Gareth Davies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gareth Davies


He was awarded the Cambridge RSA DELTA in 2001. ... James Gault. James Gault started teaching English in The Czech Republic in 1997 after a long ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gareth Davies

Gareth Davies
  • Gareth Davies has been working in the TEFL
    industry for 10 years. He has taught in the Czech
    republic, Portugal and the United Kingdom.
  • He was awarded the Cambridge RSA DELTA in 2001.
    Gareth has been involved in teacher training
    since 2001 and joined Prague Schools as head of
    TEFL in 2002. Recently Gareth has been involved
    in designing and delivering a training course for
    senior teachers and state school teachers for OUP
    and also delivers in service training at a number
    of schools in Prague.
  • TÉMA
  • Homework (assignments that students will enjoy
  • Students never do their homework. This session
    will look at why they don't do it and suggest
    ways to make students realise how
    important homework is. We will then explore  how
    we as teachers can make homework fun, relevant
    and challenging for the students so that it can
    become an integral part of their language
    learning process.

Mgr. Lenka Dvoráková
  • 1988 1994 Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzity
    Karlovy, Praha
  • 1991 1993 Filozofická fakulta Univerzity
    Karlovy, Praha, pedagogika a psychologie pro
  • 1991 2002 samostatná lektorka anglictiny
  • 2002 dosud Jazyková kola Sokolov, majitelka a
    reditelka, metodické vedení a kolení lektoru
  • TÉMA
  • Student jako materiál / Student as a resource
  • Have you ever experienced a lesson that just
    happened? A lesson that took off after you
    decided to surrender your
  • carefully prepared lesson plan because a really
    good discussion cropped up? And how many times
    did you see your lesson
  • fail after you had spent hours preparing it?
    Teaching and learning - should take place in
    the here-and-now. Yet too many
  • lessons are being hi-jacked by materials overload
    and the students are buried under a weight of
    coursebooks, exercise
  • books, photocopies and board games you name it.
    However, the coursebook author has never met your
    students, doesnt
  • know their interests, beliefs and desires.
    Teaching should be driven by the content that is
    provided by the people in the
  • room, it should centre on the local and relevant
  • There are many arguments in favour of
    coursebooks. Without it, you may feel naked.
    Abandoned. Vulnerable. This
  • workshop will give you not only the courage, but
    also the confidence to leave the books closed -
    for a few minutes, for a
  • lesson, for the whole course. We will explore
    avenues for exploitation of the learning
    opportunities that arise naturally in the
  • course of the lesson and look into ways to
    facilitate learning as it unfolds in front of
    your eyes.

  • James Gault
  • James Gault started teaching English in The
    Czech Republic in 1997 after a long career in
    business in the UK. Since then he has been a
    teacher of English, Business English and Business
    Skills, a course developer, a teacher
    trainer and an author, and has given
    presentations at many conferences all over the
    Czech Republic and in Hungary. His particular
    interest is teaching communication skills in
    English and he is the author of New Headway
    Talking Points published by OUP.
  • TÉMA
  • Dynamics in the classroom (how to conduct group
  • There is something wonderful and satisfying in
    seeing a classroom full of students work
    successfully in groups. The students are
    learning, they are enjoying themselves and they
    are having a memorable experience that will
    really support their learning process. In this
    workshop session, you will learn and practise
    proven techniques for planning, setting up and
    carrying through group activities where your
    students will really learn and have fun at the
    same time.

Mgr. Lenka Literová
  • 1997 - 2003 Univerzita Hradec Králové,
    pedagogická fakulta, Aj a Nj pro 2.stupen Z
  • 2000 - Konferencní agentura Praha lektor
    veobecné a obchodní Aj
  • 2005 - NIDV lektor v programech JARO, JAME,
    MEJA, hlavní lektor stredoceského kraje pro
    projekt Jazyky Hrou, organizování metodických
    semináru pro ucitele Aj
  • 2006 - Clenka AMATE
  • TÉMA
  • Petiminutové aktivity / Five - minute activities
  • A database of warmers and fillers is an absolute
    necessity for each teacher of a foreign language.
    In this seminar you will obtain ideas how to use
    or even create your own 5-minute activities to
    make your lessons with adult students more
    interesting and fun.
  • Gramatika / Grammar
  • Teachers usually know the grammar of a foreign
    language well. Although we are able to explain
    the grammar, it is mostly not the most exciting
    part of our lesson. In this seminar, we will try
    to present different grammar aspects in various
    ways that will make our students enjoy learning

Mgr. Ondrej Matuka
  • 1990 1996 FF MU Brno, obor anglický jazyk a
  • 1994 1998 ucitel Státní jazykové koly v Brne
  • 1997 1998 vedoucí anglické sekce Státní
    jazykové koly v Brne
  • 1996 1998 autor Státní základní jazykové
    zkouky z anglictiny
  • 1999 zástupce anglického nakladatelství
    Macmillan Education
  • TÉMA
  • Smysluplné aktivity k rozvoji ucení / Meaningful
    speaking activities
  • I dont know what to say is the usual way
    students react to speaking exercises.Properly
    designed activities help to
  • avoid such situations.The talk will explain
    simple principles which an activity should adhere
    to so that students feel a
  • strong need to express themselves the key
    motivating element.
  • These principles can be transferred onto teaching
    grammar as well as vocabulary. Practical examples
    are taken from
  • Inside Out, a new coursebook for young adults and

Mgr. Hana Musílková
  • 1994-1995 The British Intl School of
    Prague Ucitelka
  • 1998-2002 Gymnázium Na Zatlance Ucitelka
  • 2002-2003 Progress Language Institute Metodicka,
    Koordinátor kurzu
  • 2003-2004 LCS Intl a.s. Koordinátor mez.
  • 2004- Gymnázium Na Zatlance Ucitelka anglictiny
  • 2004- Oxford University Press Lektor kolitel
  • TÉMA
  • Humour as such is unteachable. If we try to
    explain a joke, it usualy goes stale. What we can
  • teach is the language of humour. After all, most
    humorous stuff is deeply embedded in language.
  • We can use the language to make humour accessible
    for students and, conversely, use humour to
  • make the language accessible. In my opinion,
    humour is on of the best vehicles for language
  • teaching and its motivational value cannot be
  • But lets not forget that only happy teachers can
    make happy students! Games make all of us
  • laugh. We all like to laugh. If we find something
    funny, it is often memorable as it strikes a

Naomi Moir
  • Naomi Moir has been working in EFL for the past
    10 years. Currently she is working as a freelance
  • teacher trainer, predominately in the Czech
    Republic but also around Europe and further
  • Naomi has run training courses, training days and
    presented at conferences on a variety of areas
  • connected with teaching English to younger
    learners and adults.
  • TÉMA
  • Teaching Notorious Beginners
  • Whats special about teaching beginners? What are
    their particular needs? Why are they notorious?
  • Do beginners in English actually exist at all?
    These questions and more will be addressed in
  • session, along with practical ideas for use in
    the classroom.
  • Alternative Methods in the Teaching of Foreign
  • Many students have been learning for a long time,
    they probably feel like theyve seen/heard all
  • techniques/ideas etc before. Maybe you are
    feeling like youve run out of ideas. Or maybe
    you just
  • want to try something new, to experiment a
    little. Whats out there to liven/brighten your
  • This session will take a look at some new and not
    so new (but maybe forgotten) ways to add

Mgr. Jana Spácilová
  • Vystudovala anglický jazyk a literaturu na FF MU
    v Brne, 3 roky pracovala jako ucitelka AJ na
    základní a strední kole. Dva roky pusobila jako
    lektorka na soukromé jazykové kole a tri roky
    jako koordinátorka bakalárských programu na
    soukromé vysoké kole University of New York in
    Prague. Od roku 2004 pracuje jako zástupce
    nakladatelství Oxford University Press v Praze.
  • TÉMA
  • Exploiting Pop Songs in Class
  • This session will give teachers some easy-to-use
    ways of exploiting pop songs in the classroom,
    especially for listening comprehension. It will
    focus mainly on choosing and writing the best
    task for a particular song and will suggest
    several alternatives to the (much used) gap fill.

Mgr. Olga Stanková
  • od 1996 - manaer Cambridge University Press pro
    CR a Slovensko
  • vystudovala pedagogickou fakultu
  • pracovala jako prekladatelka z anglictiny,
    francouztiny a rutiny
  • vyucovala cizí jazyky na Z a S v Ceské
    republice a v zahranicí
  • TÉMA
  • Komunikativní prístup / Communicative approach -
    Time to meet "face2face
  • How can we help students acquire the core
    language, skills and strategies they need to
    communicate successfully in today's
  • Busy world? How can we help them build confidence
    to achieve the competencies they need?Face2face,
    the major new general English
  • course for young adults and adults from Cambridge
    University Press, prepares students for real
    world communication by placing a strong
  • emphasis on listening and speaking skills, while
    maintaining the important balance of grammar and
    vocabulary. Informed by the
  • Cambridge Corpora and compatible with the Common
    European Framework of References for Languages,
    the course includes fully-
  • interactive language summaries and each student's
    book comes with a free state-of-the-art CD-ROM. 
  • The talk will highlight the key pedagogical
    principles underlying the course and include a
    demonstration of the CD-ROM to show you how
  • face2face is up2date and easy2teach and will help
    your students learn2listen and give them
  • The presentation will be based on practical
    demonstrations of games that you can use in your
    classes. Each teacher attending
  • this presentation will also get a workbook
    including examples of games, together with
    instructions how to play them, and

Lucie Trávnicková
  • 2007 doposud Agentura Tailored English
    Courses, s.r.o. Senior Teacher, Teacher Trainer
  • 2004 2007 Pearson Longman Senior Teacher
  • 1998 2004 Caledonian School Senior Teacher
  • 1993-1996 Pedagogická Fakulta, ZCU Plzen
    ucitelství anglictiny
  • TÉMA
  • Using Internet in foreign language class
  • What is the Internet?
  • source of materials lets dig together in the
    well of resources
  • path of communication we will search in the
    different ways we or/and our students can use
    English in reality
  • We are going to explore the treasure the Internet
    is for us teachers and try our the materials in
    the seminar as we will have the access to the
  • The outcome will be materials and tips that will
    be ready for you to take straight into your

Mgr. Nadeda Vojtková
  • vystudovala Filosofickou fakultu Masarykovy
    university v Brne
  • pracovala jako ucitelka anglického jazyka na
    základní, strední a vysoké kole
  • je lektorkou dalího vzdelávání ucitelu
    anglictiny, absolvovala kurzy Britské rady
  • v soucasné dobe vyucuje metodiku anglictiny na
    PdF MU
  • je clenkou AMATE (Asociace metodiku), IATEFL a
  • TÉMA
  • Hodina bez prípravy / Lessons from Nothing
  • Have you ever experienced the following
    surprises? You have just arrived from a holiday
    and learned that your colleague has fallen ill
  • you have to substitute in his class. You only
    know that this is an intermediate group and you
    can find out which coursebook they use,
  • however, you do not have time for the lesson
    preparation. Your regular room where you have a
    tape recorder, flipchart and desks is
  • occupied today and you have to teach in a room
    where there is sofa and a few armchairs but no
    other equipment.
  • You spend hours preparing cards and slips of
    paper with sentences but whenever you want to use
    them, you find out that half of them are
  • missing. Whoops! You have covered everything that
    was on your lesson plan and you still have ten
    minutes to go. I do not intend to
  • discourage teachers from planning their lessons
    but I would like to provide some ideas how to
    cope with the unexpected surprises.The
  • workshop will offer a set of activities which
    require minimum or no preparation for the
    sessions. We will consider the following
  • a teacher has to substitute in his or her
    colleagues group

Shaun Wilden
  • Shaun Wilden has been involved in English
    language teaching for 16 years, teaching
  • in Greece and the Czech Republic. Amongst other
    things for the last six years, he has worked as a
  • teacher trainer on Cambridge CELTA, ICELT and
    DELTA courses as well as tutoring courses in
  • teaching 1-2-1 English and Young Learners both
    face-to-face and online. Since going freelance in
  • 2006 he also has co-written and delivered
    methodology courses for Oxford University Press
  • presented at conferences throughout Europe.
  • TÉMA
  • Learning to listen (activities developing
    listening skills)
  • This workshop looks at listening skills and the
    sub skills that are used by listeners. After
    identifying these subskills, the
  • workshop will go on to explore the problems
    students have with listening in English and look
    at ways for the teacher to
  • best exploit coursebook listenings. The workshop
    will also look at ways of extending coursebook
    listening to give the
  • students further practice. Finally the workshop
    will address authentic and live listenings
    showing how they can be used,
  • how to set them up and how to make them effective
    for the students.
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