Security - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Suppose you are sending an agent out to book airline tickets. Your agent first goes to Chuck's Cheap Planes, then will go to Alice's Safety-Last. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Security

  • Introduction to Distributed SystemsCS
    457/557Fall 2008Kenneth Chiu

Security Threats, Policies, and Mechanisms
  • Can a secure system be undependable? Can
    dependable system be insecure?
  • Confidentiality, integrity?
  • Types of security threats to consider?
  • Interception
  • Interruption
  • Modification
  • Fabrication
  • What is the difference between security policy
    and security mechanism?
  • Change passwords every month?
  • Important mechanisms
  • Encryption
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Auditing

The Globus Security Policy
  • The environment consists of multiple
    administrative domains.
  • Local operations are subject to a local domain
    security policy only.
  • Global operations require the initiator to be
    known in each domain where the operation is
    carried out.
  • Global authentication replaces local
  • Operations between entities in different domains
    require mutual authentication.
  • Controlling access to resources is subject to
    local security only.
  • Users can delegate rights to processes.
  • A group of processes in the same domain can share

  • Globus focuses on cross-domain.
  • In another domain, it is necessary to have some
  • User proxies Process that acts on behalf of an
  • Resource proxies Process that translates global
    operations into local operations. User proxies
    talk to resource proxies.

(No Transcript)
Design Issues
  • Focus of Control (where do you put your
  • Layering (where do you put your security layer)

Focus of Control
  • Protection against invalid operations, protection
    against unauthorized invocations, protection
    against unauthorized users.

Layering of Security Mechanisms
  • Where do you put your security?
  • This depends on trust.
  • Suppose you are calling your mom? Would you be
    happy if someone was listening in? Who are you
  • Do you encrypt your e-mail? Who are you trusting?
  • Suppose you were sending an e-mail that was a
    matter of life or death.

Layering of Security Mechanisms
  • Several sites connected through a wide-area
    backbone service.
  • Alice wants to send a message to Bob at a
    different site.
  • Does she trust the system admins? If not, what
    does she do?
  • May trust sysadmins, but the site does not trust
    the backbone.

  • Implicit in many security systems is the notion
    of trust, and trust chaining.
  • Suppose you meet a stranger A, and A asks to
    borrow money. Do you loan it to him?
  • Suppose B says A is trustworthy?
  • Suppose C says B is trustworthy?
  • Suppose you trust C?
  • Ultimately, you have to trust someone. A trusted
    computer system can be built by using similar
    kinds of chaining mechanisms. But you want to
    keep the trust base as small as possible.

Developing a TCB
Cryptography Terminology
  • CEk(P), PDk(C)
  • Three different kinds of attacks intercept,
    modify, insert.
  • Are there situations where just knowing there are
    messages tells you something?

Symmetric vs. Asymmetric
  • Symmetric (secret key, shared key) Same key is
    used both to encrypt and decrypt.
  • P DK(EK(P))
  • KA,B means a key shared by A and B.
  • Asymmetric (public-key) Different key is used to
    encrypt and decrypt.
  • P DKD(EKE(P))
  • Notation KA is public key of A and K-A is
    private key of A.
  • How do I send something using secret-key?
  • Which is better?

Hash Functions (Message Digests)
  • Hash function takes any length message and
    produces a fixed-length bit string
  • h H(m)
  • What are these used for?
  • Fingerprinting Make sure two messages are
  • Alice sends Bob a plaintext document over a
    high-bandwidth insecure channel. She does not
    care if others read it, but she does want to make
    sure that no one modifies it. She also has a
    low-bandwidth secure channel she could use (phone
  • How can she use a hash function?
  • What properties are desirable?
  • One-way functions
  • Weak collision resistance
  • Cannot find another message with the same hash.
  • Strong collision resistance
  • Cannot find any two messages that collide.
  • What is the difference between hash functions and

Symmetric DES
  • A fast, very common symmetric key cipher.
  • Uses 56-bit keys.
  • Somewhat out-of-date, though.
  • Operates on 64-bit blocks of data.

  • Each block is transformed in 16 rounds.
  • Each round uses a different 48-bit key.
  • Each of the 16 keys derived from a 56-bit master
  • Initial permutation is used, which is then
    inverted at the end.

  • In each round, the block is split in half.
  • Right part is left part in next round.
  • Left part is XORed with a mangling of the right
    part plus the key.

  • Each 48-bit key is derived from the 56-bit key.
  • First permuted, then divided into halves.
  • For each round, each half is rotated one or two
    bits to the left or right.
  • Then 24 bits are extracted.
  • Two halves are added back together.

  • Does this look suitable for a hardware

  • DES is fast.
  • It is somewhat old, though, and is being
  • How would you try to easily improve the security
    of DES, without designing a whole new algorithm?
  • Triple DES, using encrypt-decrypt-encrypt, using
    three keys.

Public-Key Cryptosystems RSA
  • Generating the private and public keys requires
    four steps
  • Choose two very large prime numbers, p and q.
  • Compute n p q and z (p - 1) (q - 1).
  • Choose a number d that is relatively prime to z.
  • Compute the number e such that e d 1 mod z.
  • To encrypt a message, divide into blocks such
    that m
  • Encrypt c me (mod n).
  • Decrypt m cd (mod n).
  • RSA is about 100-1000 times slower.
  • Depends on the fact that it is very hard to
    factor numbers.

  • Example
  • Key generation
  • Choose p 61, and q 53.
  • n 6153 3233, z 6052 3120
  • Choose d 17 (relatively prime)
  • Compute e such that ed 1 mod z, choose e
  • Let public key be (17, 3233), and private key be
    (2753, 3233).
  • Encryption
  • Divide message into blocks, such that each block
    as a number is less than 3233. We use 11 bits.
  • Message is Hello
  • In binary, that is 0x48, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F.

Hash Functions MD5
  • Produces a constant-length hash of 128 bits.
  • Message needs to be a multiple of 512.
  • Pad to 448, add the length as a 64-bit integer.
  • Start with some 128-bit value. For each block, do
    a computation on the current hash, plus the next
    512 bit block. This is called a phase.

  • Each phase consists of four rounds. Each round
    uses a function which operates on three 32-bit
    values, and is one of
  • F(x, y, z) (x AND y) OR ((NOT x) AND z)
  • G(x, y, z) (x AND z) OR (y AND (NOT z))
  • H(x, y, z) x XOR y XOR z
  • I(x, y, z) y XOR (x OR (NOT z))
  • The current 128-bit hash value is broken up into
    p, q, r, s. The current 512-bit block is broken
    up into 16 32-bit blocks, named b0, b1, etc.

Hash Functions MD5
  • These are the 16 iterations for first round.
  • Round two uses G, H and I are 3rd and 4th round.
  • So, one phase per block, each phase is four
    rounds, using F, G, H, and I respectively, and
    each round is 16 iterations.

Secure Channels
Authentication and Authorization
  • How to make communications secure?
  • Are you who you say you are?
  • How to find out whether or not you authorized to
    do what you want to do?

  • Can you have authentication without message
  • I know that Bob sent the message, but someone may
    have tampered with it.
  • Suppose your mom sends you a message. You are
    sure it is your mom, because you have
    authentication, but you do not have message
    integrity, so someone might have modified it.
  • The message says When are you getting married?
    Does this do you much good?
  • I know that no one tampered with it, but I dont
    know whether or not it was really Bob that sent
  • Suppose you get a message, Why havent you
    called me recently? You are positive that the
    message has not been tampered with, because you
    have integrity. It seems to be from your mom, but
    you dont have authentication, so it could
    actually be one of your friends playing a joke on
  • What about authentication and integrity without
    encryption? Is this useful?

Shared Secret Key Authentication
  • Suppose Alice and Bob share a secret key. How can
    they setup a secure channel over an insecure

  • Alice sends her identity to Bob.
  • Bob sends a challenge (random number?).
  • Alice must encrypt and return.
  • Alice then sends a challenge to Bob.
  • Bob must encrypt and return.

An Optimization
  • Authentication based on a shared secret key, but
    using three instead of five messages.

Attack Attempt
  • Chuck tries to set pretend to be Alice.
  • He sends the initial message to Bob.
  • Bob responds with the encrypted challenge, but
    then his own challenge.
  • Chuck cannot properly respond to the challenge
    because he doesnt have the key.

Reflection Attack
  • Moral, never encrypt anything without knowing who
    you are encrypting it for.
  • Designing secure algorithms is hard.

Key Distribution Centers
  • If there are N parties using shared secret keys,
    how many keys are needed?
  • Alternative is to use a KDC. It has a shared key
    with every host.
  • Does the KDC need to be trusted?

Key Distribution Centers
  • Disadvantage is that Bob has to get into the loop
  • Solutions?

  • Using a ticket and letting Alice set up a
    connection to Bob.
  • Can Bob trust Alice?

Authentication Using a Key Distribution Center
  • Figure 9-17. The Needham-Schroeder authentication

Authentication Using a Key Distribution Center
  • Figure 9-18. Protection against malicious reuse
    of a previously generated session key in the
    Needham-Schroeder protocol.

Authentication Using Public Key Cryptography
  • What could happen if KB (public key) is fake?
  • How can we assure that it is not?
  • Is there some way to digitally sign a piece of

Message Integrity
  • Suppose you are conducting a transaction through
    e-mail, and Alice promises to buy your video game
    collection for 500.
  • Say you send Alice your collection, and she sends
    you a 300 check. You are being ripped-off. How
    can you prove that she agreed to 500?
  • Say that you try to get back at her, and claim
    that she actually offered 700. How can she prove
    that she only offered 500?
  • Two things need to be taken care of
  • You cant claim that she actually offered 700.
  • She cant deny sending the offer.

Digital Signatures
  • How can you verify that a document is real?
  • What do we use in the real world?
  • What if we really need to be certain?
  • What if it were encrypted with the private key of
    the sender?
  • You could decrypt it with As public key. If it
    decrypted properly, then A must have encrypted it.

Digital Signatures
  • Signing by encrypting the whole message.
  • Can Alice claim her key was stolen?

  • Encrypting with PKC is slow. Can we leverage
    hashes somehow?
  • Compute hash of the message (message digest).
    Encrypt the hash.
  • This known as a digital signature.

Digital Signatures
  • Signing just the hash.

Session Keys
  • How to combine PK with symmetric key?
  • Is it necessary to change the key every time?

Secure Replicated Servers
  • Figure 9-22. Sharing a secret signature in a
    group of replicated servers.

Example Kerberos
  • Ticket Granting Service (TGS), and Authentication
    Server (AS).
  • A ticket is a special message used to convince a
    server that the client is who he or she claims to
  • User A and AS share a secret key (derived from
    password). AS and TGS share a key.
  • How do you generate a key from a password?
  • Is this SSO (Single-Sign On)?

Setting Up A Secure Channel
  • First send message to Bob, with timestamp to
    prevent replay attacks.
  • Bob sends back, also to prevent replay attacks.

Access Control
Access Control
  • Imagine a server with a number of entities (which
    we will call objects) under its control. Requests
    come in, but are allowed only if the sender has
    sufficient access rights.
  • Authorization is how to grant rights. Access
    control is how to verify rights. Very similar,
    and frequently used interchangeably.

General Model
  • Reference monitor is like a security perimeter.

Access Control Matrix
  • To model the rights, use a matrix. Each row is a
    subject, each object is a column. So Ms,o is an
    entry, which contains the allowed methods.

Access Control Lists
  • Matrix is large, and often empty. So use a list
    instead, granting or removing rights.
  • Bob, readAlice, writeChuck, check timestamp
  • What happens if a server has to keep track of a
    1000 users?
  • What if your enterprise has a thousand servers?

  • ACLs require the server to keep track. This can
    be cumbersome, especially if the authority
    granting rights is different.
  • Capabilities grant rights, they are like a
    ticket, or a voucher.
  • If you have the capability, you are allowed the
  • How can we implement this? PKI? Kerberos?

Capabilities and ACLs are lists made in different
directions of the matrix.
Protection Domains
  • Consider using an ACL. Suppose there are 10,000
    users in an organization. How big does the ACL
    list for a service need to be?
  • Suppose there are 100 possible operations per

  • Groups One approach is to put users into groups.
  • When a user attempts an operation, the server
    checks which group the user is in.
  • Groups can be hierarchical, as seen below.
  • Should you allow a user to be in more than one

How does the server know which group a user is in?
  • Roles Protection domains can also be
    implemented/approached as roles.
  • Users may have different roles.
  • How is this different from groups?
  • Primary difference is conceptual approach.
  • In terms of implementation, it is flexible.

  • In addition to grouping the subjects, we can also
    group the objects.

  • What is a firewall?
  • Does it replace the security discussed so far?

Mobile Code
  • Suppose you have an agent moving around for you,
    trying to find the best airplane ticket, visiting
    different airlines.
  • As the mobile agent moves around, who/what might
    need protection?

Protecting Mobile Agents
  • Can we protect a mobile agent from being
  • How about detecting modifications?
  • Suppose you are sending an agent out to book
    airline tickets. Your agent first goes to Chucks
    Cheap Planes, then will go to Alices
    Safety-Last. Could Chuck change your agent so
    that it will think it already went to Alices?
  • Detect changes to read-only state.
  • Sign the state, so when it arrives, can detect
    modifications. How good?
  • Cannot detect if it was using this during
    execution, though.
  • Append only logs.
  • Initially, log is emptyCinit Kowner(N)
  • If a server S appends new data X, S appends X to
    log, and computes new checksum Cnew
    Kowner(Cold, sig(S, X), S)
  • Selective revealing of state.
  • Provide an array of data items. Each entry is
    only for a designated server, and is encrypted
    with that servers public-key.

Protecting the Target (Host)
  • What kinds of malicious mobile code might attack
    your computer?
  • Virus
  • Applets, ActiveX controls, etc.
  • How do you protect your computer against
    malicious mobile code?
  • Sandboxing two steps
  • Make sure that retrieving the remote code is
    secure (secure classloader).
  • Verifying the byte code
  • What could happen if the first step was not

Protecting the Target
  • Class loaders are trusted, verified.
  • Class verifier to make sure that no illegal
    things are done. Such as?
  • A security manager is used at run-time. What will
    it allow/disallow?
  • What if it needs local files for state, etc.?
  • A sandbox is very restrictive. Jail is probably
    a better term.

  • It makes sense that an untrusted agent should be
    able to create a file in its own space.
    Playgrounds allow a group of untrusted agents to
    create and use local resources.
  • Should it be a separate machine?
  • Another policy is to authenticate source, and use
    a specific security policy based on source. In
    other words, tailor the sandbox to the degree of
    trust. If very trusted, then no need for sandbox.

Verifying Agents
  • How can you trust a mobile agent that you run on
    your computer?

Enforcing Security Policies
  • Can treat object references as capabilities.
  • This fine-grained control might be implemented
    using capabilities via object refs.

  • Stack introspection
  • How about more fine-grained?
  • All calls to a method m of a resource first call
    enable_privilege to check authorization. Upon
    return, call disable_privilege.
  • Java interpreter can handle this automatically.
  • Can also use this to check chains. Suppose O1 can
    call O2, but the specific method is not allowed
    to the original invoker of O1. Stack
    introspection can check this.

Distributed Denial of Service
  • What is it?
  • Can be classified into two kinds, roughly.
    Denying bandwidth and hogging up server
  • How does a typical DDoS work? How can we protect
    against them?

Distributed Denial of Service
  • No single way to protect, need comprehensive
  • Protect machines from getting taken over.
  • Monitor egress routers.
  • Monitor ingress (how well does this work?)
  • Monitor overall network.

Security Management
Key Establishment
  • Is it possible for two parties to establish a
    secret key?
  • PKC is one way.
  • Another way is to use Diffie-Hellman.
  • Agree on n and g. (Can be public.)
  • Alice picks a large, secret number, say x.
  • Sends as below to Bob.
  • Bob picks secret number y.
  • gx mod n is sent in plaintext, what is required
    for this to work?

Key Distribution
  • One pain of these systems is distributing the
    actual, initial secret key.

Public Key Distribution
  • Earlier we talked about how we can be assured
    that a publiic key is genuine.
  • Public key distributed with authentication.
    Private with confidentiality and authentication.

PK Certificates
  • How do we generate a PK pair, for use in PKI? How
    do we verify that the public key is real?
  • User generates pair.
  • Encrypts cert request (containing public key)
    with public key of CA.
  • How do we know the public key is correct?
  • Send it to the CA.
  • CA decrypts it, then sends back a signed
  • A user, when it needs a public key for Bob, can
    now ask for a certificate. It computes the hash,
    then decrypts the hash in the cert with the
    public key of the CA. If there is a match, then
    the public key must be valid.

Digital Certificates Verification
  • How can you verify that the public key you have
    for Bob is the real one?
  • Compute the hash. Decrypt the signature with the
    public key of the signer. If it matches, must be
  • What would it take to break?
  • Cant change, because dont know private key.
  • Can we create a message that has the same hash?

Hierarchies of Trust
  • Suppose you are a CA, and there are 1000 requests
    per week going to you from, say SUNY Albany. That
    is too many! What do you do?
  • Delegate. Tell them to be their own CA. What is
    the disadvantage?
  • Multiple trusted root CA certs.
  • Instead, use chains of trust.

Trust Chains
  • There is no solution. Eventually you must trust.
  • So, use a chain of trust. Assume that you have
    the public key of the root authority, RA, and
    that you got it in a way that you trust it is
  • If you have a PK of B, that you can verify was
    encrypted with RAs private key, then RA vouches
    for the authenticity of Bs public key.
  • You can chain this trust, so RA encrypts RA1s
    public key, RA1 encrypts RA2s public key, etc.

Certificate Revocation
  • Suppose you get a certificate for working in a
    company. Suppose you switch jobs.
  • Should your certificate still work?
  • How to make it not work?
  • One way is with a list of known invalid
  • How is it distributed? How is it checked? How
    long will it get?
  • Another way is by putting an expiration in the
    certificate. How?
  • Does a list still need to be checked?
  • What would you do?

One-Time Pads
  • Anyone ever use a shortwave radio?
  • Suppose you are a spy, and you cannot use any
    fancy techniques like DES. (Why not?)
  • You do have a radio, by which you can transmit
    and receive.
  • How do you encrypt your communications?

Secure Group Management
  • Suppose there are a group of secure servers.
  • For communicating within the group, there is a
    shared secret key.
  • For communications from outside, there is a
    public-private key pair.
  • How does a new process join the group?

  • There is a shared secret key CKG. There is a
    public private key pair KG and K-G.
  • When a process P wants to join, it sends a join
    request (1).
  • Q first authenticates P. How does it know the
    join request is real?
  • A separate protocol is then used to decide on
  • Why use the one-time pad?

Authorization Management
  • Suppose you go to check out a book, or you are
    trying to get into an exclusive party at a
  • How are you authorized?
  • What are the pros/cons of the two approaches?
  • Two basic approaches ACLs and capabilities.
  • A capability is an unforgeable data structure or
    document that grants the holder certain rights.
    The capability is relatively self-contained.
  • Maybe some external information to validate, but
    no explicit storage of rights on server.

  • How are these implemented?
  • Suppose you are trying to access a service. What
    can you present to verify that you have rights to
    that service?
  • How about just a string that says I have been
    authorized to access SSNs?
  • How about a kind of password?
  • Is it possible to delegate (perhaps when changing

Capabilities in Amoeba
  • Check field is a random number associated with
    the object, and stored in the server.
  • Can you forge this?
  • How can you create a restricted capability?

  • XOR new rights with old check field.
  • Hash it using a one-way function.
  • How does a server verify a capability? Does the
    server need to be involved?
  • Can someone add rights to a capability?
  • Can multiple levels of delegation occur?

  • Can we do capabilities with PKI?

  • Assume you want to print a file, but want to do
    it at 4 AM. But you are asleep then, so you send
    in a request now to the print server?
  • Does the print server have access rights to your
  • Could just use a certificate, saying that the
    holder of this certificate has rights R. But it
    could be copied.

  • Proxy used for delegation.
  • Let A be the process that created it.
  • First part is CR, Sproxy. Sproxy is a public
    part of a secret. C is signed to protect against
  • If A wants to delegate, creates this proxy. How
    does Bob prove that he didnt just copy it?
  • By knowing the secret.
  • Can Bob pass on the rights?

  • How the proxy is used.

  • What about using signed messages? Can we chain
  • Alice gives Bob a certificate listing rights. She
    also creates a temporary PK certificate.
  • Now, if Bob wants to delegate, he can create
    another certificate that he signs using the proxy
    cert. He then sends it to Dave.
  • If Dave wants to do something, he presents his
    rights, signed by Bob. Bobs rights, signed by
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