Title: Understanding ISO 8601 date and time representation formats
1Understanding ISO 8601 date and time
representation formats
- Tex Texin
- Director, International Business
- Progress Software Corporation
2Objectives for this session
- ISO 86011988 is updated in 2000.
- What is in ISO 86012000?
- Are there potential pitfalls in using ISO 8601,
especially for internationalization? - If so, are there workarounds?
Brief Overview of ISO 8601 Problem
Areas Solutions
4ISO 86012000 Overview
- Dates
- Calendar dates
- Ordinal dates
- Week dates
- Time of day
- Local vs. Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
- Combined data and time
- Time-intervals
- Recurring time-intervals
5Representing dates, times, durations and intervals
- Uses character representation
- ISO/IEC 646, no spaces
- Separators (Extended Format)
- Hyphens, Colons, Solidus, Number sign
- Truncation
- Omission of higher order components
- Reduced Precision
- Omission of lower order components
- Expansion- years lt 0 or years gt 9999
- Fixed length fields using leading zeros
6Representing dates, times, durations and intervals
- Designators
- P is time-interval designator
- R is recurring time-interval designator
- T indicates start of Time elements
- W is week designator
- Z is UTC designator
- Duration designators
- Y, M, W, D, H, M, S may be used
- M can be minute, month, or both
7Calendar Dates
- Gregorian calendar
- 1875 is reference point
- Common (365) and Leap (366) years
- Leap is every 4th year except centennial years
that are not integrally divisible by 400 - Gregorian is used even for years lt 1582 (by
mutual agreement). - Year 0000 is leap.
8Calendar week
- Monday is day 1, Sunday is day 7.
- Weeks are numbered 1- 52 or 1 - 53.
- Week 1 includes the first Thursday of year.
- Alternatively, Week 1 includes Jan 4.
- Week 1 may include 3 days of last year.
- Last week may include 3 days of next year.
9Representing dates
- Calendar date
- year, month, day number within month
- Ordinal date
- year, day number within year
- Week date
- year, week, number within week
10Representing dates
11ISO 86012000 Overview
- Dates
- Calendar dates
- Ordinal dates
- Week dates
- Time of day
- Local vs. Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
- Combined data and time
- Time-intervals
- Recurring time-intervals
12Representing times
- Hours 00-24 (allowing midnight-midnight)
- Minutes 00-59
- Seconds 00-60 (allowing leap seconds)
- Decimal fractions of hour, minute, second
- Local and Universal (UTC) time
13Representing times
14Combined date and time
- T indicates start of time
- Mix and match as needed
- Calendar dates local time
- Ordinal dates UTC time
- Week dates offset from UTC
- YYYYWwwDThhmmhhmm
15ISO 86012000 Overview
- Dates
- Calendar dates
- Ordinal dates
- Week dates
- Time of day
- Local vs. Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
- Combined data and time
- Time-intervals
- Recurring time-intervals
16Representing time-intervals
- P indicates a duration (period)
- Intervals come in 4 varieties
- start and end times
- YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss/YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss
- durations
- PnYnMnDTnHnMnS
- P2Y10M15DT10H30M20S
- 2 Yr, 10 mon, 15 days, 10 hrs. 30 min. 20 sec.
- P6W is a duration of 6 weeks.
17Representing time-intervals
- The remaining 2 varieties
- start time and duration
- YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS or
- YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss/PYYYY-MM-DDThhmmss
- 1985-04-12T232050/P0001-02-15T123000
- duration and end time
- PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss or
- PYYYY-MM-DDThhmmss/YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss
18Recurring time-intervals
- Recurring time intervals are expressed by
- of recurrences and start and end times
- of recurrences and a duration
- of recurrences start time a duration
- of recurrences duration end time
- If of recurrences is not provided than the
number is unbounded - R is used to indicate recursion
19Examples of recurring time-intervals
Recurring with Start and End Times Rn/YYYY-MM-DDT
hhmmss/YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss R12/1985-04-12T2320
50/1985-06-25T103000 Recurring with a
duration Rn/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS R12/P2Y10M15DT10H20M20
S Recurring with a Start Time and
duration Rn/YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS R1
Brief Overview of ISO 8601 Problem
Areas Solutions
- Future leap seconds are unpredictable
- Is 2010-03-31T235960Z valid?
- Year, month, minute have varying sizes
- P1M P28D or P29D or P30D or P31D
- Mismatched precision
- 1985W50 lt 1985W501?
- Truncation opens the door for Y2K issues
- Variations of 8601 exist in practice
- Julian, Gregorian, Emperor...
- Date arithmetic is not defined
- 2001-03-30 P1M 2001-04-29 (Add 30 days)
- 2001-03-30 P1M 2001-04-30 (Add 1 mon.)
- Addition is not commutative or associative
- 2001-03-30 P1D P1M 2001-04-30
- 2001-03-30 P1M P1D 2001-05-01
- Subtraction is not the inverse of Addition
- Precision of decimal fractions can vary
- Gregorian calendar adopted at different times
around the world - Most calendars do not include year 0.
- 8601 extends leap years into the past, other
calendars do not. - Dates without times are often not qualified by
time zone. - Time zones (currently) go from -13 to 12
- So the date could be /- 1 day
Brief Overview of ISO 8601 Problem
Areas Solutions
- Mutual Agreements
- Referencing other standards and implementations
- e.g. Java
- Standards employing 8601 may need to introduce
rules or constraints - e.g. XML Schema
- Restrict use of 8601 formats
- Mark Davis (IBM)
- www.macchiato.com/unicode/timeIntervals.htm
- W3C Internationalization working and interest