Title: Energy Level Diagrams and Primary Processes
1Energy Level Diagrams and Primary Processes
2Primary Processes
- One molecule is excited into an electronically
excited state by absorption of a photon, it can
undergo a number of different primary processes. - Photochemical processes are those in which the
excited species dissociates, isomerizes,
rearranges, or react with another molecule. - Photophysical processes include radiative
transitions in which the excited molecule emits
light in the form of fluorescence or
phosphorescence and returns to the ground state,
and intramolecular non-radiative transitions in
which some or all of the energy of the absorbed
photon is ultimately converted to heat.
3Primary Processes
- Fluorescence is defined as the emission of light
due to transition between states of like
multiplicity, that is e.g., S1 ? S0 h?. This
is an allowed transition and hence the lifetime
of the upper state with respect to fluorescence
is usually short (10-6 -10-9 s), e.g., lifetime
of HO radical in the excited state A2 state is 07
microsecond. - Phosphorescence is defined as the emission of
light due to a transition between different spin
multiplicities. - Intersystem crossing (ISC) is the intramolecular
crossing from one state to another of different
multiplicity without the emission of radiation.
4Primary and Overall Quantum
- ?i number of excited molecules proceeding by
process I/total number of photons absorbed. - For chemical processes, two kinds of quantum
yields are usually defined, primary ?, and an
overall quantum yield, ?. - HCHO h? ? (a) H HCO
- ? (b) H2 CO
- Reaction (a) is a significant source of HO2 and
ultimately HO in troposphere.
5Primary and Overall Quantum
- ?a number of H atoms (or HCO radicals)
formed/number of photons absorbed by HCHO - Experimentally we often measure the yields of
stable products rather than of atoms and free
radicals and hence - ?A number of molecules of product A
formed/number of photons absorbed by reactant - ?H2 number of molecules of H2 formed/number of
photons absorbed by HCHO - ?CO number of molecules of CO formed/number of
photons absorbed by HCHO
6Primary and Overall Quantum
- It is important to note that CO and H2 production
in photolyses of pure H2CO vapor arises not only
directly from the primary molecular detachment
but also from the subsequent secondary reactions
of the reactive species H and HCHO formed. - H HCO ? H2 CO
- 2H ( M) ? H2
- 2HCO ? 2 CO H2
7Primary and Overall Quantum
- The magnitude of primary and overall product
quantum yields gives valuable indication of the
relative importance of photophysical and
photochemical processes. - If ? ltlt 1(small primary photochemical quantum
yields) indicate that photophysical processes
must be important. - Of the overall product quantum yield is greater
than 1 (? gt1) usually indicate that a chain
reaction is occurring.
8Primary and Overall Quantum
- In the photolysis of Cl2 and H2, ?HCl can be as
high as 1 million. - Cl2 h? ? 2Cl
- Cl H2 ? HCl H
- H Cl2 ? HCl H
- Quantum yields for photophysical processes are
defined in an analogous way - ?f total of excited molecules that
fluoresce/total number of photons absorbed
9Primary and Overall Quantum
- The sum of all photophysical and photochemical
primary quantum yields must be unity ??i 1 - Einstein-Stark law (second law of photochemistry)
which states that the absorption of light by a
molecule is a one quantum process for low to
moderate light intensities, e.g., 1013-1015
quanta s-1. It is based on the fact that the
probability that an electronically excited
molecule absorbing a second quantum of light
during its short liftime of ? 10-8 s is very
small. For high quantum flux, this law does not
apply. - ? (?f ?P ?deactivation ?a ?b ) 1.0
10Intermolecular non-radiative processes
- Collisional deactivation and energy transfer
- At atmospheric pressure or in the liquid state,
the excited molecule can undergo many collisions
with ground state molecules leading to several
pathways for collisional deactivation. - Energy transfer from A to the collision partner
can occur in which the excitation energy appears
as access vibrational, rotational, and/or
electronic energy of molecule B (conservation of
spin angular momentum) - SO2(3B1) O2(3?g-) ? SO2(1A1) O2 (1?g, 1?g)
11Types of primary photochemical processes
- Photodissociation It can produce atoms and free
radicals which either directly or via secondary
thermal reactions, are the source of free
radicals such as HO, HO2, and RO2. - NO2 (X2 A1) h? (290 lt ? lt 430 nm) ? NO (X2?)
(O3P) - This process is spin-allowed.
- Another example is spin-allowed dissociation of
ozone - O3(1B2) h? (? lt 320 nm) ? O(1D) O2(1?g)
12Types of primary photochemical processes
- Interamolecular rearrangement
- E.g., photolysis of o-nitrobenzaldehyde in the
vapor, solution, or vapor phase - NO2?(C(O)H) h? ? NO?(C(O)OH)
- Photoisomerization
- Cis and trans isomerization
- CH3-C(O) CHCH(CH3) (trans) h? ? CH3-C(O)
- CHCH(CH3) (cis)
13Types of primary photochemical processes
- Photodimerization
- Anthracene dimerization
- ??? h? ? ??????
- This occurs in competition with photooxidation
when air is present. - Hydrogen abstraction
- ?-C(O)- ? CH3CH(OH)CH3 h? ? ?-C(OH)- ?
- CH3C.(OH)CH3
14Types of primary photochemical processes
- Photosensitized reactions
- An electronically excited molecule can transfer
its energy to a second species which then
undergoes a photochemical process even though it
was not itself directly excited. - Sens(S0) h? ? Sens(S1)
- Sens(S1) (intersystem crossing) ? Sens(T1)
- Sens(T1) Acceptor(S0) (energy transfer) ?
- Sens(S0) Acceptor(T1)
- Acceptor(T1) ? Products
- E.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on
combustion generated particles.
15Next lecture advanced reading
- Atkinson, R.,1985. Chemical Reviews, 85(1), p.
- Grotthus-Draper Law
- Only the light which is absorbed by a molecule
can be effective in producing photochemical
changes in the molecule. - Beer-Lambert Law
- Log (I0/I) ?Cl
- Energy levels and molecular absorption Spectra
- Etotal Ev Er Ee
- Ev h?vib (v 1/2) and ?v ? 1
- For purely vibrational transition, the selection
rule for absorption of light requires that there
be a changing dipole moment during the vibration.
This oscillating dipole moment produces an
electric filed that can interact with the
oscillating electric and magnetic fields of
electromagnetic radiation. -
- Rotational Transitions
- If a molecule has a permanent dipole moment, its
rotation in space produces an oscillating
electric field, this can interact with
electromagnetic radiation, resulting in light
absorption. - For a rigid rotor
- Er B(J) (J1) cm-1
- B h/8?2Ic
- where I ?r2 and ? -1 (MA-1 MB-1)
- For idealized case ?Er 2BJ
- ?J ? 1
- Vibration-Rotation Transition
- Molecules vibrate and rotate simultaneously. The
total change in energy is the sum of the changes
in vibrational and rotational energy. - Selection rules ?v ? 1, ?J ? 1
- Electronic Transition
- The electronic states of a diatomic molecules are
described by several molecular quantum numbers
such as ?, S, and ?. - Selection rule not as clear cut as in the case of
vibration and rotation but in case of many of
tropospherically interesting molecules - ?? 0, ? 1 and ?S 0
- A molecule can undergo an electronic transition,
along with simultaneous vibrational and
rotational transitions. In this case there is no
restriction on ?v. -
- Reaction of HO radicals with selected organic
compounds - O3 h?? O(1D) O2
- O(1D) H2O ? 2 HO
- HO is so-called the cleanser or detergent of the
atmosphere during the daytime. - Other important primary reactions of
hydrocarbons photolysis, NO3 (at night), O3 (for
unsaturated compounds), Cl and Br in marine
boundary layer.
- Main Hydrocarbon groups
- Alkanes
- Alkenes
- Alkynes
- Aromatics and substituted aromatics
- Alcohols and ethers
- Further reading
- R. Atkinson, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 24A,
No. 1, pp 1-41, 1990.
- HO Reactions Initial step for chemicals resulted
from primary emissions - HO RH ? H2O R.
- (alkanes ethane, propane, n-and pentanes, )
- HO gtCClt ? gtC.-C(HO)lt
- (ethene, propene, )
- HO CH3-? ? H2O .CH2-?
- ( M)? addition to the ring
- (benzene, toluene, xylenes, )
- (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, )
- HO R-C?C-R (M) ? HOCRC.R
- (acetylene, propyne, 1-butyne, ..)
- HO ROH ? H2O RO.
- (methanol, ethanol, to a lesser extent C3 and C4
- HO CH3OC(CH3)3 ? .CH2OC(CH3)
- ?H2O CH3OC(CH3)2C.H2
- (dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, and methyl
tert-butyl ether) - Carboxylic acids formic acid, 50 days life
time, major removal mechanisms wet or dry
deposition - (formic and acetic acids)
- Hydroperoxides measured components are methyl
hydroperoxides (CH3OOH) and tert-butyl
hydroperoxide (CH3)3OOH). Major removal by
photolysis and HO - HO CH3OOH ? H2O CH3OO.
26Secondary Reactions
- R. O2 ? RO2
- (R. O2 ? (RO2) ? HO2 alkene
- (M) ? RO2
- At elevated temperatures, H-abstraction channel
from peroxy radical has been observed, however,
it is formed from the activated RO2 (Slagle et
al., 1984., Kinetics of the reaction of ethyl
radicals with molecular oxygen from 294 to 1002
K., J. Phys. Chem., 88, 215-227).
27Secondary Reactions
- And at high pressure limit peroxy radical
formation is the sole reaction process. - For the alkyl, hydroxy alkyl (other than alpha),
benzyl, and methyl-substituted benzyl, acetyl,
and allyl radicals to date the reaction with O2
proceeds via addition to from a peroxy radical
with a room temperature rate constants of ? 10-12
cm3 molecule -1 s-1. - Niki et al., 1981, Chem. Phys. Lett., 80,
- Exceptions to the Rule
- Formyl radical
- HCO O2 ? HO2 CO
- (k 6 ? 10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 independent of
temperature over range 295-500 K, Veyret and
Lesclaux, 1981, J. Phys. Chem., 85, 1918-1922) - Simple ?-hydroxy radicals, .CH2OH,
- .CH2OH O2 ? HCHO HO2
- .CH2OH O2 ?(.OOCH2OH ? HOOCH2O.)
- ? HCHO HO2
- (k298 9.0 ? 10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1)
- Formation of phenyl due to HO addition to the
aromatic ring and ring cleavage
- Subsequent Reactions of RO2
- RO2 RO2 ? 2 RO. O2 (a)
- (not accessible for tertiary RO2s)
- RO2 RO2 ? ROH R'R'CO O2 (b)
- RO2 RO2 ? RROORR O2 (c)
- The overall rate k ka kb kc
- Example
- R1 R2 CH3
- R1R2CH.O2 R1R2CH.O2 ? 2 R1R2CHO O2
- O2
- O2
- IUPAC Recommendations
- k(primary RO2 primary RO2) 1 ? 10-13 cm3
molecule-1 s-1 - independent of temperature
- k(secondary RO2 secondary RO2) 1.6 ? 10-12 e
-2200/T cm3 molecule-1 s-1 - k(tertiary RO2 tertiary RO2) 1.7 ? 10-10
e-4775/T cm3 molecule-1 s-1 - with ka/k ? kb/k 0.5 for self reactions of
primary and secondary RO2 radicals, and
approximately independent of temperature.
- Other reactions of RO2s
- RO2 NO ? RO NO2
- (M)? RONO2
- Via ROONO ? RO--N ?RONO2 ? (M) RONO2
- \
- O-O
- For acetyl peroxy radical (CH3CO3) or acyl peroxy
radicals reactions with NO - RCO3 NO ? RCO2 NO2
- RCO2 ?R. CO2
- K 5.1 ? 10-12 e200/T cm3 molecule-1 s-1
- RO2 HO2 ? ROOH O2
- For R CH3 Atkinson et al., 1989 k 1.7 ? 10-13
e1000/T - RO2 NO2 (M) ? RO2NO2
- RCO3 NO2 (M) ? RC(O)O2NO2