Title: Great Salt Lake Basin Hydrologic Observatory
1Compact Western Intermountain Metro-Shed
Hydrologic Observatory
A Hydrologic Observatory to advance understanding
of the hydrology of the modern west Focused on
the interactions between human influences and
hydrologic processes.
2Three Basins of Hydrologic Significance
3High gradients in topography, climate, land use,
GW residence times. A breadth of disciplines.
Land Cover
West Desert
5GSLBHO Geology
6Hydrologic Landscape Units
Arid plains with permeable soils and bedrock
Arid plateaus with impermeable soils and
permeable bedrock
Arid playas with permeable soils and bedrock
Humid mountains with permeable soils and
impermeable bedrock
Humid plains with permeable soils and bedrock
Humid plateaus with impermeable soils and
permeable bedrock
Semiarid mountains with impermeable soils and
Semiarid mountains with impermeable soils and
permeable bedrock
Semiarid mountains with permeable soils and
impermeable bedrock
Semiarid plateaus with impermeable soils and
Semiarid plateaus with permeable soils and
impermeable bedrock
Subhumid plains with impermeable soils and
permeable bedrock
7Water Balance
1970-2000 PRISM Annual Precipitation
Salt Lake
West Desert
8From http//www.doi.gov/water2025/index.html
9Nesting of Scales
Deseret Ranch Paired Watersheds 20 km2
Frost Canyon 9 km2
Great Salt Lake Basin 58,000 km2
Weber Basin 6,400 km2
Bear Canyon 11 km2
10Proposed Infrastructure
- 1.5 Million Private Foundation Grant for
Critical Infrastructure in the Weber River Basin
Focus area - Flux tower in high elevation subalpine forest
- Precipitation
- Surface Energy Balance and ET
- Tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer for
atmospheric water vapor isotope analysis and
moisture flux component separation - SNOTEL upgrades to include soil moisture, solar
radiation, humidity and wind
11Proposed Infrastructure - Real time Water Quality
- pH
- Conductance
- DO
- Temperature
- Turbidity
12Proposed Infrastructure - Laboratory Analytical
- Trace metal species concentrations in complex
matrices (hypersaline water and wetland
sediments) - High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC)
interfaced to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrometer (ICPMS) with an Octopole Reaction
13Proposed Infrastructure - Buoy or platform on the
Great Salt Lake
- In cooperation with NOAA National Buoy Data
Center - Vertical profiles of temperature and salinity
- Air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure,
solar radiation, wind - Wave height and surface currents
14Proposed Infrastructure - Spread Spectrum
Communication Network
- Point to multipoint Ethernet communication
- In partnership with National Weather Service,
Federal Aviation Administration and State Natural
Resources and Air Quality agencies - Enhancements and Upgrades to FAA Frances Peak
Communication Infrastructure
15Proposed Infrastructure - Deep multilevel
groundwater sampling well
- Greater than 300 m deep
- East of Great Salt Lake
- Sample isotopes for inference of residence times
of water emanating from mountain block
16Component Coordinators
- Precipitation
- Jim Steenburgh
- Evapotranspiration
- Dave Bowling
- Catchment Hydrology
- David Tarboton
- Snowpack Hydrology
- Danny Marks
- Mountain stream hydrology
- Jack Schmidt
- Subsurface Hydrology
- Kip Solomon
- Aquatic Biogeochemisty
- Bill Johnson, Dave Naftz
- Paleohydrology
- Katrina Moser
- Human Hydrology
- Craig Forster
- Integration
- Luis Bastidas
- Remote sensing
- Christopher Neale
- Database management
- Rob Gillies
- Focus on strength compactness
- Synergy
- Logistical tractability
18AGU feedback (paraphrased summary by Danny Marks)
- HO needs a coherent measurement and
infrastructure plan that will be attractive to
hydrologists from nationally. - The stated science questions and themes should
not be limited to site or regional significance. -
- 25 million wont go very far in a 100,000 km2
basin it is a drop in the bucket, but even for a
6500 km2 catchment it wont do much. - The HO must provide basic and critical data as
well as research and technical support for as
broad a range of hydrologic science issues as