Title: Agency PowerPoint Template
1Job Information Resources for Children and
Parents of Poverty
March 16, 2009 Focus on Poverty Seminar Lorraine
Faulds Training Development Director SC
Employment Security Commission
2- What I will share today
- Careers with good opportunities
- Services from the SCESC
3Why is career planning important? 20 million
Americans (17) change jobs each year. 69 of
adults said if they were starting over, they
would try to get more career information. Educati
onal false starts cost in tuition, possible
occupational mismatches, employee turnover, and
4- What you should be looking at when it comes to
jobs - Job openings
- What industries have jobs?
- What occupations?
- What companies are hiring?
5Where Are The Jobs?
South Carolina Employment by Industry in
2007 (percentage of total)
Data for counties, MSAs and WIA areas can be
found at www.sces.org/lmi/data/wages/cew/2007.htm
6The Jobs
Top 20 jobs with the most openings in South
Carolina (2006-2016)
Original data from www.sconestop.org/analyzer/defa
7Top 50 Jobs with the Most Openings in South
Carolina (see handout)
8Top 20 Declining Occupations
Most are in Production (Manufacturing) and
Office and Administrative Support
9(No Transcript)
10Reality check!
11Reality check!
- You choose options for
- Shelter
- Transportation
- Food
- Utilities (Cell phone!)
- Expenses (Shopping!)
- Entertainment (CDs!)
- Personal (hygiene, laundry)
12An example from Reality Check
- Shelter Share apartment with roommate
- Transportation Used car (includes insurance,
maintenance, car payment) - Food Eat out
- Utilities Electric, gas water, cell phone
- Expenses Minimum clothing, company health
insurance, Internet access - Entertainment Basic cable, 4 movie rentals, 2
CDs, and 2 game rentals each month - Personal Basic haircut, makeup, do laundry at
parents house, car wash, personal hygiene items
Take home pay would need to be 10/hour!!
13The more you learn, the more you earn!!
14Difference between no high school diploma and an
Associates Degree
Less than HS grad 17,929 Bachelors Degree
41,764 Difference 23,835 Thats a 133
increase!!! If you work for 30 years, you will
make 715,000 MORE!!!
15Education Steps
- High school diploma/GED
- Career-specific training
- Associates Degree
- Bachelors Degree
16Jobs that require OJT
Job Wage Career Cluster Security
Guards 10.63 Public Safety/Security
Nursing Aides, Orderlies and
Attendants 9.07 Health Sciences Retail
Salespersons 11.96 Marketing/Sales/Service
Truck Drivers, Heavy Duty 17.95
Distribution Logistics General Maint. Repair
Wrkrs. 16.30 Manufacturing Dental
Assistants 15.81 Health Sciences Executive
Secretaries Admin. Assistants 17.25
Business, Mgmt, Admin
17All Good Jobs Dont Require A College Degree
There are some well-paying jobs that are expected
to have plenty of openings and do NOT require a
4-year college degree.
18Career Training
- Training that is specific to a job
- Truck-driver training
- Cosmetology schools
- Real Estate training
- Certificate or Diploma programs at technical
19Examples of Career Training
Training usually gets you a diploma (1-2
semesters), certificate (2-3 semesters), or
associates degree (4 semesters).
- Health Sciences
- Associates Nursing, Dental Hygiene
- Diploma Practical Nursing, Pharmacy Technician
- Industrial Technology
- Associates Automotive Technology, Building
Construction - Diploma A/C-Refrigeration
- Computer Technology
- Associates Computer Technology,
Telecommunications - Business Technology
- Associates Accounting, Marketing
- Public Service
- Associates Criminal Justice, Child care,
20College Costs?
- Technical College 2,949/year
- 4-year College 10,277/year
- Technical college classes are flexible (work
during the day, take classes at night) - Financial aid (lottery money)
21Associates Degree or Career Training/Certificate
Job Wage Career Cluster Registered
Nurses 26.65 Health Sciences Automotive
Service Technicians and Mechanics 16.66
Transportation/ Distribution/Logistics
22Bachelors Degree Options
Job Wage Career Cluster Accountant 26.07
Business, Mgmt Admin General Operations
Managers 37.00 Business, Mgmt
Admin Child/Family/School Counselor 15.86
Human Service Computer Software 36.79
Information Technology Engineer
23The Best Career Areas
Considering job opportunity and potential wages,
plus education level required, we suggest these
areas for South Carolina Health Business
24Jobs in Health Business
Registered Nurses (26.65) Nursing Aides,
Orderlies Attendants (9.07) Pharmacy
Technicians (11.65) Dental Assistants
(15.81) General Office Clerks
(12.09) Executive Secretaries
Administrative Assistants (17.25) Accountants
(26.07) Receptionists Information Clerks
25Green Jobs
Green jobs are jobs that help preserve the
environment or make our country more energy
efficient. President Obama wants to create 5
MILLION new green jobs in the next 10 years!
Building Inspector (16.45) Heating, A/C
Mechanic/Installer (15.71) Insulation Workers
(13.61) Electrician (17.51) Environmental
Engineering Technician (20.05)
26What the SCESC Can Do To Help
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits
- Job Search
- WIA Training
27Unemployment Insurance
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits
- Online claim application
- Telephone call-in to continue claims
- You can receive unemployment benefits, but you
must - Be unemployed.
- Have lost your job through no fault of your
own. - You must be able to work.
- You must be available for full-time work.
- You must, periodically, report to the local
Employment Service office as directed. - You are required to actively seek full-time
28Job Search Assistance
- Job Search
- Create a Jobseeker Account to
- Search jobs online (SC JobLink)
- Post your resume online
- Get e-mail notices of new job listings
- SCESC can also do skills assessments, connect
people to training (including GED classes),
provide classes in job search, financial
planning, resume writing, and interviewing.
29WIA Training
- Workforce Investment Act Support
- Unemployed, underemployed, dislocated
- Reemployment and training services
- You can receive WIA training after you have
- Received core services (register for work at a
one-stop center, get UI benefits, resume
preparation, etc.). - Are actively looking for work.
- Attended a WIA orientation.
- Certified your eligibility (based on income,
barriers to employment, target group, etc.). - Set up training plan.
30Brochures Posters
Brochures are 8 ½ x 11 tri-fold and posters are
11 x 17. All brochures and posters are free for
download/printing from the LMI website at
www.sces.org/lmi. Small quantities of printed
items are available at no charge. Delivery can
be provided through Workforce Centers or by
pick-up in Columbia.
31Green Jobs
32Job Search Brochures
34Contact LMI
South Carolina Employment Security
Commission Labor Market Information
Department (803) 737-2660 or 1-800-205-9290 www.sc
es.org/lmi Lorraine Faulds lfaulds_at_sces.org