Reide Klinger is a dedicated professional and avid athlete. In high school, he served as an offensive lineman and won a football all-star game and wildcat award. Thanks to his ambition and drive, he earned sports scholarships and was invited to play for division 1 and 2 schools. Reide Klinger also trained with NFL athletes.
Reide Klinger is passionate about football. He fell in love with the game the first time he stepped foot on the field. Reide Klinger is an incredible athlete and has been given multiple awards for his ability to play the game. His most prized accomplishment was the scholarship he was awarded by Saint Anselm College to play football and pursue his nursing degree.
Reide Klinger amassed quite a few athletic scholarships upon his high school graduation. Among these was a scholarship from Jennison Psychological Services, which only awards two per year. He based his essay on the importance of mental health awareness in high school students. Reide Klinger graduated from Jenison High School in 2017.