Title: Semester in Italy PreDeparture Orientation
1 Semester in Italy Pre-Departure Orientation
- Consortium of Universities for International
Presented by
2- The program begins in XX days!!
- Are you ready?
- Here are some hints to help you prepare for your
3- 2 3 Months
- before your trip
4Taking care of details
- Apply for your passport and visa
- Turn forms into the Italy office
- Make plan for bills/other financial issues
- KU students
- Pay any holds parking, library, health, etc.,
otherwise you cannot be enrolled in your Italy
classes - Drop any classes on the KU campus if necessary
5- 1 2 Weeks before you leave
6Italy Program Trivia
- What is the different between a converter and an
- Converter/Transformer
- Because electricity voltage differs from country
to country, converters/transformers convert the
electricity voltage to make appliances work - Adapter
- Because plug configurations differ from country
to country, an adapter is required to simply fit
your appliance plug in to foreign wall outlet.
Please note that adapter plug only changes the
plug shape not the electricity
- What to bring
- Electrical appliances
- Converter/adaptor
- (necessary if you are bringing electrical
appliances) - School supplies
- Types of clothing
- Appropriate dress for various occasions
- Business professional for class presentations and
tours - Dressy clothing for gourmet dinners
- Prescriptions (cannot be shipped so be sure to
bring enough) - Travel and Living Guide
9Italy Program Trivia
- What is the current exchange
- rate for the Euro?
- 1.00 1.35
- (As of June 2007)
111 2 weeks before the trip
- Money Issues
- Currency
- Know the exchange rate (1USD 0.73EUR)
- Bring some Euros with you if possible
- (Order in advance from your bank)
- Debit cards and Credit Cards
- Ask about international ATM fees
- Let your bank and credit card company know that
you will be out of the country - Pin should not be more than 4 digits
- Make copies of cards and leave with parents
- Bring phone numbers for bank/credit card
companies - in case of emergency
121 2 weeks before the trip
- Other tips
- Make copies of all important items (passport,
credit cards, bank cards, etc.) - Check your email before you go to find out about
shuttles from Marco Polo Airport to campus
13 14Day of Departure
- Arrive 2 hours ahead of scheduled departure
- Make sure you have necessary documents passport,
visa, tickets, etc. - Carryon bag
- Change of clothes
- Essentials
- (money, medications, a good book, etc.)
15 16Italy Program Trivia
- What is the easiest way to get from the airport
to campus?
- Several CIMBA shuttle buses will run on the
arrival date. Check your email the week before
the program and sign up for one of the times if
there is one that works with your arrival time.
Otherwise, follow the detailed instructions in
the back of the Travel Living Guide.
18Marco Polo Airport
- Pick up bags
- If you were contacted about a shuttle, look for
one of the CIMBA staff members who will be
holding a sign - If there is no scheduled shuttle or if you are
not planning on arriving during one of the
scheduled pick up times
19Making Your Way to Campus
- Purchase a bus ticket for the Venice-Mestre Train
Station at the ATVO booth in the Marco Polo
Airport (it costs about 2.00)
20Making Your Way to Campus
- Once at Venice-Mestre, purchase a train ticket
for Bassano del Grappa.
21Making Your Way to Campus
- Once you arrive in Bassano, you will need to
take another bus to Paderno del Grappa (where the
campus is located). You can also take a taxi.
22Youve Made it to Campus!
- Check in
- Get your room assignment
- Unpack
- Attend welcome/orientation in the evening
- Get some rest, it will be a busy week!!!
23- The First Two Weeks of the Program
24Get to Know the Italy Staff
- Program Director Dr. Al Ringleb
- Associate Director Cristina Turchet
- Office Manager Anna Fiumicetti
- Campus Life Coordinators
- Student Staff (Interns)
- Campus Nurse
25 Mind Based Performance
- Knowledge
- Classes
- Process
- Kepner-Tregoe
- Behavior
- Leadership Breakthrough 1
26Taking Classes in Italy - FAQs
- How are the classes scheduled?
- What are the classes like?
- Do I need to bring my books with me?
- Will I have to do assignments over the travel
breaks? - Do I have to go to class?
27CIMBA Advantage Program (CAP)
- Activities during the first two weeks
- Cross Cultural Awareness
- Kepner-Tregoe Problem Solving
Decision Making Workshop - Da Vinci Challenge
- Personal Development Program
- Introduction to Coaching
28Cross-Cultural Awareness Seminars
- 1-credit cultural class
- Seminars throughout the semester
- Topic Examples
- Cross cultural comparisons
- European Dining Etiquette
- Goal is to help students operate in a global
29Problem Solving Decision Making Workshop
- 2 day workshop taught by Kepner Tregoe (K-T)
certified professionals - Rational problem solving process
- K-Ts clients include DaimlerChrysler,
Harley-Davidson, General Mills, Sony Corporation,
etc. - www.kepner-tregoe.com
30Da Vinci Challenge Low Ropes Course
- Use your new problem solving and decision making
skills - Explore leadership behavior
- Get to know your classmates
- Team work skills
31Personal Development Program
- 2.5 day workshop taught by Rapport Leadership
International - Examine personal characteristics
- Learn how to interact with others who have
different strengths and weaknesses - Learn to communicate effectively and precisely
- Develop motivational skills
- www.rapportleadership.com
32Introduction to Coaching
- A highly personal development program intended to
help individuals improve their performance and
reach their full potential - Learn about professional coaching as potential
career choice and as a personal development tool
33Learn, Enrich, Achieve, Perform (LEAP)
- The opportunity to further develop in the areas
- introduced by CAP!
- Requirements in addition to CAP
- Business, Culture, Society Western Europe
Course (3 credit hours) - K-T Certificate Workshops
- Personal Development Strategy
- Coaching Sessions
- Career Development Skills
34Behavior and Safety
- Low crime rate in Italy, mainly theft
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Dont give into the ugly American stereotype!
- Represent KU and the Italy Program well while
youre abroad
35- Living in
- Paderno del Grappa
36The Campus
- Istituto Fillipin
- Full-service facility
- Recreation facilities
37The Campus
- Single double room options
- In-room internet access available
- Computer lab wired library
- Laundry facilities
- Dining Hall
38Italy Program Trivia
- What is one of the least expensive
- ways to call home?
- Skype it is currently free to call from one
skype account to another. Rates are also very
reasonable to call a landline.
- Telephone
- Skype (computer software) is the cheapest way to
call - home. Allows you to call from a computer to
another or to a - landline. You will need a headset w/ microphone
to use it. - There are also payphones available on campus and
in - town.
- Email
- Internet access is available in the computer
labs. - In-room internet access is available to those
with laptops as - well as wireless access in the computer lab and
library. - Post Office
- Within walking distance of the campus.
41Other Necessities
- Pharmacy
- There is a nurse on campus and doctors are
- available if needed. There is a pharmacy in town,
- but plan to bring all medications with you.
- Weather
- Temperatures range from 32 degrees (winter)
- to 84 degrees Fahrenheit (summer). Winters are
- not usually as harsh as they are here in the
- Midwest but there may be periods of rain (4-5
days - in a row).
42Travel Opportunities
- 2 week long travel breaks
- 2 long weekends
- Visit anywhere in Europe!
43Italy Program Trivia
- True or False? You must know Italian in order to
understand the - train schedule?
- A trick question sort ofyou will need to know
the European names of cities and towns. Some
differ from the English spelling and
pronunciation. - For example
- Florence Firenze
- Venice Venezia
45Popular Travel Destinations in Italy
- Cinque Terre Northwestern coast of Italy
- Rome (Roma) Southern Italy - 8 hours by train
- Florence (Firenze) Central Italy - 4 hours by
train - Pisa 1 hour from Florence
- Venice (Venezia) 1.5 hours by train
- Lake Como 1 hour by train from Milan
46Useful Websites
- www.sta.com (airline train info)
- www.ryanair.com (cheap flights in Europe)
- www.skyscanner.net (cheap flights )
- www.landnet.it (info about Paderno)
- www.trenitalia.com (Italian train info)
- www.cimbaitaly.com (our website)
47Contact Information Consortium Office Phone
785-864-7576 Email ItalyProgram_at_ku.edu www.cimbai