24 november 2000 Gitek Suzy Bruyninckx Marc Huybrighs Gitek Belgisch softwarehuis 1986 Cap Gemini Ernst & Young 125 medewerkers IT op maat Gestructureerd testen (TMap ...
'I wish you all a fruitful meeting today and hope that you will be able to use ... Presentation: Library Cooperation in Belgium (4 p.m.) Academic structure in Flanders ...
Empirical Evaluation and Comparison of Enterprise Models: A Framework and Its Application Jean-Paul Van Belle Information System Dept jvbelle@commerce.uct.ac.za
Measuring and Improving Corporate IT Performance through the Balanced Scorecard Prof. dr. Wim Van Grembergen wim.vangrembergen@ufsia.ac.be University of Antwerp (UFSIA)