Title: Worldproofing Your Kids
1Worldproofing Your Kids
- Sue Bohlin
- Probe Ministries
- www.probe.org
25 Questions for Christian Parents to Keep in Mind
- 1. Who makes the rules?
- 2. How do we know what is true?
- 3. Where did we come from?
- 4. What are we supposed to be doing here?
- 5. Where are we going?
3Who Makes the Rules?
- As a nation we used to believe that God made the
rules - Through special revelation He told us what they
are - Shift in the culture
- Man makes the rules
4Who Makes the Rules?
- When man makes the rules
- Strong and powerful vs. weak and defenseless
- Everything breaks down into chaos
- Much pain and suffering in this life is the
result of making our own rules and violating Gods
5Who Makes the Rules?
- When God makes the rules
- Life works the way it was designed
- There are good reasons for the rules
- Josh McDowells Right From Wrong Gods rules
protect and provide - Sex before marriage purity protects our hearts
and bodies, purity provides a better sexual
relationship within marriage - Dont cheat and lie God is truth, honesty and
truth-telling protects us from the pain of lies
and provides for a peace-filled life
6How Do We Know What is True?
- Christian view of truth absolute truth
- Western world used to believe all truth was Gods
truth - Renaissance and Enlightenment Man is the
measure of all things - Modernism People believed there is a body of
truth out there that can be discovered through
our reason
7How Do We Know What is True?
- Postmodern view of truth no such thing as true
truth - Truth is what I make it, whatever works for me. I
create truth based on my feelings and experience. - Christian absolutism (Jesus Christ is the only
way to heaven)
8How Do We Know What is True?
- How do we help our kids know what is true?
- 1. Foundational truth of our lives is Gods word
- Not just a body of truth alive and active (Heb.
9How Do We Know What is True?
- Teach them the Bibles strongest truth claims
- In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth - People are infinitely valuable
- We have a sin problem and we need a Savior
- Jesus claims to be God
- Our kids need to know the truth before they can
spot a lie
10How Do We Know What is True?
- 2. Teach them not to be afraid of criticism from
those who do not believe in truth. - Those who claim a postmodern worldview dont live
by it - Postmodernism doesnt match the real world
- Those who claim there is no absolute truth still
stop at red lights - They pay for groceries with the same money we do
11How Do We Know What is True?
- 3. Strengthen our kids confidence in the truth
by teaching them logic. - Begin with the simplest rule A does not equal
non-A. - Two opposite ideas cannot both be true
- Teach them to recognize red herrings, ad hominem
arguments, begging the question
12How Do We Know What is True?
- Philip Johnsons book Defeating Darwinism by
Opening Minds - Make it a game Spot the Lie.
- Songs, movies, TV shows, commercials and
advertisements - Encourage them to recognize when people make up
private meanings for words - That depends on what the meaning of the word is
13How Do We Know What is True?
- Truth matters to God because He is truth. It
should matter to us as well.
14Where Did We Come From?
- Also Who are we?
- The way we answer these questions also determines
how we deal with - Animal rights
- Abortion
- Infanticide
- Euthanasia
15Where Did We Come From?
- Not about sex and the stork but creation and
evolution - 2 basic answers
- God made us
- We are an accident of the universe the unplanned
product of matter plus chance plus time
16Where Did We Come From?
- If God made us
- We are infinitely valuable and intrinsically
significant - God personally called each of us into existence
- Every other human on the planet is equally
valuable and loved
17Where Did We Come From?
- If evolution is true
- There is no point to our existence
- We have no value because there is no value-giver
- Cornell professor Will Provine If evolution is
true there is no such thing as life after death,
there is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no
ultimate meaning for life there is no free will.
18Where Did We Come From?
- We come hard-wired from the factory longing for
transcendence - We desperately want to be part of a larger story
where we are beloved and pursued - We long to know there is meaning to the world and
to our lives - We come equipped with an innate sense of fairness
and justice - These concepts have no meaning in a world without
a God who is absolutely just and moral
19Where Did We Come From?
- Tap into these basic longings to teach the
creation story - Its the only adequate explanation for our
legitimate thirst for - Relationship
- Significance
- Fairness
- Transcendence
- The creation account also helps us understand
other issues
20Where Did We Come From?
- Its not murder to use animals for food and
clothing - Animals are not like humans
- Not made in the image of God
- Need to be good stewards
21Where Did We Come From?
- Creation account makes human life sacred and holy
- Its wrong to kill babies before they are born
(abortion) - Its wrong to kill babies after they are born
(infanticide) - Its wrong to kill the sick and infirm
22What Are We Supposed to be Doing Here?
- Whats your purpose in life?
- Many high school and college students To have
as good a time as possible. - Cultures expectation that everything is supposed
to be fun and entertaining - Wal-Mart employees
23What Are We Supposed to be Doing Here?
- Cast a vision for our childrens part in the
larger story of life - God has a plan and a purpose for their life
- He calls us to play our specially designed part
- Innate longing for transcendence they have a
role in the big story of creation, fall and
24What Are We Supposed to be Doing Here?
- Teach by word and example that work has dignity
and value - Work is not part of the curse! It is part of
Gods perfect design - Adam and Eve were stewards of the Garden
- Work is part of being a difference maker
- Student, fast-food counter person, house cleaner,
computer programmer, president, mechanic,
administrator, teacher, mother or father we are
called to make a difference in the world and in
Gods kingdom
25What Are We Supposed to be Doing Here?
- Be a cheerleader for our childrens God-given
gifts and talents. - Be students of our kids to understand their
package - Explore personality styles
26What Are We Supposed to be Doing Here?
- Spiritual gifts
- Acknowledge gifts and encourage kids to develop
them - Help kids discover they are called to a special
place of service with a special unique set of
equipment to do whatever God has called them to
27Where Are We Going?
- Another way to inspire confidence in the
Christian worldview is to celebrate the fact that
the best part of life is still ahead. - To recognize the larger cosmic story of creation,
fall and redemption, we need to point kids to the
certainty of an afterlife. - Remind them that their choices on earth will
determine their future in heaven. - Train them in the wisdom of considering both
short-term and long-term consequences of choices.
28Where Are We Going?
- Take our children to biblical passages and good
books that give them a glimpse of where were
headed. - We are half-hearted creatures, fooling around
with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy
is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants
to go on making mud pies in a slum because he
cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a
holiday at the sea. C.S. Lewis
29Where Are We Going?
30Where Are We Going?
- Perhaps we are now qualifying for what degree of
power and authority we will be granted when we
reign with Christ. The New Testament assures us
that those who endure, those who serve now, will
reign later. We can challenge our children, Are
we making daily decisions to serve, to develop
our gifts and talents so we will be best prepared
to reign with Christ? Lael Arrington - You can keep your fork
31Where Are We Going?