Water pumping in several municipalities to replace old pumps ... Leak detection in water pipes system ... Electric-hybrid vehicles: For taxis and buses ...
I think our business could be interesting for you. Our company is developing a new, virtual B2B portal to facilitate business exchanges between companies throughout the Latin-Caribbean Market. The portal will also give international buyers and investors direct access to the Latin-Caribbean market. I have attached a presentation of the new platform and its benefits. Next step: 1) To offer the best services to our future clients, we will invite you to partake in our Pilot Project testing phase so that you may test the functionalists of the platform for yourself and provide feedback 2) We will invite you to fill a registration form who will allow us to know what kind of products you offer, and If you want to sell your products directly on the platform or you are interested to sell your products with our other company who will distribute your products in the Latin-Caribbean Region. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Gary Hamel: Harvard Business Review. The game of musical chairs. How can HR get different' ... WITHOUT ART THE IMPACT WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER. ...
CENTER FOR HEALTH AND THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT. HARVARD ... Coral Reefs. SLR. EWEs. Melting Polar Ice. Harm. Marine. Mammals. Shore birds. Fisheries. Consumers ...