8' Selected Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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8' Selected Applications


A general Ising model can be used to understand variety of problems such as ... The basic move we can do in a Ising model is a spin flip, si - -si ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 8' Selected Applications

8. Selected Applications
Applications of Monte Carlo Methods
  • Structure and thermodynamic properties of matter
    gas, liquid, solid, polymers, (bio)-macro-molecul
  • Ising model as an example

Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
  • Interactions between atoms or molecules (at a
    classical mechanical level) are described by
    inter-molecular potentials

A Quick Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
  • When a system has a fixed energy E and number of
    particles N, each microstate has equal
    probability consistent with the constraints
  • Entropy
  • S kB log W
  • W is the number of microstates and
    kB is Boltzmann constant.

Boltzmann Distribution
In canonical ensemble (fixed temperature T,
volume V, and particle number N), the
distribution of a (micro) state is P(X) ?
Ludwig Boltzmann, 1844-1906
Partition Function and Free Energy
  • We define partition function
  • Z ?X exp(-ßE(X)), ß 1/(kBT)
  • Free energy is F -kBT log Z, we have
  • F U TS, dF - S dT P dV
  • Thus

Force Field -Van der Waals
  • Lennard-Jones potential, useful to representing
    van der Waals force and model for noble gases

Embedded-Atom Potential for Metal
  • where density is a complicated function of local
    coordinates and

Potential for Bio-molecules
  • V (bonding) (angle and torsion angle)
    (Coulomb) (van der Waals)
  • E.g., the bonding is usually modeled by an
    elastic spring

Equilibrium Properties and Minimum Energy
  • All of them can be determined by the
    configuration integral
  • Simulated annealing let T -gt 0 gradually

Properties of Interests
  • Average energy, specific heat, free energy
  • Pair correlation functions
  • Equation of state (pressure)
  • Temperature?

Pair Correlation
  • Let ?(r) ?i d(r-ri), we define the pair
    correlation function as
  • g(r) lt ?(r) ?(rr) gt
  • Both the average potential energy and pressure
    can be expressed in terms of g(r) (for system
    with pair-wise potentials).

Configuration Temperature
  • We can also sample the temperature from the
    configuration based on virial theorem
  • kBT lt u ?Hgt
  • where u is any vector satisfies ?u 1
  • (u and ? are in the space of all momentum p and
    coordinates q)

Use Locality for Efficient Calculation of ?E
  • The most time-consuming part in MC is calculating

Most Recent Work on 2D Hard disks
The hexatic phase of the two-dimensional hard
disks system A. Jaster May 11, 2003 We report
Monte Carlo results for the two-dimensional hard
disk system in the transition region. Simulations
were performed in the NVT ensemble with up to
10242 disks. The scaling behaviour of the
positional and bond-orientational order parameter
as well as the positional correlation length
prove the existence of a hexatic phase as
predicted by the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nels
on-Young theory. The analysis of the pressure
shows that this phase is outside a possible
first-order transition.
The article can be downloaded from
The Ising Model

The energy of configuration s is E(s) - J ?ltijgt
si sj where i and j run over a lattice, ltijgt
denotes nearest neighbors, s 1






s s1, s2, , si,
Periodic Boundary Condition
  • To minimize the effect of edges, we usually use
    periodic boundary condition
  • The neighbor of the site at coordinates I,J is
  • (I1) mod L, J and
  • I, (J1) mod L

I or J takes value 0, 1, 2, , L-1.
General Ising Model
  • E(s) -B ?si - ?Jijsisj - ?Kijksisjsk
  • A general Ising model can be used to understand
    variety of problems such as phase transitions,
    molecular adsorption on surfaces, image
    processing, classification problems

Single Spin Flip
  • The basic move we can do in a Ising model is a
    spin flip, si -gt -si
  • One possible choice of the T matrix is

Compute ?E
  • where summation over j is over the nearest
    neighbors of current site i.

C Program for Nearest Neighbor Ising Model
  • montecarlo( )
  • int k, i, e, nnZ
  • for(k0 kltN k)
  • i drand48() ( (double) N)
  • neighbor(i,nn)
  • for(e0, j0 j lt Z j)
  • e snnj
  • e 2si
  • if(e lt 0 drand48() lt exp(-e/T) )
  • si - si

where Z, N, T are constants.
Quantities to Sample
  • Average energy ltE(s)gt
  • Specific heat by the formula
  • 3. Magnetization ltMgt lt?isigt

Quantities to Sample
  • Susceptibility by
  • kBT? ltM2gt-ltMgt2
  • 5. Binders 4-th order cumulant
  • U 1 - ltM4gt/(3ltM2gt2)
  • Spin correlation function ltsi sjgt
  • Time-dependent correlation function, e.g.,

Specific Heat of 2D Ising Model
From D P Landau, Phys Rev B 13 (1976) 2997.
Finite-Size Scaling
  • Singular part of free-energy has the scaling
  • F(L,T) L-(2-a)/? g( (T-Tc)/Tc L1/? )
  • This implies at Tc for large size L,
  • M ? L-ß/?, ? ? L?/?, C ? La/?

Shift of Tc
Tc(L) Tc(8) a L-1/?
By considering the shift of Tc with respect to
sizes, Ferrenberg and Landau determined highly
accurate 1/Tc 0.22165950.0000026 for the 3D
Ising model.
From A M Ferrenberg and D P Landau, Phys Rev B 44
(1991) 5081
Accurate Exponent Ratio
Finite-size scaling ? ? L?/? at Tc0 for the
three-state anti-ferromagnetic Potts model E(s)
J ?lti,jgt d(si, sj) Where s 1,2,3 and d is
Kronecker delta function. We found numerically
that ?/? 1.666 0.002
From J S Wang, R H Swendsen, and R Kotecký, Phys
Rev. B, 42 (1990) 2465.
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