Following an accident that caused a worker to get injured, he or she may be eligible to file a worker’s compensation claim. The purpose of the claim is to help the injured individual with their medical costs, lost wages, and to help them return to work. If you encounter any problems, consult with a Los Angeles workplace injury lawyer William J. Kropach at Law Offices of Kropach & Kropach and schedule a free consultation and receive legal protection and representation.
While some jobs are more hazardous than others, employers should always ensure their workers have the equipment and training they need. Heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms include a rapid pulse and heavy sweating. Without prompt medical attention, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke. If you or someone you care about has suffered from a work heat-related illness or injury, you may need to Los Angeles workplace injury attorneys. At Koszdin, Fields, Sherry & Katz their team will help you.
Employees and employers are often in dispute. Whether it is unpaid vacation time, missing wages, or other employee rights issues, the disputes happen every day and in many different workplaces across the country. If you are having issues in your workplace, know that you are not alone and that there are thousands of individuals, just like you, in need of help and legal representation. Contact a Los Angeles workplace injury lawyer William J. Kropach at the Law Offices of Kropach & Kropach. He will handle communication between all responsible parties to assure your claim is filed and benefits are provided on time.