Title: Ron Cole Vice President, Sales
1Ron ColeVice President, Sales
- Environment that produced frustration
- Outline of ACTE White Paper
- Airline talk, but little action why?
- America Wests model why its working
- How you can help
3Environment That Produced Frustration
- 1978
- F
- Y
- YM
- 30 day advance
- Family fares
- 2004
- F
- Y
- Travelocity, Expedia, Orbitz, Cheap Tickets,
Trip.com, Vegas.com, Lasvegas.com,
Lowestfare.com, Getthere, Hotwire, Priceline,
1travel.com, Bestfares.com, Justfares.com,
Air4less, Youpriceit.com, Sidestep - Corporate programs
- Airline web specials
- Agency specific discounts
- Consolidations
Ten fold difference from highest to lowest fare
4Outline of ACTE White Paper
- Summits ACTE conducted after 9/11 to identify
strategies for travel industry recovery.
Findings - Airline executives are reluctant to change
pricing model - Corporate buyers work hard to avoid full business
fare tickets
5Outline of ACTE White Paper (cont.)
- Summits ACTE conducted after 9/11 to identify
strategies for travel industry recovery.
- Evidence of need for reform
- Airlines are losing money
- Corporations utilizing fare types not intended
for business travelers - Gap grows between leisure and business airfares
6Outline of ACTE White Paper (cont.)
- Summits ACTE conducted after 9/11 to identify
strategies for travel industry recovery.
- Where reform is needed
- Complexity
- Unpredictable pricing
- Reverse customer segmentation
- Unaffordable business fares
7Outline of ACTE White Paper (cont.)
- Summits ACTE conducted after 9/11 to identify
strategies for travel industry recovery.
- What do customers want
- Simplified airfare structure
- Escalation and de-escalation clauses
- Affordable airfares
8Airline Talk, But Little ActionWhy?
- Business customers continue to pay full-fare
- Majors can get away with tactical matching
- Lowering business fares costs the majors revenue
- Majors will not change until business customers
9America Wests Model Why Its Working
- In March 2002, AWA restructured its fares
- Lowered business fares 40 70
- No Saturday night stay
- Most fares are one-way
10America Wests Model Why Its Working
Source of Revenue Pre April 2002
Full Fare Business
All Other Tariff
Deep Discounted / Off Tariff
11America Wests Model Why Its Working
Source of Revenue April 2004
Business Fares
All Other Tariff
12LCC More Profitable
1Q 2004 Pre-Tax Margin
LCC Average
Legacy Average
Source Companies Press Releases Excludes
special charges
13How Can You Help
- If you dont like 1,000 fares, dont buy them
- Do not promise what you cannot deliver
- Be willing to accept risk