Title: Nanotechnology: Environmental Toxicology, Detection and Diagnostic Design
1Nanotechnology Environmental Toxicology,
Detection and Diagnostic Design
2Nanoparticles Human and Environmental Toxicology
- Industrial and Research Projections
- Industry projections are for a 1 trillion dollar
market by 2011-2015 (NSF), projected workforce of
2,000,000 by 2015 (NNI). - Carbon nanotube production alone now approaches
500,000 kg/yr. - In 2004 9 billion in worldwide RD spending (3
billion in US).
3Public Perception?
Green Goo The New Nano-Threat In its
report, published on July 8, 2005, the Action
Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration
said the risks from green goo demand the most
urgent foresight and caution. "With nanobiotech,
researchers have the power to create completely
new organisms that have never existed on Earth,"
said the ETC release accompanying its report.
4- Concerns of Informed Scientists
- The very scale range of these materials do
present safety and environmental issues that
should be addressed responsibly by industry at
least in the same manner as fine particulate
materials are currently handled under existing
health and safety guidelines. (EU Report) - Very little is known about the behavior of these
nanoparticles in the atmosphere, water or soil. - Actions of Regulatory Agencies
- National toxicology program is expected to
budget 5 million per year by 2008 for evaluation
of toxicity of nanoparticles. - Agencies (NIOSH, NCI, DoD, NIST, NIEHS, NTP,
FDA, EPA) are gathering data, supporting research
about potential toxicity and considering
regulations governing the production and use of
5Responsible Data-Driven Reaction to Public
What must always be borne in mind is that if the
public lose confidence in the safety of a new or
particular technology their pressure will
ultimately result in the loss of its license to
operate. GMOs for food production are not a
commercially viable option in Europe and have
closed their production in light of massive
public concern. John Ewins, HSE, UK 1st Int Sym
on Occupational Health Implications of
Nanomaterials Oct. 2004 http//www.hsl.gov.uk/cap
6Addressing Real Issues
- Behavior and influence of nanoparticles in the
biosphere - Fate of nanoparticles in the environment to
effects upon individual organisms - Structural transition in air, soil, water, and
sediment - Chemical/physical transition by recycling
(combustion) - Effects upon individual organisms
- Sites of action, metabolism, storage, and
excretion - Nature and degree of potential harmful effects
especially those resulting from sublethal doses. - Manipulation of cells and/or genes by
nanoparticles? - Transfection
- Formation/initiation of tumor cells
- Misfunction of proteins after adsorption
- Relationships of linkages between responses at
different organizational levels - From molecular to ecosystem
- Synergistic effects
7Building on Our Strengths Collaborative,
cross-disciplinary, strength-based projects
- Toxicology of Nanomaterials
- Characterizing mechanisms of entry and action
- B. Monitoring environmental effects
- Nanomaterials as Tools for Biological Diagnostics
- Developing of nanomaterials-based tools for
biomonitoring - Integrating nanotechnology-based tools in nucleic
acid- and protein-based diagnostic platforms - UAF, UALR, ASU
- Detection and monitoring of nanomaterials
- Developing analytical tools for environmental
assessment (water, soil, sediment and air) - B. Developing of high throughput,
molecular-based tools for - detection of nanomaterials in organisms
8Nanotechnology Toxicology, Detection and
Diagnostic Design
- Specific Goals
- Application of existing (e.g. EPA-certified)
toxicity tests to commercially available
nanoparticles - Characterize toxicology of new and existing
nanoparticles - Characterize mechanisms by which nanoparticle
impact cellular and organismal responses. - Characterize fate and distribution of
nanoparticles in the environment - Development of models and testing systems that
will allow rapid, inexpensive toxicity testing
for new and existing types of nanoparticles - Detection and measurement of nanoparticles in
environmental samples (air, water, soil,
sediments) - Develop nanotechnology-based tools that will
allow rapid, inexpensive detection of exposure
to sublethal environmental stressors. - Improved (cost, speed, accuracy)
nanotechnology-based biological diagnostics.
9Expertise at ASU
- Dolan/Farris/Buchanan Development of high
throughput, molecular-based tools for detection
of nanomaterials in the environment - Cramer/Dolan Integration of nanotechnology
application for commercially relevant nucleic
acid- protein-based diagnostics - Farris/Buchanan/Bouldin Environmental toxicology
of metal-based nanomaterials - Hannigan Detection of nanoparticles in
environmental samples (water, soil and air) - Srivatsan Effects of nanoparticles on neuron
survival/death and neurite growth.
10Regional Importance
- Arkansas institutions and companies will need
reliable assessment of their product
applications, use, and impact. - Arkansas has already developed significant
resources for investigating human and
environmental toxicity. - Initial start-up companies that are producing
nanoparticles, using nanotechnology and
providing analytical and diagnostic services are
already in the state. - Ability to effectively monitor Arkansass
natural resources and environment
11Statewide Impact of this Project