Title: Textron Systems Retirees Association, Inc'
1Textron Systems Retirees Association, Inc.
Overview of TSRA
- Mission
- Organization
- Board Membership
- Activities Accomplishments
2Textron Systems Retirees Association, Inc.
TSRA has four primary missions
As an association, we will work together to
nurture a vital and vibrant organization
committed to 1. Protecting, preserving and
supplementing the retirement benefits of all
Textron Systems retirees, 2. Promoting social
activities that enhance and enrich the retirement
experiences of our members, 3. Providing
educational and benefits-related information and
programs that enable our members to manage and
direct their retirement to their fullest
advantage, and 4. Joining with Textron,
government, and related entities on important
retiree issues.
3TSRA Organizational Structure
- Board of Directors
- Standing Committees
- Working Groups
- Membership
President Secretary Treasurer
Chairmen of The Standing Committees
TSRA Representatives
Ad Hoc Assignments
TSRA Members
4TSRAs Leadership
Members of the Corporation
Board of Directors
Vice President
Jim Stamboni
Standing Committees
AERL Interface
Bob Kessler
Guy Berube/
Sylvia Bonnacorso Bill Fitzgerald Ray
DAuteuil Carol Coombs Joel Bernstein Jim
Stamboni Tony Longo Marilyn Nolan Selena
Evans Ron Milauskas Leo Roy Geoff Bentley
John Lescher Carol Coombs Harry Lockhart
Dach Nahabedian
Joel Bernstein (Chair) Joseph Kwong Ray
Kahre John Boness Rachel Morin Ray Loszewski Mike
Emmons Bob Norbedo Joanne Campbell Mark
Kovacs Barbara Brenick Fran Corbett Jim Ewell Bob
Littlehale Dan Trainor Richard Slater Bill
Pre-Retirees Ad-Hoc Committee
5Textron Systems Retirees Association, Inc.
- Thru established relationships with TXT, TSC
and TDS - Partnered to improve Fidelitys Delivery of
Services - Drove reinstatement of health insurance option
for eligible children - Initiated sustained Health Option Forums for
retirees - Drove celebration of Avco/Textron 50th
Anniversary - Supported skills matrix development with TDS
- Facilitated interaction of Textron management
with retirees - Authored an historical account of Avco/Textron
Systems first 50 years
TSRA is active and vital
6Textron Systems Retirees Association, Inc.
- We sponsor major eductional opportunities
- Initiated distributed major informational
package re Health Care - Sponsored several educational forums on vital
retiree issues - Established maintain array of retirement
information on our website - Maintains active email hotline for
time-sensitive alerts
TSRA is active and vital
7Textron Systems Retirees Association, Inc.
- We provide advocacy for our members
- Established maintain current Issue Resolution
Process Guidelines - Provide a contact point for access to FAQs help
- Enjoin with Textron to advocate on critical
issues for its members - We share experiences knowledge of retirement
life issues - Hold informal sessions with pre-retirees on
retirement challenges - Developing comprehensive Guideline for
Retirement package - Maintain a database of memberships contact
information - Conduct surveys to indentify and respond to
retirees needs wants
TSRA is active and vital
8Textron Systems Retirees Association, Inc.
- We sponsor social events
- Annual Spring Fall Luncheons
- Annual Golf Tournament
- Annual Spinners Baseball Outing
- Historical Tour of Lowell Mills and Locks
- Isle of Shoals Boat Tour
- North Shore Theater and Luncheon
- Winery Visit
- We provide educational events
- Forums on Elderly Services, Investment, Social
Security, et al - Undertake research and distribute reports on
vital issues - Distribute Quarterly Newsletters
- Maintain very active website ( www.tsretirees.org
TSRA is active and vital
9Textron Systems Retirees Association, Inc.
Much has been done, but much remains
- Opportunities
- Pension Fund Study
- Compilation of Avco/Textron Benefits Matrix
- Surviving Spouse Group
- TSRA Blog
- Expansion of joint TSRA/TXT actvities
- Updating of Health Initiative Report
- Expansion of Social Activites
Come join us in this undertaking !