Title: High Temperature Deformation and Failure in OxideOxide Composites
1High Temperature Deformation and Failure in
Oxide/Oxide Composites
Howard G. Halverson Materials Response
Group Virginia Tech Bill Curtin Division of
Engineering Brown University May 5, 1999
- Determine quasi-static and stress-rupture
properties of an oxide/oxide ceramic composite at
23C, 950C, and 1050C. - Evaluate applicability of an existing
micro-mechanical model to life prediction under
stress-rupture conditions.
- Material System
- Quasi-Static Testing and Modeling
- Stress Rupture Testing and Modeling
- Conclusions and Future Work
4Material System
- Nextel 610 Fiber
- 99 Al2O3
- Alumina-Yttria Matrix
- 20 porosity
- Fugitive Carbon Interface
- 80 - 100 nm thick
- Produced via sol-gel infiltration by
McDermott Technologies, Inc. (Lynchburg, VA) - Unidirectional and 8-harness satin weave
5Material System
- Unidirectional specimens
- 50 fiber volume fraction
- Cracks with a spacing of approximately 30ยต in
untested materials - Woven specimens
- 13.5 axial fiber volume fraction
- Cracks in 90 tow regions
6Unidirectional Stress-Strain Curves
7Unidirectional Quasi-Static Properties
A slight (lt12) decrease in properties up to
8Tensile Strength Modeling
An accurate relationship between applied stress
and the stress on the intact fibers under global
load sharing with randomly distributed fiber
breaks is
Curtin Zhou (1995)
9Tensile Strength Modeling
Where sc is the characteristic strength
10Stress-Rupture Lifetime Prediction
Slow Crack Growth Modeling
Assume that crack growth is the mechanism for
fiber failure at elevated temperatures.
Crack growth is dictated by the Paris Law
So with time the strength of an individual fiber
Iyengar Curtin (1997)
11Slow Crack Growth Modeling
When combined with a Weibull distribution of
individual fiber strengths, we can track the
number of fibers which have failed under a
stress, T, after a time, t, in a gage length, L.
Where si satisfies the fiber strength degradation
12Slow Crack Growth Modeling
Combine this with the tensile strength model and
we have a system of two equations which relate
damage (r), stress on intact fibers (T), and time
13Stress Rupture Equations
Stress Rupture Equations
These two expressions depend on only a few
- b - slow crack growth exponent
- A,Y, Kic - slow crack growth coefficients
- m- Weibull modulus
- sc - strength property
- f - fiber volume fraction
All of which can be determined before running a
composite stress-rupture test
14Fiber Rupture Behavior
Obtain the fiber stress rupture parameters from
single fiber testing
Yun DiCarlo, 1993
15Unidirectional Lifetimes (950C)
16Unidirectional Lifetimes (1050C)
17Woven Lifetimes (1093C)
18Steady-State Strain Rate
Steady-state strain rates are approximately 40
of that expected from the fiber data alone.
- The stress-rupture lifetimes of these
materials are longer by orders of magnitude than
those predicted by a micromechanical model (which
ignores any matrix contribution to load-carrying
capability). - The steady-state strain rate in these composites
is lower than that predicted by the fiber creep
rate alone. - Nextel 610/alumina-yttria composites maintain
their room temperature properties with little
degradation to at least 1050C.
20Future Work
- Interrupted stress rupture testing of
materials to determine rate of strength
degradation - Verification of stress partitioning between
fiber and matrix - SEM to determine if fracture mirrors exist on
Nextel 610 fibers and, if so, to more accurately
characterize fiber degradation due to processing. - SEM to verify that matrix cracks do not form
during tensile testing