"Work with an experienced real estate agent who knows your neighborhood. They will be able to provide valuable information and insight into pricing your home to sell. However, you should also take steps to figure out pricing and learn about your competition, so you can take advantage of the market and sell your home quickly. This is from an article that appeared on Michael Putnam's website: http://michaelputnam.com/price-home-sell/"
Each year, ambitious homeowners decide to buck convention and sell their home without the assistance of a licensed realtor or broker. While there is no single way to sell a home, there are noticeable pros and cons on both sides of the issue. #FSBO, #For Sale By Owner, #Real estate agents, #House for sale, #Plano
"No matter how fabulous your home is, you have to let buyers know it exists to get an offer. Marketing is the key to selling your home fast and for the most money. Not all marketing efforts and methods are the same or will work for all types of buyers. You have to know who is most likely to buy your home and how to reach them. Here are some marketing strategies to draw attention to your property. This is from an article that appeared on Amy Sims website: http://www.amysims.com/blog/marketing-strategies-to-sell-your-home-fast"