Title: Sonic Mach Cones in a Perturbative QuarkGluon Plasma
1Sonic Mach Cones in a Perturbative Quark-Gluon
Presented by Bryon Neufeld (of Duke University)
on August 23rd 2008 In collaboration with Berndt
Mueller and Joerg Ruppert
1 arXiv0802.2254, 2 arXiv0805.0385, 3
2Jets as a Probe of the QGP
Formed when two energetic partons scatter at a
large angle and acquire a large transverse
momentum relative to the beam direction
- Thanks to J. Casalderrey-Solana
3- Interesting Questions
- What is the energy and momentum perturbation of a
QGP due to a fast parton? - Similarly, Is a Mach cone created by a supersonic
parton propagating through the quark gluon
- A Mach cone is formed when an object moves faster
than the speed of sound relative to it's medium.
4Why so much interest?
Possibilities Deflected Jets, Large Angle
Gluon Radiation, Cherenkov, Mach cone shock waves
Au-Au at 200 GeV c.m. energy di-hadron
correlations Per-trigger yield distribution
5Start with the Question What is the energy and
momentum perturbation of a QGP due to a fast
Treat the fast parton as the source of an
external color field interacting with a QGP and
described by the distribution f(x,p,Q). The
Vlasov equation for this system is
6- Using Wongs Chromomagnetic Equations of Motion
Take moments in Q space
7Yields the basic equations needed
f1 vanishes in equilibrium (color neutral),
truncate the series at order gA
To finally get
8Taking the microscopic to the macroscopic
With assumption of local therm. Eq., yields
9Back to the Question What is the energy and
momentum perturbation of a QGP due to a fast
parton?In this approach the answer is
- J gives the energy/momentum deposited per unit
time, it is a source term - Assumptions the medium is perturbative in
coupling g, hydrodynamics
10The source term has been explicitly evaluated
both with and without medium screening included.
Linearized hydro
- These equations are valid in the limit of a weak
source - Solve for deposited energy denisty, sound
momentum, and diffusion momentum - Parameters
11Results deposited energy density
-4 fm
12Results deposited momentum density
-4 fm
13Turning the Hydrodynamic Solution into a Particle
Use a Cooper Frye Freeze-Out Prescription (choose
the minimal viscosity solution)?
Compare the spectrum for two different freeze-out
scenarios. Examine sensitivity of result to
freeze-out assumption. Remove the diffusive
contribution for clarity.
14Two different Freeze-Out Scenarios
Radial Scenario
Phi 0
5 fm rad.
Freeze-Out Surface
Isochronous Brick
Infinite Freeze-Out Volume at fixed time
Radial Scenario
Isochronous Brick
Near side distribution Added by Hand Using Simple
- There is experimental evidence that sonic Mach
cones are induced by fast partons at RHIC - A theoretical investigation into the formation of
Mach cones in the QGP should first start with the
more general question What is the distribution
of energy and momentum deposited into a QGP due
to a fast parton? - This distribution is calculated in a pQGP and we
find a mach cone in the linearized hydrodynamics.
- With CERTAIN ASSUMPTIONS, one can obtain a
particle spectrum that has a similar structure as
that seen at RHICHowever, take this with a big
grain of salt! - Any meaningful comparison with data requires
incorporating a realistic source term in an
expanding medium
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