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Give your Primary Care coding a tune up! Get the inside scoop on the top billing and coding issues for Primary Care— Join Nikki Taylor, MBA, CPC®, COC™, CPMA®, CRC™, AAPC Fellow as she explores the hot topic of Primary Care coding including vaccines, counseling, telemedicine, and more. Plus—you’ll gain tips and resources to keep you one step ahead. Nikki will highlight what you need to know to ensure that you are not missing out on key revenue. During the webinar you’ll: Nail down undercoding and overcoding mistakes and learn how to prevent them Learn the ins and outs of telemedicine services and proper billing Eliminate counseling confusion and capture maximum revenue Sharpen your vaccination coding skills and learn how to avoid common missteps Brush up on modifier 25 and preventative services coding Highlight helpful tools and resources to help ensure Primary Care coding success.
Don’t Get Burned by OIG - SuperCoder Webinar Want to know what the feds are up to? Are you curious about what OIG is targeting? Stay one step ahead of CMS and OIG and get the inside scoop on the top areas of focus. Instead of sifting through the OIG site, let us do it for you. Ensure that you’ll be ready if you get a request for an audit — Join Nikki Taylor, MBA, CPC®, COC™, CPMA®, CRC™ as she discusses OIG hot button issues and their current plan of focus. Plus—you’ll gain tips and resources to keep you one step ahead. Nikki will highlight what you need to know to ensure that you’re on the right path to compliance.
Top Tips for ICD-10 webinar by SuperCoder is peppered with handy, practical tips on ICD 10 changes, ICD 10 code lists and important ICD 10 guideline changes, keeping you updated with the changing coding landscape. The webinar is created and presented by Rachel M. Kaser, BS, CPC, MHSA, AHIMA-Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer, an expert who delivers the webinar in a precise manner, touching all the key points thoroughly. Some of the topics broached in the webinar include how to code for post-op seroma, atypical fractures, and using H-90 for conductive hearing loss, among other things. The webinar also focuses on key ICD 10 guideline changes to Tabular and Alphabetical Index, Neoplasm Table, Table of Drugs and Chemicals and Index of External Causes. The SuperCoder webinar will also teach you how to leverage existing ICD 10 specific tools to select the right codes to avoid claim denials and compliance mishaps, to safeguard your revenue.’s 2017 ICD-10-CM: Updates and Challenges for Orthopedics webinar is designed to impart expert knowledge on some of the leading causes of concern for coders including how to understand and make use of new, deleted and revised ICD-10-CM codes for orthopedics, how to use orthopedic coding guidelines to avoid setbacks to hard-earned reimbursements and how to leverage’s orthopedics coding tools to ensure that you are compliant and continue to draw maximum revenue. The ICD 10 webinar also address key items of interest pertaining to orthopedic billing codes, how to profitably interpret orthopedic coding guidelines, and how to assign the right orthopedic diagnosis codes in the proper situation. The key focus of the webinar is on orthopedic ICD 10 training including bringing you up to date with current ICD 10 changes and informing you about relevant changes made to current billing and coding guidelines.
Are you wondering if you missing coding opportunities? Join us in this webinar where we will address all of your knee coding questions and concerns. Trenda L Davis, CPC for Supercoder will be hosting this complimentary webinar that will get you in the know of knee coding. This webinar will address concerns regarding arthroscopic and open knee coding. Some of the topics we will discuss will be: When is it appropriate to bill synovectomy (29875-29876)? Can you bill for loose body? 29874 versus G0289 Coding for incision and drainage of the knee. We will discuss total knee replacement, conversion, and revision. Make sure you are using the appropriate diagnosis code. Acute versus Chronic
Fast Coder is a smart online medical coding tool from the store (a division of The Coding Institute) that lets coders, billers and providers look up the evidence they need to stay compliant, increase claims submission accuracy, and keep payments coming without investing much. The CPT® codes Lookup feature helps you streamline your workflow, by providing essential code compliance information related to your CPT® Code Search. The CPT® to Diagnosis Matcher facility helps you see the top diagnosis codes submitted for your CPT® code list. Also, your HCPCS code lookup and CPT® coding just got easier, with the enhanced features from fast coder. With Fast Coder, you stay on top of the coding updates, be it CPT® Code 2016, the HCPCS codes,the CCI edits, and more.
1. Implementing an Effective Compliance Plan in Response to a Medicare Audit webinar by SuperCoder explains in detail about government audits and what constitute a fool proof compliance plan. The webinar, which is presented by Candice Fenildo, CPC, CPMA, CPB, CENTC, CPC-I, is designed to help you jump over compliance potholes and ensure that your revenue is safe against financial setbacks. Some of the key points covered in the webinar include what is a medicare audit and why is it undertaken, what is health care fraud and how to avoid it, how to leverage OIG compliance guidance, how to create an effective compliance program, how to identify risk areas, when and how to perform chart audit, who all are involved in an audit, how to respond correctly to an audit request, and more. The webinar also features critical advice on how to make your practice audit proof and avoid coming under the compliance hammer.
Don’t Land In Hot Water: Audit Proof Your Coding and Documentation” webinar by SuperCoder focuses on educating you about how to make your coding and documentation audit proof. The webinar is presented by The Coding Institute expert Nikki Taylor, MBA, COC, CPC, CPMA Auditor. Some of the talking points covered in the webinar include how government audits work and what are their areas of concern, how to interpret CMS guidelines and CMS medical record documentation guidelines, what to expect from RAC audit, how self-audits and external audits can help in improving documentation practices, point out the necessary corrections, prevent insufficient provider documentation, and how to avoid undercoding, overcoding and bad coding practices. Lastly, the webinar teaches you how to leverage specialized tools like E/M Audit tool and CCI Edits Checker, to keep your practice immune from government audits to avoid crippling fines, revenue losses and civil monetary penalties.
You’ve had a five-year code freeze to ease transitioning to ICD-10-CM, but now you should get your practice ready to see the first set of annual updates this Oct. 1. Moreover, the one-year grace period for errors in reporting will expire too and that means your practice could be vulnerable to denials and payment losses.
You’ve had a five-year code freeze to ease transitioning to ICD-10-CM, but now you should get your practice ready to see the first set of annual updates this Oct. 1. Moreover, the one-year grace period for errors in reporting will expire too and that means your practice could be vulnerable to denials and payment losses.
Let’s Consider This Orthopedic Medical Coding Scenario An orthopedic surgeon states in the operative report that he did both medial and lateral arthroscopic meniscectomies.
Back in July of 2018, CMS dropped some bombshells in its Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) CY 2019 proposed rule. Due to overwhelming stakeholder feedback — much of it negative — the agency has resolved to implement the E/M updates over the course of two years, with only a few subtle modifications for CY 2019. Learn the ins and outs to the MPFS Final Rule and find out how it may affect your practice. During the webinar you’ll: Take charge and learn how CMS is helping reduce administrative burden on medical providers with their Patients Over Paperwork initiative Learn the requirements for medical decision making for home visits Gain helpful insight into documentation changes for E/M visits Get the inside scoop on how reimbursement may change for the future Nail down the changes to virtual care including virtual check-ins Highlight helpful tools and resources to help you keep track of all of the changes
Stay one step ahead of CMS and OIG and get the inside scoop on the top areas of focus for 2018. Ensure that you’ll be ready if you get a request for an audit — Join Nikki Taylor, MBA, CPC®, COC™, CPMA®, CRC™, AAPC Fellow as she discusses CMS hot button issues and OIG’s plan of focus for 2018. Plus—you’ll gain tips and resources to keep you one step ahead. Nikki will highlight what you need to know to ensure that you’re on the right path to compliance.
Put your risk adjuster’s hat on and learn the basics of risk adjustment coding. Get the inside scoop on all things risk adjustment— Join Nikki Taylor, MBA, CPC®, COC™, CPMA®, CRC™, AAPC Fellow as she explores the hot topic of risk adjustment coding including HCC, data sources, financial impact, and more. Plus—you’ll gain tips and resources to keep you one step ahead. Nikki will highlight what you need to know to ensure that you’re up to speed on risk adjustment coding.
Need to get up to speed on 2017’s angioplasty code updates? We’ve got a handy tool for learning deleted codes, new codes, and important tips to apply the codes correctly.
Do you know how to use the NCD, LCD, and NCCI edits for the most accurate claim submission? Getting the most out of these edits can help from getting those denied claims in the first submission. We will review: Definition of NCCI (CCI), NCD and LCD and their importance How NCCI (CCI) edits impact CPT coding ICD 10-CM updates that will affect NCD and LCD Helpful tips to send out clean claims Learn tools and resources that will help with the up-to-date coding changes
Do you know how to use the NCD, LCD, and NCCI edits for the most accurate claim submission? Getting the most out of these edits can help from getting those denied claims in the first submission. We will review: Definition of NCCI (CCI), NCD and LCD and their importance How NCCI (CCI) edits impact CPT coding ICD 10-CM updates that will affect NCD and LCD Helpful tips to send out clean claims Learn tools and resources that will help with the up-to-date coding changes
CMS released the proposed 2018 Quality Payment Program (QPP) rule on June 20. To sum up the 1,000+ pages, 2018 will be something of a transition year like 2017 was for QPP, which was established under MACRA. If you read through the various summaries available, you’ll see the term “flexibility” used quite often, with specialty groups adding the warning that they need time to get through the complete rule before coming to a final verdict.
Coding for drug screening certainly keeps you sharp. Along with all the CPT® codes and rules, you’ve got to remember that Medicare requires use of a separate set of HCPCS codes in 2016. But you may find things a little simpler in 2017.
It’s time to start adjusting your brain to the new reality about moderate sedation coding. For years, you’ve trained yourself to not report your provider’s moderate sedation separately when CPT® marked the procedure code with a circle with a center dot symbol and listed the code in Appendix G. But the 2017 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and CPT want to change all that. CPT® removes the symbol from more than 400 codes, and that means you need to report the moderate sedation code if you want to be paid for it. Codes for vascular procedures, electrophysiology, and gastroenterology procedures dominate the list of codes that carried the moderate sedation symbol in 2016 and before, so if you code for those services, you need to pay particular attention to the changes coming for moderate sedation.
ICD-10-CM 2018 files are up on the CMS site! Here’s a quick overview of what’s coming when the new version goes into effect Oct. 1, 2017. Check Changes by the Numbers Based on the files posted, it looks like we’ll be dealing with more than 700 updates: 360 additions 142 deletions 226 revisions 71,704 codes total. Single Our Your Specialty Here are some changes from the chapters that will see the most updates. Be sure to check the complete files to see the details on the changes that will affect your specialty.
The ICD-10-CM 2018 Official Guidelines are out and ready for review. When you check through the new OGs for changes, take special note of these updates that line up with 2018 code set revisions.
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... is carried out through symplectic matrix multiplication. ... 2nd order momentum-conserving distribution of charges to grid (see Hockney and Eastwood) ...