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- Coupled Ocean and Acoustic Modeling, Data Assimilation, Predictions and Adaptive Sampling Recommendations Pierre Lermusiaux, Patrick Haley, Wayne Leslie, Oleg Logutov
Coupled Ocean and Acoustic Modeling, Data Assimilation, Predictions and Adaptive Sampling Recommendations Pierre Lermusiaux, Patrick Haley, Wayne Leslie, Oleg Logutov
| PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to download
MB06 Wind Nowcast
- MB06 Wind Nowcast & Forecast. Yi Chao. Jet Propulsion Laboratory ... Funding is provided by NOAA through the CIMT (Center for Integrated Marine ...
MB06 Wind Nowcast & Forecast. Yi Chao. Jet Propulsion Laboratory ... Funding is provided by NOAA through the CIMT (Center for Integrated Marine ...
| PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view
MB06 Wind Nowcast
- MB06 Wind Nowcast & Forecast. Yi Chao. Jet Propulsion Laboratory ... Yi Chao and Peggy Li, JPL. Leslie Rosenfeld and Todd Anderson, NPS. Rondi Robison, UCSC ...
MB06 Wind Nowcast & Forecast. Yi Chao. Jet Propulsion Laboratory ... Yi Chao and Peggy Li, JPL. Leslie Rosenfeld and Todd Anderson, NPS. Rondi Robison, UCSC ...
| PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view
- Pierre F'J' Lermusiaux, Bruce Cornuelle, Julie McClean, Bruce Howe, Steve Finette, Kevin Heaney, Han
Pierre F'J' Lermusiaux, Bruce Cornuelle, Julie McClean, Bruce Howe, Steve Finette, Kevin Heaney, Han
| PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to download
Improved Convective Initiation Forecasting in the Gulf of Mexico Region through Enhanced uses of NASA Satellite Assets and Artificial Intelligence
- Improved Convective Initiation Forecasting in the Gulf of Mexico Region through Enhanced uses of NASA Satellite Assets and Artificial Intelligence
Improved Convective Initiation Forecasting in the Gulf of Mexico Region through Enhanced uses of NASA Satellite Assets and Artificial Intelligence
| PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to download
Monterey Bay 20032006 Field Experiments: Implications for the PWS 20042007 Field Experiments
- Monterey Bay 20032006 Field Experiments: Implications for the PWS 20042007 Field Experiments
Monterey Bay 20032006 Field Experiments: Implications for the PWS 20042007 Field Experiments
| PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view