Title: Second Law of Thermodynamics Entropy
1Second Law of Thermodynamics - Entropy
- What is Entropy?
- Its a quantitative measure of disorder.
- The unit of entropy is J/K
3Clausius Inequality
Two part system Reversible Cyclic Device (heat
engine) Piston Cylinder Device
4Consider an energy balance for the entire system
5If the heat engine is completely reversible then
This is based on Chapter 5, where it has been
shown that heat transfer in a reversible system
is proportional to the temperature.
6This means that we can rewrite the energy
balance, and solve for the net work (the work of
the combined system.
7That means that we can rewrite the energy
balance, and solve for the net work (the work of
the combined system.
To find the total net work we need to integrate
over time
Why is this a cyclic integral?
8But we know that it is impossible for a system to
exchange heat with only one reservoir, and
produce work!!
That means Wc cant be positive, but it can be
zero or negative!!
9Since TR is always positive
This is called the Clausius inequality. It is
equal to 0 for the reversible case, and is less
than 0 for the irreversible case
10To prove that it is 0 for the reversible case?
If the system is reversible, we can run it
If it produces negative work going one way, it
will produce positive work going the other way
But we know you cant exchange heat with only one
reservoir, and produce work!!
11Therefore, for a reversible system, the cyclic
integral must be 0!!!
12What kind of properties have cyclic integrals
equal to 0?
The cyclic integral of a property is 0!!!
13Remember, only the cyclic integral is equal to 0
14Consider a cycle composed of two
processes Process 1 (from state 1 to state 2) is
reversible Process 2 (from state 2 back to state
1 is arbitrary
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16So, the definition of a change in entropy
17The Entropy Change Between Two Specific States
The entropy change between two specific states is
the same whether the process is reversible or
Entropy is a state function
18Consider an adiabatic reversible process
So DS0
19But what if the process isnt reversible?
Sgen depends on the process
20What kind of things cause a system to be
- Friction
- Unrestrained gas expansion
- Mixing of two fluids
- Etc
- These factors plus heat transfer all cause
entropy to be generated
21Consider an isolated system
Because it is isolated, there is no heat transfer
or work
22The equality holds if all the processes inside
the system are reversible
23Now consider the universe
- It can be considered to be an isolated system!!
24You can consider any system to be isolated, if
you draw your system boundaries out far enough
Sgen is always greater than 0 for real systems
25- How do you calculate entropy changes for real
systems? - If its reversible adiabatic, DS0
- If its isothermal heat transfer
- If its not an ideal gas, just look it up on the
property tables
26Entropy is a property
27The entropy of a pure substance is determined
from the tables, just as for any other property
28Some Remarks about Entropy
- Processes can occur in a certain direction only,
not in any direction such that - Entropy is a non-conserved property, and there is
no such thing as the conservation of entropy
principle. The entropy of the universe is
continuously increasing. - The performance of engineering systems is
degraded by the presence of irreversibilities,
and entropy generation is a measure of the
magnitudes of the irreversibilities present
during that process.
29Isentropic Processes
- The entropy of a fixed mass can be changed by
- Heat transfer
- Irreversibilities
- If the entropy does not change, it is isentropic
30Engineering Devices
- Many engineering devices are essentially adiabatic
31- They perform best when irreversibilities are
eliminated - Isentropic model serves as an idealization of a
real process - These devices work best when they are isentropic
32The assumption that a process is isentropic,
gives us a connection between the inlet and
outlet conditions just like assuming constant
volume, or constant pressure
33Property Diagrams Involving Entropy
This area has no meaning for irreversible
34Consider some special cases of the Ts diagram
Isothermal Process
Isentropic Process
35T-s Diagram for the Carnot Cycle
36Mollier Diagrams (h-s Diagrams)
For adiabatic, steady flow devices, Dh is a
measure of work, and Ds is a measure of
37Mollier Diagram for Steam, see Appendix
38Work Done during a Process
- In Chapter 4 we found the work done in a closed
system due to moving boundaries and expressed it
in terms of the fluid properties - In a process, there are usually no moving
39Work Done During a Process
- It would be useful to be able to express the work
done during a steady flow process, in terms of
system properties - Recall that steady flow systems work best when
they have no irreversibilities
40Energy Balance for a steady flow device
41All we have to do now is integrate!!
In order to integrate, we need to know the
relationship between v and P
42For solids and liquids
v is constant
43Steady flow of a liquid through a pipe or a nozzle
There is no work!!
Bernoullis equation
44Steady Flow of a Liquid through a pump or a
Note that the work term is smallest when v is
small, so for a pump (which uses work) you want v
to be small. For a turbine (which produces work)
you want v to be big.
45Compressor Work
We integrated this equation for v constant,
which is good for liquids but what about gases?
Consider an ideal gas, at constant T
Remember, this is only true for the isothermal
case, for an ideal gas
46Compressor Work
Another special case is isentropic
We derived the isentropic relationships earlier
in this chapter
Rearrange to find v, plug in and integrate
Now its just algebra, to rearrange into a more
useful form
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48Remember, this equation only applies to the
isentropic case, for an ideal gas, assuming
constant specific heats
49Compressor Work
Another special case is polytropic
Back in Chapter 3 we said that in a polytropic
process Pvn is a constant
This is exactly the same as the isentropic case,
but with n instead of k!!
50Pv Diagram for Isentropic, Polytropic and
Isothermal compression, for the same final and
initial pressures
The area to the left of each line represents the
work, vdP
Note, it takes less work for an isothermal process
You should compress isothermally, and you should
use an isentropic process in a turbine!!
51How do you keep a compression process isothermal?
- The gas will heat up as it is compressed, so it
needs to be cooled - Intercooling is difficult
- Instead, multistage compression is more common,
with cooling between steps
52Two stage Compressor
53How do you decide how to break up the compression
- You save the most work by intercooling, when each
compressor carries the same load
Since you cool back to T1 between stages, the
only things that change in this equation are the
54For the work done by each stage to be equal, the
pressure ratio must be equal
55Isentropic Efficiencies of Steady Flow Devices
- Real devices are never really isentropic
- There are always irreversibilities that downgrade
performance - We should compare real devices to isentropic ones
- Second Law Efficiency
56Isentropic Efficiency
- Most steady flow devices are intended to operate
under adiabatic conditions - Lets compare how well real devices work to how
well comparable isentropic devices work - Same inlet conditions
- Same outlet conditions
- Turbine, Compressor and Nozzle
58Remember, the work done in a turbine can be found
from the energy balance
Do example 7-14, page 314
59Isentropic Efficiencies of Compressors and Pumps
- Ratio of the work required to raise the pressure
of a gas to a specified value, in a isentropic
manner, to the actual work
Note that this equation is arranged so that it is
always less than one!!
60Remember, the work done by a compressor can be
found from the energy balance
61Applies to both gases and liquids
Isentropic work for a liquid
Only applies to a liquid
62Sometimes compressors are cooled intentionally
- Cooling reduces the specific volume, resulting in
less work required for compression - For compressors that are intentionally cooled,
the isothermal model is more realistic
Do example 7-15, page 316
63Isentropic Efficiency of Nozzles
- The objective of a nozzle is to increase the
kinetic energy of the gas - Usually, the inlet velocity is low enough that we
can consider it to have zero kinetic energy
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