VDATUM: the Vertical Datum Transformation Tool. A ... Depths need to be converted to chart datum (MLLW) ... Inundated areas due to a 30 cm sea level rise ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Laura McLaughlin Last modified by: Laura McLaughlin Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Composite Geoids. Gravimetric Geoid systematic misfit with benchmarks ... A, B, and 1st order GPS only. ABCRMH criteria for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order leveling ...
Ongoing research to support NGS in the future... New GNSS processing software ... More state advisors. Stronger Spatial Reference Centers. Rotations to both? ...
Q: So what's a 'geoid height' model? A: A model of the separation between a geoid or vertical datum ... maybe a brief GEOID 101 tutorial to cover the basics ...
Potential in Texas and Wisconsin. Innovative Partnerships. FEMA, ... Prioritize NGS-wide activities based on politics, mission, requirements - Dave Zilkoski ...
The National Geodetic Survey 10 year plan -- Mission, Vision and Strategy 2008-2018 ... Hard copies expected at ACSM in March. Questions/Comments? Dr. Dru Smith ...
Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee Update Ronnie Taylor Acting Director, National Geodetic Survey Alternate Chair, Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee