How does an organization apply for a grant? The grant application guidelines are available. Our organization has applied for, but not yet received our 501(c)(3) exemption letter. Can we still apply? No. The IRS determination letter must be included with the proposal. Check This Out:
To follow is a list of links you may be interested in as a non-profit: • South Carolina Association of Non Profit Organizations (SCANPO) • Guidestar • TechSoup • Foundation Center • IRS-Tax Exempt Organizations • Subscribe to the IRS-Tax Exempt Updates
Welcome to The Abney Foundation Established in 1957, The Abney Foundation is a private, grant making foundation in Anderson, SC. The Foundation makes grants to charitable organizations recognized under IRS code 501(c) (3). We do not make grants to individuals.
Applicants may submit a Letter of Intent briefly describing the project before submitting a proposal in order to find out if their ideas are potentially fundable by the Foundation.
Higher education is the primary focus of The Abney Foundation. We are proud to have Abney Foundation Scholarship endowments at fourteen colleges and universities across the state of South Carolina. Over $27,000,000 has been awarded to 12,865 Abney Scholars, including 568 students for the academic year 2013-14. The combined endowment balances exceed $38,475,000.
The following article was taken from the March 1969 edition of QUILLS, a monthly newsletter Published by Abney Mills. This is one of our favorite articles and feels that it is a wonderful portrayal of our founder.