Michael Harte Naugatuck has positively impacted the lives of more than a thousand students in his 25-year career. He is highly passionate about his special education transition coordinator role in Naugatuck Public Schools. When not working there, he serves a pivotal role at the Terryville Fire Department as a firefighter.
Ammar Idlibi is a gifted dentist from Terryville, Connecticut. He received his dental degrees both in the US and abroad. After receiving a certificate in pediatric dentistry from Tufts University and completing a fellowship program at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, he opened a dental practice in his hometown of Damascus, Syria. After that, he received a job offer from an American multi-specialty elite practice in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which he accepted. Dr. Idlibi permanently immigrated to the US in 2000.
Manufacturing S.T.E.M. I Background Manufacturing involves creating or modifying physical objects that are not found in one location. Objects that are fixed to a site ...
Jeremiah Regimbald is keen to bring music to as many people as possible. He has a master's in music education and loves nothing more than teaching music. Jeremiah Regimbald loves making music, writing music, and listening to music. He is a prominent member of The Remnants Family Band.