The internet is an essential part of our daily lives, but fact is that in 7 countries and 100 Million people does not connected to the internet. Big Giant Tech companies like google, facebook to gain from billions of dollars to bring internet to connect more users of their services in developing countries.
The internet is an essential part of our daily lives, but fact is that in 7 countries and 100 Million people does not connected to the internet. Big Giant Tech companies like google, facebook to gain from billions of dollars to bring internet to connect more users of their services in developing countries.
Have you ever wondered what USA has in common with Cuba and Iran or how is South America different from the rest of the world, or perhaps how your country of birth contributes to forming your beliefs about what’s important in life? More than 80,000 people from around the world expressed their opinions on what they value most in life and this map shows their No.1 priorities in almost every country in the world. The data above has been collected on a continuous basis by OECD Better Life Index since 2011. To date there are over 60,000 responses from over 180 countries. Interestingly, most developed nations, including USA, Canada, Western and Central European as well as Nordic countries tend to value life satisfaction and health most, countries that on the happy planet index did not rate quite as high as those in Central and South America. Why do you think is this?