- Paul Murphy
- (EirEco Environmental Consultants)
- National Roads Authority
- Invasive Species Ireland Forum
- 2009
- Guidelines prepared to cover the construction and
maintenance of national road schemes - Recognition of the potential to contribute to the
spread of invasive species - Obligation to comply with Noxious Weeds Act, 1936
- Application relevant to all construction
- To provide the information needed to effectively
manage IASs during construction of road schemes - - while ensuring activities do not contribute
to further spread
4Invasive Alien Species dealt with
- Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica)
- Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
- Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)
- Giant rhubarb (Gunnera tinctoria)
- Montbretia (Crocosmia x crocosmiflora)
- Winter heliotrope (Petasites fragrans)
- Old Mans Beard (Clematis vitalba)
- Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum)
- Buddleia (Buddleja davidii)
5Invasive Alien Species and Roads
- Current distribution of many IAS along existing
roads - Dispersal of seeds and plant fragments during
maintenance construction - IAS pioneer spp benefit from disturbed
environments - Early identification and management of IAS to
reduce costs and impacts - Applicable to all development sites
6Impacts of IAS on Road Schemes
- Cause damage to infrastructure
- Result in soil erosion and collapse of river
banks through exposure of the soil in winter - Lead to colonization of adjacent habitats
facilitate future spread - Adverse effect on landscape quality
- Reduce biodiversity of roadside habitat
7Phases in the construction of a Road Scheme
- Planning phases
- Constraints study
- Route Selection
- Pre-construction surveys
- Construction
- Operation maintenance
8Assessing the presence of IAS at the EIA phase
- General Habitat Survey EIA
- Location and extent plotted on habitat mapping
- Records submitted to the National Biodiversity
Data Centre - Flag to lead consultants to avoid risk of spread
during SI, Archaeological survey, etc. - Incorporate requirements into EIS
9Environmental Impact Statement
- Deal with as a specific element
- State species, extent impacts
- Specify mitigation control measures incl.
- Area requiring treatment
- Type of treatment required
- Assessment of the risk of re-infestation from
surrounding land - Requirement for a Management Plan
- May have multiple IAS needing different
management - Adherence to Guidelines, COPs and Legislation
- Incorporated in Contractual Documents
- Environmental Operating Plan (EOP)
10Control and management of IAS during construction
- Pre-construction detailed assessment
- Species, location, scale and extent of
infestation (confined to lands made available?),
growth stage, etc - sensitivity of the local environment (including
seasonality) - Demarcate infestations
- Awareness to all contractors
- Priority to reduce risk of transfer of seed or
material no tracked machines in infested zones - Develop Management Plan
11Pre-construction Assessment
12Management Plan Development
- Coordinator / Point of Contact
- Species, locations, sensitivities, etc
- Specify control measures
- Specify disposal measures
- Specify soil management
- Implementation schedule
- Records of treatments undertaken
- Incorporation into Environmental Operation Plan
(EOP) - Incorporation to Landscape Contractor req.
- Communication to all Contractors
13Sample Management Plan
14Selection of Control Measures
- Site specific
- Ongoing treatment Monitoring
- Risk of re-colonisation from outside site
- Use of herbicides minimized and targeted
- Risk of damage to adjacent plants / habitats of
conservation value - Risks of impacting on waterbodies
- Consultations as required
15Soil Management
- Soil Management Plan
- A Guide to Landscape Treatments for National Road
Schemes in Ireland (Section 5.5 NRA, 2006) - Imported soils subject to assessment
- Contaminated soils disposed of appropriately
- Stored soils seeded and periodically topped
- Systematic on-going monitoring of soil stores
(monthly or bi-monthly) - Incorporation to Landscape Contractors
16Disposal of Infected Material
- Should not lead to risk of further spread
- Particular care near watercourses
- Disposal to licensed landfill
- Burying at a depth of gt1.5m
- Composting?
- Incineration?
- In accordance with Relevant Legislation
- Waste Management Act, 1996 to 2005 Section 32
- Air Pollution Act, 1987 Section 4
- Local authority byelaws
17Landscape Contractor Responsibilities
- Incorporation to Contract ToR
- Cover Defect Rectification Period (3 yrs)
- Awareness of responsibilities, risks and
obligations - Adherence to Guidance
- Horticulture Code of Practice (Invasive Species
Ireland, 2008) - A Guide to Landscape Treatments for National Road
Schemes in Ireland (NRA, 2006) - The Management of Noxious Weeds and Non-native
Invasive Plant Species on National Roads (NRA,
2009) - On-going monitoring requirement
- Cleaning of machinery plant between infected
sites (incl. footwear tools) - Extends to appropriate sourcing of plant material
and screening for pests and diseases
- Roads are a classical means of IAS spread
- Early detection essential
- Management Plan required
- Clear responsibilities and awareness
- Effective control disposal
- On-going monitoring and follow-up
- Approach applicable to all development sites
- Dr Vincent OMalley, National Roads Authority
- Christian Nea, National Roads Authority
- Janet Slattery Michael Scully, Halcrow Barry
Ltd - Dr. Cathy Maguire, EnviroCentre Ltd
- Dr. Caroline Mhic Daeid
- National Parks and Wildlife Service