Title: Getting Equity What Happens Thomas G' Michelet, partner
1Getting Equity - What Happens?Thomas G.
Michelet, partner
2Investment process - how it may happen
Investor Final Approval
Investor Initial Approval
Investor Go Ahead
Negotiations on documen-tation
Initial discussions
Innledende diskusjoner
Initial contact
Term Sheet
Due Diligence
- General review of
- The company
- Business plan
- Financial statements
- / budget
- Discussions with
- management
Main terms and conditions of the investment
- Normally
- Legal
- Technical
- Less frequent
- Environment
- Market
- Transactions
- Agreement
- Shareholders
- Agreement
- Loan Agreement
- Employment
- agreements
3Term Sheet - The First Step (12)
Issues Key Elements Comments
Investor Company Often also all or the majority
Parties Equity financing Debt
financing Pricing Other matters
- Capital increase
- (one or several tranches)
- Purchase of shares
Purchase of shares normally not desired by the
- Pari passu (equal ranking with other debt)
- Convertible debt
- Security
- Convertible debt most common
- Who has the right to convert?
- What are the conditions?
- Pre-money value for the first tranche
- Calculation method for subsequent
- tranche(s)
- Typical haggling matter
- Make sure that the provisions are clear
Minority protection rights (Preference shares? /
Other preferential rights)
See slide on Shareholders Agreement
4Term Sheet - The First Step (22)
- An important document that will affect the
subsequent negotiations - Therefore, spend time in order to
- Thoruoghly examine the terms and conditions
- Discuss them internally
- Contact your legal advisor (should have been
contacted already!) - Negotiate with the investor(s)
5Transaction Agreement - Key Elements
Issues Key Elements Comments
Investor Company Often also all or the majority
Parties Equity/Debt Representations
Warranties (r/w) (garantier) Indemnification
Equity ( loan) contribution - amount Pre-money
valuation Valuation in rel. to subsequent
- Technical issues, but avoid ambiguity
- on valuation matters (should be
- possible to objectively verify)
- How secure incentives for key
- employees? (options, other schemes
- (envy ratio)?)
- Provide security for the investor as to the
- company as investment object
- Includes ownership of shares, title to
- assets (incl. IPR), true and correct
- financial statements (FS), no liabilities
- other than described in the FS,
- no litigation, etc.
Can you really confirm the contents of the reps
Shareholders ( company?) to indemnify investor
for loss based on breach of r/w (normally
excluding consequential losses)
- Who is liable for breach of r/w?
- What is the limit of exposure (
- or amount)?
- When does the liability expire?
6Shareholders Agreement - Key Elements (12)
Issues Key Elements Comments
Investor All or the majority shareholders Company
Parties Common/Pref. Shares? Investor
Additional Rights
- Pref. shares - a separate class of shares
- or
- Common shares, with aditional rights
- stipulated in the shareholders
- agreement
- Pref. Shares
- Will often have to be converted later
- Simplifies notification of pref. rights
- Investor will want to limit his/her risks
- Possible down-side can be limited in
- various ways (see next slide)
- Does the investor get too much
- control?
- Does the investor take too much of
- the up-side?
7Shareholders Agreement - Key Elements (22)
Investor additional rights may include
- Liquidation Preference
- Pre-emption Right
- Right of First Refusal
- Right to nominate
- Directors/Chairman
- Anti-dilution rights
- Tag Along
- Drag Along
- Lock-Up
- Call Option
- Put Option
- Redemption Right
- Listing Right
- Preferential right in liquidation/bankruptcy,
sometimes also in - sale/mergers
- Preferantial right in capital increases
- Sale of shares
- In future capital increases right to lower
subscription price e.g. nominal - value/bonus issues in order to maintain (and
sometimes increase) - shareholding
- Participate in other shareholders sale of
shares, normally on a pro rata - basis
- Force other shareholders to sell their shares
- Prohibition against sale of shares
- Right to buy other shareholders shares
- Right to sell shares to others
- Right to demand redemption (NB 10 -limitation
under Norwegian - law))
- Right to demand listing of the company
8Loan Agreement / Employment Agreements
- Loan Agreement
- Parties investor and the company
- Pari passu/Secured
- Convertible loans (who can request conversion?)
- Mezzanine (normally temporary financing for
specific purpose) - not frequently used in Norway to date
- high RoR (i.e. high interest rate)
- can be convertible (or sometimes separate
warrants are required) - Employment agreements
- Normally only for key employees
- Salary, fringe benefits etc
- Options
- Notice period
- Non-compete
- Non-solicitation
- Carefully evaluate
- What type of financing are you looking for?
- What type of investor do you prefer?
- Can you confirm the reps/warranties?
- What is your exposure in the event of breach of
reps/warranties? - Do the terms and conditions stipulated by the
investor limit or expand the future development
of the company and the shareholder values? - Is the risk sharing reasonably distributed?
- Dont get too exited although cash
in almost there - At the same time A partner can be
adding values to your business prospects
- Støperigata 2
- P.O.Box 1324 Vika
- N-0112 OSLO
- Phone 47 23 11 65 00
- Fax 47 23 11 65 01
- Kjøpmannsgata 52
- P.O.Box 869
- Phone 47 23 11 65 00
- Fax 47 73 87 90 61