Title: P' Fraundorf
1Measures of useful information in layered networks
P. Fraundorf UM-StL Physics Astronomy Center
for Nano Science MIST Lab Washington U.
Physics email pfraundorf_at_umsl.edu web
2Grad student project Progress on quantifying
- Applications for KL divergence
- ecology, IT and statmech
- useful information
- Layered niche-networks
- multiscale thought
- excitations codes
- boundary-directed correlations
- Combinations of the two
- measures of health
- simplex model for communities
4Part 1
- Applications of KL divergence
- ecology correlating ideas with the world
- information theory mutual information
- e.g. in communications, data compression,
- clade analysis, and quantum computing
- stat mech available work wrt/ambient
- all useful information with 2nd law chops
5A few standard definitions
For k 1/ln2,1,kBoltzmann, surprisals are in
bits, nats, J/K.
6How many know that
- In ecology and related fields the KL divergence
of "model from reality" is useful in ranking
models against experimental data, according to
the residuals they don't account for (cf. Burnham
and Anderson). - In communications theory, in clade analysis, and
in quantum computing the KL divergence of
"uncorrelated from correlated" measures the
mutual information associated with fidelity,
inheritance, and entanglement. - In thermodynamics, the KL divergence of "ambient
from actual" measures a distance to equilibrium
and (multiplied by ambient temperature) available
7Sample PV map of KL-divergence
8Useful information
- Thus KL divergence of reference state from
reality is a robust measure of correlation that
obeys the 2nd law of thermodynamics. - It can be used to measure the information content
of assertions about the world around, as well as
thermodynamic availability, in both cases with an
upper limit of available work/kTambient. - Applications by and large have so far focused on
one layer of organization at a time.
9Part 2
- Layered niche networks
- excitations and codes
- evolution of steady-state correlations seems to
be aided by data storage in replicable codes - multiscale thought
- cells do amazing things with molecule codes, but
can metazoans work similar magic with idea codes? - boundary-directed correlations
- it may help to scope niches as structures that
have direction wrt/a small set of physcial
10Why inform our ideas to multiple scales of space,
time, and organization?
On the level of cells, only eukaryotes can
assemble a bobcat from one cell, thanks to the
fact that code expression is informed to multiple
scales of space, time, organization. What if
metazoans did that for idea codes?
11These figures illuminate multiple scales of
space, time, and organization
- I) Subsystem correlations require thermodynamic
availability, just like the ordered energy we get
from solar photons.
12Single strand curls of a DNA molecule, like those
wrapped around nanotubes here, go through many
levels of folding to create chromosomes visible
in the light microscope during cell division.
13The many scales of organization in natural bone.
(credit J. Liu) Collagen triple helices
spontaneously form nanoscale bundles of protein,
which act as a template for the crystallization
of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals. The collagen
matrix is also recognized by undifferentiated
bone-marrow stem cells, which become bone-forming
osteoblasts after signals from bone-specific
proteins in the matrix.
then the leg bone connects to the hip bone
Background II) Cosmic evolution, discussed e.g.
by astrophysicist Eric Chaisson and biologist
Ursula Goodenough, generally involves powered
formation of a series of subsystem correlations
with respect to a hierarchical set of physical
gradients and boundaries.
14Background III) Molecule surfaces and cell
membranes define the in/out correlations that
comprise microbial life, as do organ surfaces and
skins for metazoan individuals. Molecular and
memetic code-pool boundaries predicate four more
correlation layers in metazoan communities.
15Part 3
- Combining the two correlation measures and
multiscale thought - measures of health metazoan niche networks with
layers directed in/out from self, family and
culture - simplex models of community counts of level
multiplicity only, from 6 pi values
16physical boundary-directed niche networks
- The right figure takes a clue from the way our
species (e.g. Schaik in Sci Am 4/2006)
conceptualizes its own networks. - The left column lists three geometically complex
physical boundaries metazoan skin, gene pool,
and meme pool. - At right, find six niche layers that each
individual can concurrently occupy.
M is harmonic avg of Mi
17The Attention-Slice Simplex
A one simplex in 2-space, a two simplex in
3-space, and an un-embedded three simplex
18Attention-space tracking might help e.g. us get a
handle on the interaction between electronic
media and human communities today.
Attention-slice models and the 5-simplex
19Spatial vs attention-slice modeling
Spatial correlation models (left) are applied in
population ecology, e.g. plants predator/prey
modeling. That recent NECSI Science paper looks
at spatial correlations of violence. Fractional
resource/ attention models could extend this
beyond skin to all niche layers.
20Layered network spiders, for visualizing your
connections to the world around. The color of
the numbers in these figures reflects ones
emphasis on inward-looking (blue) versus
outward-looking (red) objectives. In the
modern world, we might like for everyone to be
able to connect well in all six ways.
21Monitoring modeling requires data. Help! How
can we quantify the correlation-focus of
individuals in communities? Possibilities
include (i) population surveys at right, (ii)
behavioral observation,(iii) data on
communication focus
22Refined methods for monitoring these correlations
might help us ask
- Should the survival perspective of ideas, not
just individuals, be considered in balancing
ones options? - Can extremism be linked to perspectives that do
not respect care of observation, belief,
consensus, family, friends, and self all at once?
- How long have six distinct layers been evident
with humans? - Might measures of correlation standing crop be
less monochromatic than e.g. GDP, longevity, or
census? - Eric Chaisson has argued that complexity
correlates with free energy rate density. Will a
lower per capita free energy rate mean we cant
maintain all six layers? - Can a theory of correlations in physical systems
inspire dialog on scientific, cultural and
political grounds among ALL who dont yield to
that innate tendency to ignore one layer or
arXiv physics/0603068
23How can we further work together on this big