Title: Stock Condition Survey Presentation Rykneld Homes
1Stock Condition Survey PresentationRykneld Homes
2Objective - To Successfully Manage Maintain
its Stock and its Environs
Identify investment need over a 30 year
horizon Validate ALMO bid decent homes
analysis Inform Investment Planning
and Procurement Processes
- Original In-house survey 2004
- Validation for ALMO bid 2006
- Required 100m desktop costs
- Works planning
- Housing Health Safety Rating System
- Detail required at dwelling level
- Updated asset management profile
- In-house team carry out 10 annual rolling stock
condition survey to update and maintain accurate
information -
4Survey Methodology
Sample Strategy 25 Elemental life
expectancies roofs, boilers, etc Schedule of
Rates cost of replacing works
5Sample Strategy
Property Characteristics Type Age Constructio
n Tenure Geography (More in-depth structural
survey underway June 08)
6Schedule of Rates cost of replacing works
Roof 7,000 Windows 2,600 Doors 600 Kitc
hens 4,900 Bathroom 2,250 Electrics 2,400 Bo
iler 2,000 Heating Distribution 2,700
7Elemental Life expectancy
Roof 60 Windows 30 Doors 30 Kitchens 20 B
athroom 30 Electrics 30 Boiler 15 Heating
Distribution 30
8Why Invest?
- technical need
- maintenance policy
- statutory/regulatory guidance
- finance
- sustainability
- tenant promises
9Overall Results (Clear 5 year Investment
Plans. Further work between NEDDC
RH to determine 6-30 plans)
10Overall Results By Category
11Analysis of Major Renewals
12Key Points
- Develop detailed 5 year investment plans by -
June 08 - High levels of investment are required in the
next five years - 3,260 dwellings require new kitchens in the next
five years at a cost of 16.0m. - 3,000 dwellings require new bathrooms in the
next five years at a cost of 7.6m. - Vast majority of stock double glazed
13Key Points cont..
- 3,000 dwellings require electrical works in the
next five years at a cost of 7.2m. - 4,000 dwellings require central heating works in
the next five years at a cost of 25m - 3m on front and rear doors
- Above eaves - 7.6m (roofing, chimney, rwg,
fascia) - Non-Traditional Structural works Engineers
survey in progress
14Decent Homes
53 Currently Fail April 08 32 Have the
potential to fail by 2013
- Inform Annual Maintenance Plan June 08
- Non-trad structural surveys to inform 5 year
decent homes plan June 08 - Inform 5 year Investment plans June 08
- Inform 30 year Business Plan based on scenario
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