- Lina Dikaite
- Klaipeda, 2009
2The main facts territory
Length 98km territory of LR 52km territory
of RF 46km The widest place 3,8km
(Bulvikis cape) The most narrow place
0,38km (RF, by Lesnoje) The highest point
67,2m (Vecekrugas or Senosios smukles
d.) Settlements LR 5 Smiltyne, Juodkrante,
Pervalka, Preila, Nida (Alksnynes steading) 2,6
th. residents RF 3 Morskoje (Pilkopa), Rybachy
(Rasyte), Lesnoje (Sharkuva) 1,5 th.
3The main facts territory
The national park was founded in 1991.
- The area of the national Park 26464 ha.
- 9764 ha land surface
- 16700 ha waters
- Neringa municipality
- 8,98 th. of land surface.
- Klaipeda city municipality
- 0,794 th. ha of land surface.
4Functional zones 5 Conservation
strict nature reserves 1817 ha reserves
5683 ha Protection 63 ha Recreation
1937 ha Economic 37 ha Residential
224 ha
5Waters in the national park
The Curonian lagoon Total 1584 sq.km Lithuanian
part 415 sq.km Kuriu nerija national park part
42 sq.km The Baltic sea Kuriu nerija
national park part 125 sq.km (20th isobath)
6Water tourism in Kuriu nerija national park area
- Infrastructure 2 marinas (Smiltyne, Nida), 3
harbors (Juodkrante, Preila, Pervalka), no petrol
station for ships. - More than 150 ships visits per year in Smiltyne
and Nida marinas. - No public water transport, no regular connection
with Klaipeda and Nemunas delta. - Water tourism service about 25 ships, from 10 to
300 seats (tours to Nemunas delta, picnics,
fishing tours (mainly in the sea - cod fishing),
canoeing. - 2 sailing schools (Smiltyne, Nida).
- Sailing, kite surfing and etc. clubs.
- Regattas Curonian lagoon regatta celebrated
60th anniversary.
7Preconditions for the water tourism development
in the national park
- Historical traditions everyday life of local
people is connected with water.
8Preconditions for the water tourism development
in the national park
- The Curonian Spit covers 50 percent of the
Lithuanian coast line of the Baltic sea.
9Preconditions for the water tourism development
in the national park
- This area is one of the three main tourism
destinations in Lithuania.
10Preconditions for the water tourism development
in the national park
- The number of private boats are increasing.
In Marina of Nida In 2000 registered 72 visits of
the ships In 2004 122 In 2008 367 In marina
of Smiltyne In 2005 registered 134 visits of the
ships In 2006 116 In 2007 107 In 2008 - 161
11Preconditions for the water tourism development
in the national park
- In the core planning document the planning
scheme of Kursiu nerija national park - is fixed
the priority for water tourism. There are such
proposals for the infrastructure development - extension of the Smiltyne marina
- Construction of marina in Juodkrante
- Reconstruction of small harbor in Pervalka
- Extention of harbor in Preila
- Construction of the wharf in Alksnyne.
12Preconditions for the water tourism development
in the national park
- New initiatives to reconstruct the old and to
construct the new harbors (feasibility studies,
planning documents).
Smiltyne marina
Juodkrante marina
- The Curonian spit together with the part of the
Baltic Sea and Curonian lagoon is the protected
area where some restrictions for activities and
infrastructure exist. For instance - Forbidden to use water motorcycles in the part of
the Curonian lagoon where is protected area
founded. Impossible to use water motorcycles in
the sea no special infrastructure for a
launching (according demands of the low). - - Limited constructions of infrastructure
according the planning scheme of the national
park and other legislation acts. - - Forbidden to land in the strict reserve zones.
14Some factors that limits water tourism development
- Seasonality
- In summer time the tourism season starts in the
end of May, but the main season is July August - In winter time mild climate, not regular ice
covering. - Economical factors
- shot season,
- old ships base,
- requirements.
- Border crossing problems
- Legislation of the water
- tourism infrastructure.
15Positive attitude
- This kind of tourism is rather ecological and can
help to solve such problems for our protected
area as - recreational overuse overcrowded areas with
cars, traffic jams close to the ferry. - pollution,
- to reduce harm for sensitive natural areas.
- At the same the development of water tourism can
create opportunity for visitors to see more
wanders of nature and to form assumption for
active forms of recreation.
16Thank You!
Kursiu nerija nationa parkNagliu g.8, Neringa,
LT-93123LITHUANIAphone/fax 370 469
51224e-mail knnp_at_nerija.lt http//www.nerija.lt