NAASC: North America ALMA Science Center, Charlottesville, VA. Joint ... North America pipeline and off-line data reduction software maintenance and development ...
High Resolution Submm Observations of Massive Protostars Crystal Brogan (NRAO/NAASC) T. R. Hunter (NRAO), R. Indebetouw (UVa), Y. L. Shirley (U. of Arizona), C. J ...
... CfA Paul Ho, CfA Doug Johnstone, NRC Canada Lee Mundy, U. Maryland Joan Najita, NOAO Jean Turner, UCLA Jonathan Williams, ... U.C.-Berkeley Min Yun, ...
into the operations of the Global ALMA project and North American ALMA Science Center ... Andrew Blain, Caltech. Crystal Brogan, U. Hawaii/NRAO. Chris Carilli, NRAO ...
Atacama Large Millimeter Array Science IPT Review Bilateral Project Scientists: Al Wootten, NRAO Tom Wilson, ESO Ryohei Kawabe: ALMA-J Lead ALMA Cost Review
To increase science impact and throughput via improved quality of data and ... ideas, clarifying objectives/task definitions, communicating across sites more ...
z 6 = Low order molecular transitions redshift to the short ... coeval formation of giant elliptical galaxy SMBH within 870 Myr of Big Bang. 1' CII CO 3-2 ...
Recruit Key Personnel for North American ALMA Science Center ... Schools, meetings, workshops, videocons. Develop web content, etc for EPO. Analysis tools ...
Ami(e) Internaute, Ce cinquante-huiti me diaporama est le cinqui me de dix diaporamas consacr s la Seconde Guerre Mondiale en Alg rie. Il concerne la situation ...
Ami(e) Internaute, Ce cinquante-huiti me diaporama est le cinqui me de dix diaporamas consacr s la Seconde Guerre Mondiale en Alg rie. Il concerne la situation ...
Ami(e) Internaute, Ce cinquante-huiti me diaporama est le cinqui me de dix diaporamas consacr s la Seconde Guerre Mondiale en Alg rie. Il concerne la situation ...