8.5' x 8.5' contiguous MERLIN VLA radio field centred on HDF-N ...
Core-collapse SNe (CCSNe) generate/liberate the bulk of the ... Can serve as probes of extinction and ISM. CCSNe blast wave probes progenitor mass-loss history. ...
Star formation is one of the most fundamental processes in astronomy, ... of stellar populations, revealing young stars that are still hidden by dust at ...
Evolution of a Stargazer. Stars. Constellations. First telescope. The Moon. Planets. Messier Objects ... 'I feel it my duty to warn any others who may show signs ...
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Tenth Summer Synthesis Imaging Workshop. University of New ... Brighten and deflect. Gomez et al. 2000. 26. Where Most X-rays & ?-rays Are Emitted. clouds ...
Collaborators: Ranga Chary (SSC), Mark Dickinson (NOAO), David Frayer (SSC) ... GO2 program 90 hours PI: R. Chary. Pope et al. in prep. Composite spectrum ...
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