If you have been mistreated at work, you should contact a Sherman Oaks harassment and discrimination attorneys immediately. Don’t allow your employer to intimidate you or silence you with empty promises and lies. To learn more about your options when filing a discrimination claim, call Mancini & Associates today and schedule your initial case evaluation with them.
The most medical malpractice cases don’t make it because the process is very long, expensive, and stressful. However, when you have a legal team who is willing to put in the work and supports you and your family, the process isn’t so bad. If you have been harmed by the negligence of a legal, medical, engineering or tax professional, contact a Sherman Oaks Malpractice Attorney at Mancini & Associates here to assess your situation and provide legal guidance if you have medical malpractice worth fighting for.
Employment contracts take many different forms. All employees at a company may be asked to sign the same form contract, or each employee may have a contract with the employer that is applicable just to his or her employment agreement. An employer and an employee may simply have an oral agreement regarding the kind of work the employee will do, for how long, and at what rate of pay. If you have any doubt in employment contract provisions, contact a Sherman Oaks employment law attorney today for a free initial consultation.
Most attorneys fail their clients because they do not keep a direct line of communication with the client. Other attorneys do not establish relationships with each new person they meet and therefore their ability to fight aggressively and meaningfully falls to the waste side. This is when it feels as if you aren’t getting your money’s worth. At Mancini & Associates their lawyers are here to let you know that you are our top priority. They have impressive investigative techniques and courtroom technology gives an edge on all cases, contact a personal injury attorney in Sherman Oaks at Mancini & Associates and schedule your initial case assessment today.
When you or a loved one enters a hospital in need of help, it is assumed that the plan of action will work and you will leave with a good bill of health, or at least with the tools necessary for good health. Even though this is the social norm, it does not mean that every healthcare situation is met with that same standard. If you live in the Sherman Oaks area please reach out to a personal injury attorney in Sherman Oaks. Lawyers at Mancini and Associates understand that personal injury does not just affect you.
When you or a loved one enters a hospital in need of help, it is assumed that the plan of action will work and you will leave with a good bill of health, or at least with the tools necessary for good health. Even though this is the social norm, it does not mean that every healthcare situation is met with that same standard. If you live in the Sherman Oaks area please reach out to a personal injury attorney in Sherman Oaks. Lawyers at Mancini and Associates understand that personal injury does not just affect you.