Title: FAST: A precision measurement of muon lifetime'
1FAST A precision measurement of muon lifetime.
- Chiara Casella
- FAST collaboration
- A.Barczyk (1) , J. Berdugo (2) , J. Casaus (2) ,
C. Casella (3,4) , K. Deiters (4), P. Dick (4), - A. Dijksman (4), J. Kirkby (1), L. Malgeri (1),
C. Mana (2), J. Marin (2), G. Martinez (2), - C. Petitjean (4), M. Pohl (3,5), E. Sanchez (2),
C. Willmott (2)
2Goal of the experiment
- Balandin et al. (1974)
- Bardin et al. (1984)
- Giovanetti et al. (1984)
- the uncertainty on tm is the dominant
contribution to the uncertainty on GF
3Description of the experiment
1 pixel 0.4 x 0.4 x 20 cm3 12.8 x 19.2 x 20.0
cm3 32 x 48 pixels 1536 pixels 8 x 12 96
groups of 16 bars
DC pion beam p 170 MeV/c at PSI - pM1 area
p ? mnm tp 26 ns m ? enmne tm 2.2 ms
41ppm requirement
5Level 2 trigger (i.e. data reduction)
Max data rate sustainable by DAQ ? 80
MB/sec (Simulated) Raw data rate from the target
? 2300 MB/sec
Trigger system (level 2 trigger) to reduce data
6Level 2 trigger
- Level 2 trigger the only hardware missing
element - CIEMAT Madrid in charge of it
- Prototype tests performed
- Single board (1/16) prototype tested - Dec 2003
- Prototype (1/4) tested - June 2004
- Prototype (1/4) test ? - July 2004 (?)
- Final level 2 commissioning end 2004
72003 Activities
- Target completed assembling at PSI
- 80/96 tubes available
- Complete readout and DAQ chain
- No LV2 trigger available
Beam time Sept Dec 2003
82003 beam test fine tuning
HV efficiency curves for each tube
Preliminary beam tuning (p stopping points
Blind in the vertical (z) direction beam
profile ! ! !
range of beam p (and m) in the target with
variable thickness absorber
92003 beam test timing properties
Time resolution monitored using straight tracks
st 1 ns stable with time
102003 beam test Muon lifetime
- few days run (long run)
- total statistics 7.4 107 events from online
analysis - (10 written to disk for offline studies)
- Run conditions
- - narrow p trigger
- - no LV2 trigger (? all 16 TDCs)
- - low LV1 (beam) trigger rate
- Good background suppression
- Good exponential fit
- - in agreement with PDG value,
- within a bigger error
- st PDG 40 ps
- st 2003 350 ps
112003 beam test Pion lifetime
- Unexpected result from HL run
- Pion lifetime not primary FAST goal
- Short dedicated high threshold run
- Good exponential fit, in agreement
- with PDG value
- st PDG 0.005 ns
- st 2003 0.024 ns
- Preliminary result
- but feasible measurement !!!
12Whats going on now
- 20 old tubes replaced, 16 new tubes in place
- Preamplifiers modified, impedance mismatch cured
- ? Re-tuning of the target
- New DAQ version (faster!)
- Improvements in the target
- Magnetic field
- Z-counter
13Near future improvements
14Conclusions and future plans
- FAST is a small dimension experiment!
- 2003 testbeam successful test
- - Understanding of the detector
- - Readout and DAQ chain performances
- - Preliminary (and encouraging) results!
- 2004 beam time (? 6 August)
- magnet
- Z-counter
- End 2004
- Level 2 trigger ? First FAST data taking run