Title: Verification of SOHOCELIASSEM EUV flux calibration based on seven sounding rocket flights
1Verification of SOHO/CELIAS/SEM EUV flux
calibration based on seven sounding rocket
Joint CELIAS/PLASTIC/SEPT Workshop April 6-9, 2009
- Darrell L. Judge, Seth R. Wieman, Leonid V.
Didkovsky - Univ. of Southern Calif. Space Sciences Center
SHS-274 UPC Los Angeles, CA 90089
- An updated, verified version of the
SOHO/CELIAS/SEM database was released Dec. 2008
available at www.usc.edu/dept/space_science/sem_d
ata/sem_data.html - SEM clone and Ne rare gas ionization cell (RGIC)
measurements from seven sounding rocket flights
were analyzed to complete this version - Calibrated flux values are very similar to those
of the previous (2000) version
- SOHO/CELIAS/SEM is a highly stable transmission
grating spectrometer with high photometric
accuracy - Measures solar flux in two bandpasses 26-34
nm(/- 1st order) and 0.1-50 nm (0-order) - Data is used for studies in
- solar variability
- space weather
- earth atmosphere
- and is the basis for the S10 index in the
Jacchia-Bowman thermospheric density model
Bowman, et. al, 2008
Al coated Si photodiodes
-1 order (26-34 nm)
Transmission Grating
0 order (0.1-50 nm)
Freestanding Al Filter
1 order (26-34 nm)
SOHO Solar EUV Monitor (SEM)
- How we determine SOHO/SEM flux values from
measured photocurrent
- NIST measured instrument efficiencies
- SOLERS22 composite reference spectrum Woods, et.
al, 1998 - Degradation model based on build-up of carbon
contamination layer
5Equation for determining flux values
26-34 nm flux
where k1 a correction for SEM 1st order
sensitivity band extending slightly beyond 26-34
nm (accounts primarily for sensitivity to 17.4
nm radiation diffracted in the second
order) bkgrd background signal due to
diode/electrometer dark current and residual
light leaks DNSEMch data channel raw count
rate A entrance aperture area ? SEM channel
efficiency from NIST calibration ?S22 Solar
flux from SOLERS22 reference spectrum
all functions of ? fcarbon-trans transmission
through carbon contamination layer, f(time) f1AU
correction for 1 AU
6Sounding rocket underflight measurements
- Current SOHO/SEM calibrated fluxes are based on
measurements from seven sounding rocket
underflights (alt. 300km) - Solar flux measurements used for the calibration
are primarily from - SEM clone
- Neon rare gas ionization cell (RGIC)
Instrument suite aboard the SOHO/SEM underflight
calibration sounding rocket
7SEM Clone
- Flux values determined from DN in a manner
similar to SOHO/SEM, with some differences
related to - Correction for atmospheric absorption (based on
NRLMSIS plus N2, O2, O total absorption cross
sections) - Background subtraction (both visible leakage and
EUV leakage now considered)
180 roll
off-pointing maneuvers
Typical SEM clone sounding rocket flight data
8SEM Clone
SEM clone 4-axis vacuum manipulator next to the
test chamber on the end of NIST SURF BL-9
- SEM Clone sensitivity profiles are measured
before/after each rocket flight at NIST-SURF
BL-9, a synchrotron beam line equipped with a
high resolution monochromator and an absolute
radiometric standard - Calibration includes efficiency measurements at
wavelengths between 15 and 49 nm in 1 nm
increments with several instrument orientations
(on and off-pointing, horizontal and vertical
beam polarizations)
SEM clone instrument response profiles measured
at NIST compared to the SOLERS22 EUV reference
- Absolute detector similar to the radiometric
standard previously used at NIST Carlson, et.
al, 1984 - Flat response profile from 5-57.5nm (defined by
Ne photoionization cross-sections)
Ne RGIC response profile compared to SEM 1st
order channel profile and the SOLERS22 reference
- Operates optically thick
- Windowless no optical surfaces to degrade
- Target gas is periodically cycled through the cell
Schematic of the Ne rare gas ionization cell and
gas supply system
Typical Ne RGIC sounding rocket data . Periodic
gas pulses give rise to peaks in ionization
current. Peaks are highest near flight apogee (
300 sec after lift-off) where atmospheric EUV
absorption is at a minimum
- Solar flux is determined from ionization vs.
pressure curve from each purge-fill cycle (linear
portion of curve is extrapolated back to zero
pressure current corresponding to current with no
contribution from secondary ionization) - Geometry of cell (long along optic axis with
small radius) makes it optically thick for EUV
but optically thin for ejected photoelectrons
- Flux values for the downward leg (lower
background) measurements are fit to a modeled
5-57 nm atmospheric absorption profile based on
NRLMSIS and O2, N2 and O cross sections. - The above atmosphere flux (i.e. zero absorption
flux, referred to as I0 in plot at right) is the
value which provides the best fit between RGIC
measurements and the modeled profile
13Sounding rocket timeline
- Seven sounding rocket flights and 9 NIST
calibrations of the SEM clone have been completed
since the launch of SOHO
Values for 26-34 nm solar flux are obtained from
the Ne RGIC measurements based on the SOLERS22
reference spectra (i.e. by multiplying the 5-57nm
values by the ratio
where FS22 is the SOLERS22 flux as a function of
- Both the SEM clone values and the RGIC values are
in good agreement with the published SOHO/SEM
values suggesting that the degradation model
established (in Dec. 2000) based on the first two
underflights is still valid.
Future Work
- Ongoing work related to the SOHO/SEM database
includes - Releasing versions in which SOHO/SEM absolute
flux and sounding rocket fluxes (and accordingly
the degradation model) are determined based on
reference spectra other than SOLERS22, such as
Solar2000 Tobiska, http//www.spacewx.com/solar20
00.html, NRLEUV Warren, 2006 or FISM
Chamberlin, et. al, 2008. - Continue maintaining calibrated flux values to
provide overlap with other EUV missions (e.g.
SDO, GOES/EUVS). - Provide reconstructed EUV data for solar flares
during which SOHO/SEM measurements were either
saturated or contaminated by x-rays or energetic
- This work was supported by NASA grants NNG05WC09G
and NNX08AM94G - We would like to thank Rob Vest, Charles Tarrio,
Mitch Furst and the rest of the staff of the NIST
SURF facility for their tremendous contribution
to the calibration effort throughout the SOHO/SEM
program. We would also like to thank Don McMullin
for his many contributions to the continuing
success of the SOHO/SEM mission, as well as his
management of sounding rocket flights providing
periodic calibration of the on-orbit SOHO/SEM.
- Judge, D.L., Wieman, S., Didkovsky, L.,
Gangopadhyay, P., 13 years of SOHO/CELIAS/SEM
Calibrated Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Irradiance
Data, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, SH23A-1629 San
Francisco - Judge, D.L., et al , First Solar EUV Irradiances
Obtained from SOHO by the CELIAS/SEM, Solar
Physics Volume 177, Numbers 1-2 January, 1998
Pages 161-173 - Ogawa, H., D. Judge, D. McMullin, P.
Gangopadhyay, A. Galvin (1998), First-year
continuous solar EUV irradiance from SOHO by the
CELIAS/SEM during 1996 solar minimum, J. Geophys.
Res., 1-6. - Gangopadhyay, P.L. Didkovsky, H. Ghadimi, S.
Wieman, and D. L. Judge, UltraLow Frequency
Solar He ii 30.4 nm Pulsations, The
Astrophysical Journal, 67014141419, 2007
December 1 - Tsurutani, B.T., Judge, D.L., Guarnieri, F.L.,
Gangopadhyay, P., Jones, A.R., Nuttall, J.,
Zambon, G.A., Didkovsky, L., A.J. Mannucci, B.
Iijima, R. R. Meier, T.J. Immel, , T. N. Woods,
S. Prasad , J. Huba, S. C. Solomon, P. Straus, R.
Viereck, The October 28, 2003 extreme EUV solar
flare and resultant extreme ionospheric effects
Comparison to other Halloween events and the
Bastille Day event, GRL, 32, L03S09, 2005. - Viereck, R., L. Puga, D. McMullin, D. Judge, M.
Weber, and W. Tobiska (2001), The Mg II Index A
Proxy for Solar EUV, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(7),
1343-1346. - Bowman, B. R., Tobiska, W.K., Marcos, F., Huang,
C.Y., Lin, C.S., Burke, W.J., "A New Empirical
Thermospheric Density Model JB2008 Using New
Solar and Geomagnetic Indices" AIAA/AAS
Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 18-21 August
2008, Honolulu, Hawaii - Woods, T., H. Ogawa, K. Tobiska, and F. Farnik,
Solers 22 WG-4 and WG-5 Report for The 1996
Solers 22 Workshop, Solar Physics, 511, 1998. - http//physics.nist.gov/MajResFac/SURF/SURF/index.
html - Judge, D.L., et al Absolute solar 30.4 nm flux
from sounding rocket observations during the
solar cycle 23 minimum, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.
104, No. A12, 1999, p. 28,321 - Hedin, A. E., MSIS-86 Thermospheric Model, J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, 1987, p. 4649. - Robert W. Carlson, H. S. Ogawa, E. Phillips, and
D. L. Judge, Absolute measurement of the extreme
UV solar flux Applied Optics, Vol. 23, Issue
14, 1984 pp. 2327-2332 - http//www.spacewx.com/solar2000.html
- Warren, H.P., NRLEUV 2 A new model of solar EUV
irradiance variability, Advances in Space
Research, Volume 37, Issue 2, Thermospheric-Ionosp
heric-Geospheric(TIGER)Symposium, 2006, Pages
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Eparvier (2008), Flare Irradiance Spectral Model
(FISM) Flare component algorithms and results,
Space Weather, 6, S05001
20Additional slides
210-order saturation and 1st-order contamination
during solar events
SEM count-rate (CR) measurements (thick lines)
and GOES 8 16 MeV particle flux (thin line) for
the BD solar flare event. The SEM Ch 1 (top
panel) is contaminated by the rise in SEP flux
after the time indicated by the vertical dotted
line. The SEM Ch 0 (bottom panel) is saturated by
the soft x-ray and EUV flux. The unsaturated
decay portion of the SEM Ch 0 profile is only
weakly affected by the increased SEP flux. L. V.
Didkovsky, D. L. Judge, A. R. Jones, S. Wieman,
B. T. Tsurutani, and D. Mcmullin, Correction of
SOHO CELIAS/SEM EUV Measurements Saturated by
Extreme Solar Flare Events Astronomische
Nachrichten, Volume 328, Issue 1, 2007, Pages
22(No Transcript)