Title: Perspectives On Biotechnology Valuations PBIRG PreConference Education Series
1Perspectives On Biotechnology Valuations PBIRG
Pre-Conference Education Series May 22,
2004 Mike Grey
2SGX Technology Platform
Structure-Guided Drug Discovery
- Fragment-based approach
- Generates high quality novel leads
- Highly integrated process
- Leverages SGX Target to Structure technologies
- Target-to-Structure Technologies
- Protein engineering
- High-throughput crystallization
- Parallel, HT co-crystallization
- SGX-CAT beamline at APS
HT Structure Determination SGX-CAT _at_ APS
HT Protein Production and Crystallization
HT Co-Crystallization
FAST Lead Generation
3Case Study
4Prospect Genomics
- SGX acquired Prospect Genomics on May 4 2001
- Located in San Francisco
- Benefits to SGX
- Technology
- Computational biology
- Computational chemistry
- Provided the basis for FAST
- People
- Stephen Burley CSO
- Jeff Blaney VP Lead Discovery
- High-profile scientific advisors
- Consideration
- Mixture of preferred and common stock
- 35 held in escrow
5Valuation Approach
- Two-step process
- Determine the fair value of the preferred and
common stock issued in the transaction - Determine the fair value of the intangible assets
acquired - Valuation approaches considered
- Market approach
- Income approach
- Cost approach
6Market Approach
- Subject Company Transaction Method
- Price for arms-length transactions for same
property - Guideline Publicly-Traded Company Method
- Comparison with publicly-traded company
- Guideline Transaction Method
- Comparison with other MA transactions
- Subject Company Transaction Method used to value
the stock by comparison with other stock issued
by SGX and adjusting the valuation by taking
account of the differences in rights under the
different classes of stock - Proximity to Series C financing completed by SGX
in September 2000
7Income Approach
- Two-step process
- Project the total monetary benefits expected to
accrue from the property - Discount the monetary benefits at a discount rate
that reflects the degree of risk associated with
realizing the projected benefits - Used in the valuation of in-process technologies
8Cost approach
- Assumes a business interest is worth the value of
its underlying assets (at a minimum) - Most relevant when
- Significant proportion of a companys assets are
liquid - Most of a companys value resides in its fixed
assets - Used in the analysis of the assembled workforce
and certain licenses acquired
9Valuation of Intangible Assets
- License agreements
- Cost approach
- Assembled workforce
- Cost approach
- In-process technology
- DCF approach
- 40 discount rate
- Goodwill
- Residual
10Was It Successful?
- Technology fully subsumed in SGX
- Key part of the value driver for SGX in the
future - Facility closed and activities consolidated in
San Diego resulting in cost savings - Stephen Burley a scientific founder of PGI joined
11General Observations
12Types of Technology
- Bottleneck easing
- Disruptive
- Free standing
13Bottleneck Easing
- Adapts well to partners existing processes, E.G.
- ADME technologies
- Molecular biology tools
- Target validation technology
- Lower-risk, lower-margin activity
- Typically valued on basis of costs saved by the
partner - Requires product focus and streamlined operations
- Broadly applicable technology
- Departs from traditional processes
- Provides large gains in efficiency
- Examples
- Millennium in its technology heyday
- Combinatorial chemistry
- Valuation ranges widely
- Often initially very high supply and demand
- Later can be on a cost-plus basis
- Typically downstream consideration is available
15Free Standing
- Complemented if necessary by existing techniques
can independently deliver products, E.G. - Drug delivery technology
- Pharmacogenomics to identify diagnostics
- Valuation derives from the value of the product
16Technology Trends
- Pilot studies
- Acquisition based on data rather than promise
- Good technology internalized by Pharma
- Many undergo rapid commoditization
- Out of favor with VCs
- Implications for Pharma