One was safely on, the other jumped onto the moving car, but started to fall. ... decision from trial and appellate courts decisions in favor of Palsgraf. The judgment for ...
Title: Litigation Author: Blanke Last modified by: USER Created Date: 12/30/2005 10:57:52 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Title: The Common Law Author: David B. Spence Last modified by: SpenceD Created Date: 11/28/2001 12:49:58 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Torts. A tort is a civil wrong. The tort system of liability is central to the ... occupier's liability to social guests is based on the theory that the guest ...
... not primary -usually commentary ... where North Eastern Reporter, a primary source, is located. Interpreting a ... 1 identifies primary sources for each ...
Searches and Seizures. Fourth Amendment requires warrant with 'probable cause. ... Right to free speech is constrained by duty we owe each other to refrain from ...
Apply the rule you settle on to the facts you have. Chapter Five: Proximate Cause ... 3) Application: Driving at an unsafe speed does not increase the risk that a ...
Defamation -- making a false statement ... Interference with contract -- stealing a client away from a competitor ... Examples: wiretapping, stalking, peeping ...
People and property several miles from the docks, no foreseeable risk from fire ... bodily injury, he is also subject to liability for any additional bodily harm ...
Defendant has failed to use ordinary care, and his negligence has in fact caused harm. ... a negligent actor is responsible only for harm the risk of which ...
Deterring wrongful conduct that the criminal law doesn't reach. Why do we need tort law? ... II. In order to be admissible as evidence of the standard of care, ...
An actual cause, or cause in fact of the plaintiff's injury. And a proximate ... The rule: a negligent actor is responsible only for harm the risk of which was ...
Step 1) Divide the parties and the injuries. Who is going to sue whom, and ... parties to the agreement contemplate the protection of identified individuals. ...