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Bharat Book Presents"China B2C Online Shopping Industry Report, 2013-2016. In 2008-2012, Chinese online shopping market size ascended from RMB128.2 billion to RMB1,303.0 billion at the CAGR of 78.6%. In H1 2013, the market valued RMB789.21 billion, up 41.2% year on year. Wherein, the B2C (Business to Customer) market scale hit RMB227.86 billion, accounting for 35.2% of the total online shopping market size.
In 2008-2012, Chinese online shopping market size ascended from RMB128.2 billion to RMB1,303.0 billion at the CAGR of 78.6%. In H1 2013, the market valued RMB789.21 billion, up 41.2% year on year. Wherein, the B2C (Business to Customer) market scale hit RMB227.86 billion, accounting for 35.2% of the total online shopping market size. From the perspective of B2C shopping websites, Tmall (53.68%), Jingdong (17.10%), Suning.com (4.74%), Amazon China (2.72 %) and Yihaodian (2.47%) were the top 5 companies by share in Chinese B2C online shopping market in 2012. Although the competition pattern of the B2C market is bound to evolve over time, the B2C platform Tmall and the proprietary B2C website Jingdong will still occupy the leading positions firmly in the short term; however, the market share of other B2C websites will change with product strategy direction, marketing promotion and customer relationship management.
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