Kuba - Havana (Steve) | "Havana je hlavné a najväčšie mesto Kuby. Leží v severnej časti ostrova a má rozlohu necelých 730 km². S počtom obyvateľov 2,1 milióna ide o najväčšie mesto v Karibiku. Je známe svojou históriou, kultúrou, architektúrou a pamiatkami. Mesto bolo založené Španielmi v 16. storočí. Lode z celého Nového sveta prepravovali produkty najskôr do Havany, odkiaľ ich španielske galeóny odvážali ďalej do Španielska. Na ochranu mesta boli postavené hradby a pevnosti. Mesto sa výrazne rozšírilo v 17. storočí. V polovici 18. storočia bolo dokonca tretím najväčším mestom v celej Amerike. Má príjemné tropické podnebie a leží mimo bežných trás hurikánov. Stará Havana bola vyhlásená za svetové dedičstvo UNESCO v roku 1982. Mesto navštívi viac než milión turistov ročne ... music: Son Habana — Pampas Bolero ..."
Explore the captivating diversity of the Capitals of North America, from the political significance of Washington, D.C., to the cultural richness of Ottawa, Mexico City, and Havana. Discover the unique heritage and vibrancy that make these capitals emblematic of North America's diverse cultures.
Goa one of the paradises on the earth is like a star for the traveler’s eye. Spell binding beaches, speaking sea waves, saluting palm trees, monuments, friendly people and exotic nightlife all explain about the culture of the Goa http://goo.gl/F6ABM
To enjoy a good experience and to have fun book tickets with Norwegian Cruise Line. You can get the experience of a lifetime. The tickets are reasonable and do not cost a burden on your wallet. With Norwegian Cruises, you can travel to any part of the world without any trouble. The following is the list of Cuba port highlights.
Painting, Brazilian man. Mexican ex-voto. A Nun taking Religious Orders. A Mexican painter and her family. A Bahian Woman. French Children in Mexico ...
THE SLAVE ROUTE & SITES OF MEMORY LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN REGION Possibilities for a Trans National Nomination? Work Undertaken, Meetings, Projects to date: 1.
Henry Ford (automobile)-- Dearborn and Detroit, MI. Henry Clay Frick (steel)-- Pittsburgh, PA and New York City, NY ... Edward Henry Harriman (railroads) ...
Neil Armstrong's landing and moon walk. Earth Resources Satellite ... Until his death he focused his work on Nuclear Waste Management. O. S. (Ozzie) Williams ...
Most people recognize Barnum as being affiliated with the circus -- in reality ... Part of us that wants to know, part ... Howard Stern. 14. A.G. Spalding ...
After the Civil War, America purchased Alaska from Russia ... Almost all goods labeled for Germany were declared contraband and trade with the Germany shrank. ...
CHARLES EDWARD IVES. October 20, 1874 - May 19, 1954. born in Danbury, Connecticut ... met Julian S. Myrick. for 20 years worked in the insurance business ...
Proven access to public and bank debt markets through series of re-financings ... Geographically advantaged in New York, Midwest and California. Scaleable systems ...