Title: Chp' 8: Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
1Chp. 8 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
- OrCan I get a little federal protection
- All of the different species in the world
- How many different species are there?
- Different types
3Whats in our world?
- Endemic species found one place only
- Island species high riskwhy???
5Species Extinction
- Loss of a species
- Local extinction grizzly bear in Iowa
- Ecological extinction black-footed ferret
- Biological extinction passenger pigeon
6Species Extinction
- Natural event
- 98-99 of all previous species are extinct
7Who is More Likely to Go Extinct?
- Small populations
- Restricted to certain area
- Specialized organisms
8Extinction Rates
- Natural 3-30 species per year
- Currently 1,000-10,000 species per year
- Hot Spots
- Areas with many different species
- How should
they be
9Human-Accelerated Extinction
- Habitat alteration
- Invasive species
- Pollution
- Population growth
- Overexploitation
10Habitat Alteration
- Greatest threat to wild species
- Tropical rainforests
- Harpy eagle, African elephant
11Habitat Alteration
- U.S. lost 85-95 of our old growth forests
- Florida more than 1200 acres lost per week
12Habitat Alteration
- U.S. lost more than 99 of our grasslands
- Many grassland species in trouble
13Invasive Species
- U.S. house sparrow, European starling,
ring-necked pheasant, brome grass, kudzu
14Invasive Species Hawaii
- Pigs, dogs, rats, cats, mosquitoes, mongooses,
plants - Native species cant compete, cant avoid
disease - More recorded extinctions than rest of U.S.
- Direct or indirect poisoning
- Altered habitat from chemicals
16Population Growth
- Ultimate reason behind many threats to
- Hunting poaching
- Regard species as pests
- Market for exotic and rare species
- Overfishing
18Hunting Poaching
- Illegal trade in endangered plants animals 8
billion/year - 622 species face extinction
- Bushmeat trade
19Regarded as Pests
- U.S. large predators, passenger pigeon,
Carolina parakeet, prairie dogs - Sharks, elephants, cheetahs
20Market for Exotic/Rare Species
- Exotic birds, fish, mammals, etc
- Orchids, cacti
- Techniques dangerous to non-commercial species
- Economic pressure to get more fish
22Why Worry About Extinction?
- Ecosystem services
- Some species may be useful
- Some species play pivotal role
- All species have a fundamental right to exist
- Recreation (ecotourism)
23Ecotourism Costa Rica
- 25 set aside as parks
- Large part of the economy
- 1 billion/yr
- African safaris
- U.S. National Parks
- Must be sustainable
25What is the Value of Wildlife?
- Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail
- 500 miles
- Established with 500,000 grant from Texas DOT
- Generates 7-8 million per year
26What is the Value of Wildlife?
- Texas whooping cranes
- 1941 15 left
- 2004 318 wild
- Entire wild flock spends winter at Aransas NWR
- 100,000 visitors/yr
- Estimated value 5 million/yr
27What is Being Done to Prevent Extinction?
- U.S. Endangered Species Act
- Captive breeding programs
- Formation of refuges
28IUCN World Conservation Union
- 140 countries
- 10,000 scientists
- Goal protect biodiversity and encourage people
to live sustainably - Maintain a redlist of species most in need of
29U.S. Endangered Species Act
- Passed in 1973
- Listed as endangered or threatened
- Species cannot be hunted, killed, collected or
injured in the U.S. - Projects cannot jeopardize a protected species
or its habitat - Species supposed to get a plan for
30U.S. Endangered Species Act
- 1982 habitat conservation plans
- How does a species get on the list???
- Based solely on biology
31U.S. Endangered Species Act
- 1973 endangered threatened 92 species
(total) - 2007
- 1009 endangered
- 303 threatened
- 60 are plants
32(No Transcript)
33Iowa Endangered Species List
- Started in 1977
- 113 endangered (64 plants)
- 125 threatened (89 plants)
34Protect Umbrella Species
- Top predators
- Large animals
- Roam great distances
- Why is it good to protect these types of species?
35Captive Breeding Programs
- Some success California condor, black-footed
ferret, Przewalskis horse - Problems
- Reintroduction
- Some wont breed in captivity
- Inbreeding
- Ecological extinction
- Who benefits?
36Want To Go To The Zoo???
37What Can You Do???
- Dont eat/purchase endangered species or products
made from them - Avoid imported beef
- Dont keep illegal pets
- Drink shade-grown coffee
- Educate others
- Vote!!!